涓嶯TAG 213鐩告瘮錛孨TAG 213 TT鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氬姛鑳斤紝涓烘櫤鑳藉寘瑁呭拰鍝佺墝淇濇姢鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氫紭鍔褲€侼TAG 213 TT鏂扮殑鏍囩綃℃敼鍔熻兘錛屽湪鍚姩榪囩▼涓嫻嬫爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勭姸鎬併€傚鏋滄帰嫻嬬嚎寮€璺紝NTAG 213 TT灝嗘案涔呭瓨鍌ㄨ浜嬩歡銆傛爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勪俊鎭姸鎬佸彲浠ョ敤ASCII鐮侀暅鍍忓埌鍖呭惈NDEF淇℃伅鐨勭敤鎴峰瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓紝鎴栬€呭彲浠ョ敤涓撶敤鍛戒護璇誨彇
NTAG 213 TT offers extended features compared to the NTAG 213 providing additional benefits for smart packaging and brand protection. NTAG 213 TT the new tag tamper functionality which is detecting the status of a tag tamper wire during the startup. In case of an open detection wire, the NTAG 213 TT permanently stores this event. Information status of the tag tamper wire can be mirrored in ASCII code into the user memory which contains the NDEF message or can be read with a dedicated command
姝ゅ錛孨TAG 213 TT榪樻彁渚涗簡鏀硅繘鐨勫師鍒涚鍚嶏紝鍙湪鏍囩鍒濆鍖栨湡闂村鍏惰繘琛岀紪紼嬪拰閿佸畾
Further on the NTAG 213 TT offers the improved originality signature which can be programmed and locked during the tag initialization
NTAG 213 TT瀹屽叏絎﹀悎NFC Forum 2綾籘ag瑙勮寖鍜孖SO/IEC14443 A綾昏鑼冦€?/span>
The NTAG 213 TT is fully compliant to NFC Forum Type 2 Tag and ISO/IEC14443 Type A specifications.
* 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁鍜岀數鑳戒紶杈?/span>
Contactless transmission of data and supply energy
* 宸ヤ綔棰戠巼錛?3.56 MHz
Operating frequency of 13.56 MHz
* 鏁版嵁浼犺緭錛?06 kbit/s
Data transfer of 106 kbit/s
* 鏁版嵁瀹屾暣鎬э細16浣岰RC銆佸鍋舵牎楠屻€佷綅緙栫爜銆佷綅璁℃暟
Data integrity of 16-bit CRC, parity, bit coding, bit counting
* 宸ヤ綔璺濈錛氭渶榪?00 mm (鍙栧喅浜庝笉鍚屽弬鏁幫紝濡傚満寮哄拰澶╃嚎鍑犱綍灝哄)
Operating distance up to 100 mm (depending on various parameters as e.g. field strength and antenna geometry)
* 7瀛楄妭搴忓垪鍙?絎﹀悎ISO/IEC 14443-3綰ц仈2綰?
7-byte serial number (cascade level 2 according to ISO/IEC 14443-3)
* 鐢ㄤ簬鑷姩搴忓垪鍖朜DEF娑堟伅鐨刄ID ASCII闀滃儚
UID ASCII mirror for automatic serialization of NDEF messages
* 鎺ユ敹鍒拌鍙栧懡浠ゆ椂鑷姩瑙﹀彂NFC璁℃暟鍣?/span>
Automatic NFC counter triggered at a reading command
* NFC璁℃暟鍣ㄧ殑ASCII闀滃儚鍙嚜鍔ㄥ皢NFC璁℃暟鍣ㄥ€兼坊鍔犲埌NDEF娑堟伅
NFC counter ASCII mirror for automatic adding the NFC counter value to the NDEF message
* 鏍囩闃茬鏀瑰姛鑳斤紝鍙嫻嬪惎鍔ㄥ悗鏍囩綃℃敼綰挎槸鍚︽墦寮€
Tag Tamper feature detecting if the tag tamper wire is open after startup
* 鏍囩闃茬鏀規秷鎭疉SCII闀滃儚錛屽綋媯€嫻嬪埌綃℃敼浜嬩歡鏃訛紝灝嗗畾鍒剁殑鏍囩闃茬鏀逛俊鎭鍒跺埌NDEF娑堟伅
Tag Tamper message ASCII mirror copying the customized Tag Tamper message into the NDEF message if there is a detected tamper event
* 鍩轟簬ECC鐨勫師濮嬬鍚嶏紝鍙互鎻愪緵瀹氬埗鍜屾案涔呴攣瀹氬姛鑳?/span>
ECC-based originality signature, offering the possibility for customizing and permanently locking
* 蹇€熻鍙栧懡浠?/span>
Fast read command
* 鐪熸闃插共鎵?/span>
True anticollision
* 50 pF杈撳叆鐢靛
50 pF input capacitance
