WD - AI Shield security traceability System Basic Introduction:
Basic Data Management
鍩虹鏁版嵁淇℃伅綆$悊鏄浜у搧淇℃伅錛屽寘瑁呭叧鑱斾俊鎭紝浜у搧鍑哄叆搴撲俊鎭紝娓犻亾浠g悊鍟嗕俊鎭殑緇熶竴綆$悊鍜岃緗紝浠庤€屽緩绔嬩竴涓暟鎹叡浜鉤鍙般€傝瀹炵幇榪欎簺鍔熻兘灝遍渶瑕佸宸叉湁鏁版嵁鍐嶆寮€鍙戝埄鐢紝緋葷粺闇€瑕佸鏁版嵁鍔犺澆鏇村姞璇︾粏鐨勪俊鎭€傛暟鎹姞杞借緗富瑕佸寘鎷袱鏂歸潰淇℃伅錛屽尯鍩熻緗俊鎭拰娓犻亾璁劇疆淇℃伅銆傚尯鍩熻緗富瑕佸姞鍔犺澆浜у搧嫻侀€氬尯鍩熶俊鎭紝娓犻亾璁劇疆涓昏鍔犺澆浜у搧鐨勬祦閫氭満鏋勪俊鎭紝榪欎袱閮ㄥ垎淇℃伅鐨勭粨鍚堝簲鐢ㄨ兘澶熷疄鐜頒駭鍝佺殑瀹氬悜綆$悊銆侭asic data information management is the unified management and setup of product information, packaging related information, product in / out information and channel agent information, thus establishing a data sharing platform. In order to realize these functions, it is necessary to develop and utilize the existing data again, and the system needs to load more detailed information on the data. Data loading settings mainly include two aspects of information, regional setting information and channel setting information. The regional setting mainly loads the product circulation area information and the channel setting mainly loads the product circulation organization information. The combination of these two information can realize the product orientation management.
System authority management
鐢變簬鏈郴緇熷瓨鍦ㄥ妯″潡銆佸騫沖彴銆佸緇堢銆佸榪炴帴鏂瑰紡絳夌壒鐐癸紝鎵€浠ュ鏉冮檺鎺у埗瑕佹眰杈冮珮錛屾湰緋葷粺閲囩敤鍒嗗鉤鍙般€佸垎妯″潡銆佸垎瑙掕壊銆佸垎鑱岃矗銆佸垎鍔熻兘絳変竴緋誨垪鎺у埗鎵嬫錛屽鎭舵剰鏌ヨ銆佺梾姣掑叆渚電瓑榪涜涓ュ瘑鐩戞帶錛屽叏闈㈡墦閫犳潈闄愭帶鍒舵棤姝昏銆佹潈闄愭帶鍒舵棤婕忔礊鐨勫叏鏂逛綅瀹夊叏淇濋殰浣撶郴銆傝閮ㄥ垎鍖呮嫭鐢ㄦ埛綆$悊銆佽鑹茬鐞嗐€佹潈闄愮偣鎺у埗銆佸畨鍏ㄨ緗瓑妯″潡銆侱ue to the characteristics of multi - module, multi - platform, multi - terminal, multi-connection and so on, the system requires higher authority control. The system uses a series of control means such as sub - platform, sub - module, sub - role, sub - responsibility, sub - function, etc. to closely monitor malicious queries, virus intrusion and so on, and comprehensively create an all-round security guarantee system with no dead angle of authority control and no loopholes in authority control. This part includes user management, role management, authority point control, security settings and other modules.
