UHF涓€浣撳寲璇誨啓鍣║HF integrated reader 1)鏈駭鍝佸叿鏈夊鍗忚鍏煎錛氭敮鎸両SO18000-6C錛圗PC C1G2錛夈€両SO18000-6B澶氬崗璁數瀛愭爣絳綯his product has multi-protocol compatibility: supports ISO18000-6C(EPC C1G2 ) and ISO18000-6B multi-protocol electronic tags. 2)璇誨彇閫熺巼蹇細緇撳悎涓撴湁鐨勯珮鏁堢數瀛愭爣絳?、版挒澶勭悊绠楁硶锛屽湪淇濇寔楂樿瘑璇荤巼鐨勫悓鏃跺Q屽疄鐜板鐢靛瓙鏍囩鐨勫揩閫熻鍐欏鐞唂ast reading speed: combined with proprietary and efficient collision processing algorithm for electronic tags
闃呰璇︾粏* 宸ヤ笟綰SO14443 RFID璇誨啓鍣↖ndustrial ISO14443 RFID reader鍔熻兘鐗圭偣Functional characteristics錛?nbsp; 1) 璇嗗埆閫熷害 & 鑳藉姏錛氱粨鍚堜笓鏈夌殑楂樻晥鐢靛瓙鏍囩紕版挒澶勭悊綆楁硶錛屽湪淇濇寔楂樿瘑璇葷巼鐨勫悓鏃訛紝瀹炵幇瀵圭數瀛愭爣絳劇殑蹇€熻鍐欏鐞嗐€?nbsp;Identification speed & capability: Combining with proprietary and efficient collision processing algorithm for electronic tags, fast reading and writing processing for electronic tags can be realized while maintaining high recogniti
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃涓庨槻浼€佽拷婧€佸皠棰戣瘑鍒簲鐢ㄨ蔣浠剁郴緇熷紑鍙戝拰璁$畻鏈轟俊鎭郴緇熼泦鎴愬強榪愮淮鏈嶅姟鐩稿叧鐨勪俊鎭畨鍏ㄧ鐞嗘椿鍔ㄨ幏寰椼€奍SO27001淇℃伅瀹夊叏綆$悊浣撶郴璁よ瘉璇佷功銆婣nd anti-counterfeiting,traceability,radiofrequency identification application software system development and accounting information security system activities related to computer information system integration and operation and maintenance services Obtained " ISO27001 Information Security Management System Certif
闃呰璇︾粏璇鴻礉灝旂墿鐞嗗濂栫殑鐩稿叧楂樼鎶€鈥斺€斺€滅煶澧ㄧ儻鑱氬悎灞忊€濓紝鐭沖ⅷ鐑仛鍚堝睆鏄敱鐭沖ⅷ鐑埗鎴愮殑鏌旀€ц杽鑶滄樉紺哄睆錛屾縺媧誨悗鍙互鏄劇ず鏂囧瓧鎴栧浘妗堬紝鍐呭惈瀹氬埗閫氱敤鍨婻FID鏍囩錛屾槸鐭沖ⅷ鐑妧鏈湪楂樼闃蹭吉棰嗗煙鐨勫皷绔妧鏈拰鏈€鏂板簲鐢ㄣ€俆he relevant high-tech of the Nobel Prize in Physics, " Graphene Polymerization Screen", is a flexible film display screen made of graphene, which can display characters or patterns after activation and contains customized universal RFID tags. It is the cutting-edge technology and the latest
闃呰璇︾粏鐢變簲鐩劇鎶€鐮斿彂鐨?quot;NFC浜у搧寮€灝佸垽鏂瘑鍒槻浼函婧愮郴緇烿1.0"鍙娾€滃熀浜嶳FID瓚呴珮棰戠殑浜у搧淇℃伅杈ㄨ瘑緋葷粺V1.0鈥濊幏寰楀浗瀹剁増鏉冪櫥璁般€俆he " NFC product unsealing judgment and identification security traceability system V1.0" and " RFID UHF - based product information identification system V1.0" developed by wudun technology have won the national copyright registration.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐨勯槻浼槻紿滆拷婧郴緇熴€侀槻浼妧鏈駭鍝併€丷FID鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆佺墿鑱旂綉搴旂敤緇堢鐨勭爺鍙戙€佹帹騫褲€侀攢鍞強鏈嶅姟璇勫絎﹀悎GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015璐ㄩ噺綆$悊浣撶郴璁よ瘉銆俆he research and development, promotion, sales and service evaluation of anti-counterfeiting and anti-channeling tracing system, anti-counterfeiting technology products, RFID electronic tags and Internet of Things application terminals of Chongqing Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. conform to the certification
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters:*闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁浼犺緭鍜屼緵搴旇兘婧怌ontactless data transmission and energy supply*13.56 MHz鐨勫伐浣滈鐜嘜perating frequency of 13.56 MHz*106 kbit / s鐨勬暟鎹紶杈揹ata transfer*16浣岰RC錛屽鍋舵牎楠岋紝浣嶇紪鐮侊紝浣嶈鏁扮殑鏁版嵁瀹屾暣鎬?6 - bit CRC, parity check, bit encoding, data integrity of bit count*宸ヤ綔璺濈鍙揪100姣背錛堝彇鍐充簬鍚勭鍙傛暟錛屼緥濡傚満寮哄拰澶╃嚎鍑犱綍褰㈢姸錛塛orking distance up to 100mm ( depending on various parameters such as field strength and antenna geometry )*7瀛楄妭搴忓垪鍙鳳紙鏍規嵁IS