* 鐢ㄤ簬鍦ㄥ惎鍔ㄨ繃紼嬩腑媯€嫻嬫爣絳劇牬鍧忕嚎鐨勭姸鎬侊紙濡傛灉媯€嫻嬪綰垮紑璺紝鍒橬TAG 213 TT灝嗘案涔呭瓨鍌ㄦ浜嬩歡錛?/span>
Used to detect the status of tag broken line during startup ( NTAG 213 TT will permanently store this event if it detects an open wire )
* 鏍囩闃茬牬鍧忕嚎鐨勪俊鎭姸鎬佸彲浠SCII鐮佸艦寮忛暅鍍忓埌鍖呭惈NDEF淇℃伅鐨勭敤鎴峰瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓垨鑰呭彲浠ラ€氳繃涓撶敤鍛戒護璇誨彇
The information state of the tag anti-corruption line can be mirrored in ASCII format into the user memory containing NDEF information or can be read by a special command
* 鍙互鍦ㄦ爣絳懼垵濮嬪寲鏈熼棿瀵瑰叾榪涜緙栫▼鍜岄攣瀹?nbsp;
can be programmed and locked during tag initialization
* NTAG 213 TT瀹屽叏絎﹀悎NFC Forum Type 2 Tag錛圧ef.2錛夊拰ISO / IEC14443 Type A錛圧ef.1錛夎鑼冿紝鍙湁褰揑C榪炴帴鍒板ぉ綰挎椂鎵嶈兘寤虹珛涓嶯TAG 213 TT鐨勯€氫俊錛屽綋NTAG 213 TT浣嶄簬RF鍦轟腑鏃訛紝楂橀€烺F閫氫俊鎺ュ彛鍏佽浠?06 kbit / s鐨勬嘗鐗圭巼浼犺緭鏁版嵁銆?/span>
Communication with NTAG 213 TT can only be established when IC is connected to an antenna. When NTAG 213 TT is located in an RF field, the high-speed RF communication interface allows data to be transmitted at a baud rate of 106 kbit / s.
& 184瀛楄妭錛屼互46欏點€佹瘡欏?瀛楄妭榪涜緇勭粐
184 bytes organized in 46 pages with 4 bytes per page
& 144瀛楄妭鐢ㄦ埛鍙嚜鐢辮/鍐欏尯(36欏?
144 bytes freely available user Read/Write area (36 pages)
& 4瀛楄妭鍒濆鍖栧姛鑳藉鍣紝甯︿竴嬈℃€х紪紼嬭闂綅
4 bytes initialized capability container with one-time programmable access bits
& 鍓?6欏靛叿鏈夋瘡欏電幇鍦哄彲緙栫▼鍙閿佸畾鍔熻兘
Field programmable read-only locking function per page for the first 16 pages
& 鍓?6欏典箣鍚庢瘡涓ら〉鍏鋒湁鐜板満鍙紪紼嬪彧璇婚攣瀹氬姛鑳?/span>
Field programmable read-only locking function above the first 16 pages per double page
& 鍙厤緗瘑鐮佷繚鎶わ紝澶辮觸灝濊瘯嬈℃暟闄愬埗鍙€?/span>
Configurable password protection with an optional limit of unsuccessful attempts
& 鍔熻兘瀹瑰櫒(CC)鍜岄攣浣嶆敮鎸侀槻淇敼鍔熻兘
Anti-tearing support for capability container (CC) and lock bits
& 棰勮鐨勫熀浜嶦CC鐨勫師濮嬬鍚嶏紝鍙互鎻愪緵瀹氬埗鍜屾案涔呴攣瀹氬姛鑳?/span>
Pre-programmed ECC-based originality signature, offering the possibility for customizing and permanently locking
& 鏍囩闃茬鏀規秷鎭?/span>
Tag Tamper message
& 鏁版嵁淇濈暀10騫存椂闂?/span>
Data retention time of 10 years
& 鍐欏叆鎿嶄綔鑰愬彈紼嬪害涓?00.000涓懆鏈?/span>
Write endurance 100.000 cycles
UID /搴忓垪鍙?serial number
The unique 7-byte serial number (UID) and its two check bytes are programmed into the first 9 bytes of memory: It covers page addresses 00h, 01h and the first byte of page 02h. The second byte of page address 02h is reserved for internal data. These bytes are programmed and write protected in the production test.
鏍規嵁ISO/IEC 14443-3銆?/span>
鏍¢獙瀛楄妭0(BCC0)琚畾涔変負CT*CT*SN0# SN1# SN2#銆?/span>
媯€鏌ュ瓧鑺?(BCC1 )琚畾涔変負SN3# SN4# SN5# SN6銆?/span>
SN0鎸佹湁鎭╂櫤嫻﹀崐瀵間綋鐨勫埗閫犲晢04h錛岀鍚圛SO/IEC 14443-3.
In accordance with ISO/IEC 14443-3, check byte 0 (BCC0) is defined as CT*SN0# SN1# SN2#. Check byte 1 (BCC1) is defined as SN3# SN4# SN5# SN6.SN0 holds the Manufacturer ID for NXP Semiconductors (04h) in accordance with ISO/IEC 14443-3.