Product Flow Management
浜у搧嫻佸悜鎺у埗閲嶈鏄浜у搧閿€鍞笭閬撲笌鍖哄煙鐨勭鐞嗭紝涓昏瀹炵幇鏂瑰紡閫氳繃浼佷笟涓庢笭閬撲唬鐞嗗晢鐨勫崗璁害瀹氬拰瀵逛駭鍝侀攢鍞暟鎹殑瀹炴椂鎺у埗鍜屽垎鏋愮瓑銆備紒涓氫笌浠g悊鍟嗙殑鍗忚綰﹀畾搴斿寘鎷駭鍝佺殑閿€鍞尯鍩熴€侀攢鍞暟閲忋€侀攢鍞椂闂寸敋鑷抽攢鍞環鏍鹼紝涔熷氨鏄惀閿€浣撶郴涓殑瀹氬悜銆佸畾閲忋€佸畾鏃躲€佸畾浠峰師鍒欍€備駭鍝侀攢鍞暟鎹富瑕佸寘鎷笭閬撲唬鐞嗗晢鐨勫悕縐般€佸尯鍩熴€佷駭鍝佸悕縐般€佷駭鍝佸寘瑁呭叧鑱斿叧緋繪暟鎹互鍙婁駭鍝佸嚭鍏ュ簱鏁版嵁絳夈€侾roduct flow control is important to the management of product sales channels and regions, mainly through agreements between enterprises and channel agents and real-time control and analysis of product sales data. The agreement between the enterprise and the agent shall include the sales area, sales quantity, sales time and even sales price of the product, that is, the principles of orientation, quantification, timing and pricing in the marketing system. Product sales data mainly include channel agent's name, region, product name, product packaging association data and product inbound and outbound data.
product quality traceability management
涓昏瀹炵幇浼佷笟瀵瑰悇縐嶄駭鍝佺殑鐢熶駭淇℃伅鎯呭喌錛屽簱瀛樻儏鍐碉紝鍒嗛攢鍖哄煙鎯呭喌榪涜媯€绱㈡煡璇紝鎿嶄綔浜哄憳鍙渶瑕侀€夋嫨鐩稿叧浜у搧鍚嶇О鎴栬€呯敓浜ф壒嬈$瓑鏌ヨ鏉′歡錛岀郴緇熷氨浼氳嚜鍔ㄦ樉紺鴻浜у搧鐨勫悇縐嶄俊鎭€侷t is mainly used for enterprises to search and query the production information, inventory and distribution area of various products. Operators only need to select the relevant product name or production batch and other query conditions, and the system will automatically display various information of the product.
statistical analysis and management
鏁版嵁緇熻鍒嗘瀽綆$悊涓昏鏄鍚勭淇℃伅鐨勭粺璁″垎鏋愩€傛瘮濡傞拡瀵規敹闆嗙獪璐т俊鎭殑涓嶅悓鎵嬫鍜屾柟寮忚繘琛岀粺璁′笌綆$悊銆傚寘鎷紒涓氬唴閮ㄧń鏌ャ€佷唬鐞嗗晢宸℃錛岀粓绔敤鎴鋒楠屻€傜郴緇熸牴鎹笉鍚屾煡璇漢緹ゅ拰鏌ヨ鎵嬫鎻愪緵涓嶅悓鐨勫弽棣堜俊鎭茍璁板綍鏌ヨ淇℃伅銆傜郴緇熺鐞嗘ā鍧楁绱㈠姛鑳斤紝鏍規嵁涓嶅悓鐨勬绱㈤€夐」鎻愪緵涓嶅悓紿滆揣淇℃伅緇熻鍥捐〃銆傜郴緇熸彁渚涗笉鍚岀獪璐т俊鎭睍鐜版柟寮忥紝鍙互閫氳繃鏌辯姸鍥俱€佹潯鐘跺浘銆侀ゼ鐘跺浘絳夋柟寮忔潵灞曠幇淇℃伅涓嶅悓鍏蟲敞鐐圭殑瀵規瘮錛屽彲浠ュ疄鐜扮獪璐х粡閿€鍟嗗姣旓紝紿滆揣浜у搧鏁伴噺瀵規瘮錛岀獪璐у尯鍩熷姣旓紱紿滆揣娓犻亾瀵規瘮絳夈€俆he management of data statistical analysis is mainly the statistical analysis of various kinds of information. For example, statistics and management are carried out according to different means and methods for collecting information of goods fleeing from the market. Including enterprise internal inspection, agent inspection and end user inspection. The system provides different feedback information and records inquiry information according to different inquiry crowds and inquiry means. System management module retrieval function, according to different retrieval options to provide different inventory information statistics chart. The system provides different ways to display the information of goods fleeing, and can display the comparison of different concerns of information through histogram, bar chart, pie chart and other ways, so as to realize the comparison of goods fleeing dealers, quantity of goods fleeing, and areas fleeing goods. Comparison of channel of goods exchange, etc.