浜旂浘鍔犲瘑褰╃爜鍙樿壊鏍囨槸浠ョ幇浠e瘑鐮佸鎶€鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈€佽闊蟲妧鏈€両NTERNET緗戠粶鎶€鏈瓑澶氱璁$畻鏈轟俊鎭妧鏈負鍩虹錛屼互緇堢娑堣垂鑰呮垨鐢ㄦ埛鏌ラ獙浜у搧鐪熶吉涓烘墜孌靛艦鎴愮殑涓€濂楅槻浼郴緇熸妧鏈€俆he 5-D encrypted color code color-changing label is a set of anti-counterfeiting system technology based on various computer information technologies such as modern cryptography, communication technology, voice technology, Internet network technology, and by means of checking the authenticity of products by end consumers or users.
First of all, it is different from the traditional anti-counterfeiting password in that the password is made by designating a certain color according to the system encryption algorithm and combining it with special printing equipment and corresponding systems.
It is not easy to copy. In addition to the correct digits of the password itself, it is also necessary to ensure the correct color and high anti-counterfeiting performance.