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鑾峰緱鍥藉鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈灞€棰佸彂鐨勩€婁竴縐嶉槻浼爣璇嗗強鍏惰繘琛岄槻浼殑緋葷粺銆嬬殑涓撳埄璇佷功銆侰hongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the patent certificate of " an anti-counterfeiting mark and its anti-counterfeiting system" issued by the state intellectual property office.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃琚撼鍏ラ噸搴嗗競縐戞妧鍨嬩紒涓氭暟鎹簱Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. is included in the database of Chongqing science and technology enterprises
闃呰璇︾粏瀹炵幇Implementation錛?銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佽姱鐗囨敞濉戝埌鍖呰鐩掑唴錛汭njection molding the chip into the packaging box;3銆佸疄鐜拌姱鐗囧寘瑁呴槻浼猂ealizing anti-counterfeiting of chip packaging鍙傛暟Parameters錛氬崗璁甈rotocol錛欼SO/IEC 14443 A &nb
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氳姱鐗嘋hip: NXP (U Code 8 )鏍囩鏉愯川: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) Label material: 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡: 閾濊殌鍒籄ntenna manufacturing method: aluminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard: ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖? EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓) Chip memory area: EPC 128 bits ( readable and writable )TID錛?6Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐? TID: 96 bi
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氭爣絳炬潗璐↙abel material: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡Antenna manufacturing method: 閾濊殌鍒籥luminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard錛?ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖篊hip memory area: EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓readable and writable) TID 96Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐檙eadable a
闃呰璇︾粏鍔熻兘Functions:1銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佺壒孌婃潗鏂欏瀷闃蹭吉錛汼pecial material type anti-counterfeiting;3銆佺墿嫻侀槻紿滆揣甯傚満鐩戠銆係upervision of the logistics anti-channeling market.鍙傛暟Parameters:鍗忚Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443 TYpeA宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency錛?3.56MHz浼犺緭Transmission錛氶潪鎺ヨЕ寮廋ontactless閫氫俊娉㈢壒鐜嘋ommunication baud rate錛?06Kbit/s宸ヤ綔璺濈Working distance錛氬皬浜?00mm(涓庡ぉ綰胯璁℃湁鍏?less than 10
闃呰璇︾粏涓昏閫傜敤鐗圭偣錛歁ain applicable features:1銆佸寘瑁呭紑灝佽鍙栨暟鎹紺猴紱 Warning to read data when packaging is opened;2銆佸寘瑁呭畬鏁翠駭鍝侀槻浼函婧愪俊鎭弽棣堬紱security traceability Information Feedback of Packaging Complete Products;3銆侀槻浼函ID涓庤姱鐗囩墿鐞哢UID榪涜緇戝畾錛屼笉鍙鏀逛笌澶嶅埗銆?nbsp; The anti-counterfeiting tracing ID is bound to the physical UUID of the chip and cannot be tampered with or copied.閮ㄤ喚鍙傛暟錛歋ome parameters:*闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁浼犺緭鍜屼緵
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃浜?018騫?0鏈?鏃ュ啀嬈¤幏寰楃敱涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥藉浗瀹剁増鏉冨眬棰佸彂鐨勶細鈥滀綔鍝佺櫥璁拌瘉涔︺€傗€滳hongqing wudun science and technology co., ltd. again won the " work registration certificate" issued by the national copyright administration of the people's Republic of China on October 9, 2018.
闃呰璇︾粏RFID灞傛灦鏍囩,騫挎硾榪愮敤浜庡浘涔﹂/浠撳偍鐗╂祦琛屼笟鐨勬姉閲戝睘璐ф灦鏍囩.楂橀/瓚呴珮棰戜袱涓孌靛潎鏈夎繍鐢紝涓昏閲囩敤RFID鐢靛瓙鏍囩鎶€鏈疄鐜版暟鎹嚜鍔ㄩ噰闆嗗姛鑳斤紝緇撳悎鏁版嵁搴撳強杞歡綆$悊緋葷粺瀹炵幇鍥句功棣嗚嚜鍔╁€熻繕銆佸浘涔︾洏鐐廣€佸浘涔︿笂鏋躲€佸浘涔︽绱€佸浘涔﹂槻鐩椼€佸€熼槄璇佺鐞嗐€佸浘涔﹁瘉鍙戞斁銆侀钘忎俊鎭粺璁$瓑絳夊姛鑳姐€俁FID shelf labels are widely used in the anti-metal shelf labels of library / warehouse logistics industry. Both high frequency and ultra-high frequency bands are used, mainly using RFID electronic label technology to realize the function of automatic data
闃呰璇︾粏鐢變簬NTAG21x鏍囩IC鍏鋒湁楂樿緭鍏ョ數瀹癸紝鍥犳璇ヤ駭鍝佸挨涓洪€傜敤浜庤姹傚叿鏈夊皬灝哄鐨勫簲鐢紝鑰屼笉浼氶檷浣庢€ц兘銆傚皬鍨婲FC鏍囩鍙洿杞繪澗鍦板祵鍏ヤ駭鍝佹爣絳炬垨鐢靛瓙璁懼絳夌洰鏍囦腑銆俆hanks to the high input capacitance, NTAG21x tag ICs are particularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels or electronic devices.鐗規€eatures& 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁鍜岀數鑳戒紶杈揅ontactless transmission of data and supply e
闃呰璇︾粏涓嶯TAG 213鐩告瘮錛孨TAG 213 TT鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氬姛鑳斤紝涓烘櫤鑳藉寘瑁呭拰鍝佺墝淇濇姢鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氫紭鍔褲€侼TAG 213 TT鏂扮殑鏍囩綃℃敼鍔熻兘錛屽湪鍚姩榪囩▼涓嫻嬫爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勭姸鎬併€傚鏋滄帰嫻嬬嚎寮€璺紝NTAG 213 TT灝嗘案涔呭瓨鍌ㄨ浜嬩歡銆傛爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勪俊鎭姸鎬佸彲浠ョ敤ASCII鐮侀暅鍍忓埌鍖呭惈NDEF淇℃伅鐨勭敤鎴峰瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓紝鎴栬€呭彲浠ョ敤涓撶敤鍛戒護璇誨彇 NTAG 213 TT offers extended features compared to the NTAG 213 providing additional benefits for smart packaging and brand protection. NTAG 213 TT the new tag tamper functionality which is detecting the status
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鑾峰緱涓浗璐ㄩ噺璁よ瘉鐩戠濮斿憳浼氬強鍏ㄥ浗鍝佺墝璁よ瘉鑱旂洘鑱斿悎棰佸彂鐨勩€婅川閲?鏈嶅姟.璇氫俊AAA浼佷笟銆嬭瘉涔︺€傝瘉涔︾紪鍙鳳細CQCP-SA575.Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the certificate of " AAA enterprise of quality, service and integrity" jointly issued by China quality certification regulatory Committee and national brand certification alliance. Certificate number: CQCP-SA575.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃浣滀負閲嶅簡闃蹭吉涓撲笟鍏徃錛屽凡浜庝粖鏃ュ畬鎴愪簡鍐滀笟浜у搧婧簮緋葷粺V2.3鐨勬渶鍚庢祴璇勶紝娑堣垂鑰呭彲浠ラ€氳繃鎵弿浜岀淮鐮佹煡璇㈠啘浜у搧鐨勭湡浼俊鎭紝鍚屾椂鍙互婧簮鍐滀駭鍝佺殑浜у搧銆佺瀛愩€佸ぉ姘斻€佸湡澹ゃ€佺妞嶈繃紼嬨€佺敓闀垮懆鏈熻繃紼嬨€佹柦鑲ヨ褰曘€佸啘鑽褰曘€佹満鏋勮璇佺瓑淇℃伅銆傝鎯呭彲鐧誨綍www.meiliyingxiao.cn浣撻獙銆侰hongqing wudun technology co., ltd, as a professional anti-counterfeiting company in Chongqing, has completed the final evaluation of the agricultural product traceability system V2.3 today. consumers can scan the two-dimensional code to find out the authen