RFID 鏈夋簮鍙鏍囩浠嬬粛錛?/strong>
Introduction of RFID Active Read - only Tag錛?/strong>
鏈夋簮鐢靛瓙鏍囩鏄洰鍓嶅湪浜哄憳綆$悊鐩稿叧緋葷粺涓簲鐢ㄦ渶騫挎硾鐨勬湁婧愭爣絳撅紝瀹冮噰鐢ㄢ€滀富鍔ㄥ伐浣溾€濇柟寮忓伐浣滐紝涓誨姩鍚戣鍐欏櫒鍙戝皠淇″彿銆傞厤鍚堝叕鍙哥殑鏈夋簮璇誨啓鍣紝鍦ㄨ壇濂界殑鍙鐜涓嬶紝鏈€澶ц瘑鍒窛紱誨彲杈懼埌100綾沖崐寰勶紝鍙戝皠棰戞鍙皟錛涙爣絳懼唴閮ㄩ噰鐢ㄩ珮鑳芥墸寮忛攤鐢墊睜錛屽閲忓彲閫夈€傛爣鍑嗙幆澧冧笅錛岀數姹犳彁渚涚殑鑳介噺鍙互淇濊瘉鏍囩榪炵畫宸ヤ綔1锝?騫淬€侫ctive electronic tag is currently the most widely used active tag in personnel management related systems. It works in an " active working" mode and actively transmits signals to the reader / writer. With the company's active reader, the maximum identification distance can reach 100m radius in a good visual environment, and the radio frequency can be adjusted. The label uses a high-energy button lithium battery with optional capacity. Under the standard environment, the energy provided by the battery can guarantee the label to work continuously for 1 - 3 years.
褰撶敤鎴峰璇嗗埆璺濈鏈変笉鍚岃姹傛垨搴旂敤鐜杈冨鏉傛椂錛屽彲閫夋嫨涓嶅悓淇″彿寮哄害鐨勬湁婧愮數瀛愭爣絳懼拰璇誨啓鍣紝騫跺彲閫氳繃杞歡璋冭妭璇誨啓鍣ㄧ殑澧炵泭鏉ヨ揪鍒版墍闇€鐨勮瘑鍒窛紱匯€俉hen users have different requirements for identification distance or the application environment is complex, they can select active electronic tags and readers with different signal strengths, and can adjust the gain of readers through software to reach the required identification distance.
鍦ㄨ鍐欏櫒鐨勬湁鏁堣瘑鍒寖鍥村唴鏈夋簮鐢靛瓙鏍囩浠ユ渶楂?00Km/h鐨勯€熷害榪愯鏃訛紝鍙互淇濊瘉紼沖畾璇嗗埆銆傝繖涓€鐗規€у彲瀹屽叏淇濊瘉楂樹綆閫熻繍鍔ㄧ姸鎬佷腑鐨勪漢鍛樸€佺墿鍝佺殑韜喚璇嗗埆銆傝鍐欏櫒鍜岄厤濂楃殑鏈夋簮鐢靛瓙鏍囩榪涜閫氳鏃訛紝浣跨敤鐗規畩閫氳鍗忚錛屽璁懼鐨勫悎娉曟€ц繘琛屾牎楠岋紝涓洪槻鏁版嵁鐮磋В鑰岀爺鍙戜簡瀹屽杽鐨勫姞瀵嗙畻娉曪紝紜繚閫氳榪囩▼鏁版嵁瀹夊叏銆俉hen the active electronic tag runs at a speed of up to 200 km / h within the effective identification range of the reader / writer, stable identification can be ensured. This feature can completely ensure the identification of people and objects in high and low speed motion. When the reader-writer communicates with the matching active electronic tag, it uses a special communication protocol to verify the legitimacy of the device, and develops a perfect encryption algorithm to prevent data cracking to ensure data security in the communication process.
璇誨啓鍣ㄨ兘澶熷悓鏃惰鍙?00寮犱互涓婄殑鏈夋簮鐢靛瓙鏍囩錛岃瘑鍒噯紜巼99.99%錛涘湪鏋佺煭鐨勬椂闂村唴鍙互紜繚鍏ㄩ儴璇嗗埆涓嶆紡璇匯€傝繖涓€鐗規€х壒鍒€傚悎瀛︽牎銆佺壒澶у瀷浼佷簨涓氬崟浣嶇殑浜哄憳綆$悊浠ュ強澶ч噺璧勪駭鐩戞帶瀹氫綅銆佷粨鍌ㄧ鐞嗗簲鐢ㄣ€俆he reader-writer can read more than 200 active electronic tags at the same time, and the recognition accuracy is 99.99 %. In a very short period of time, it can be ensured that all identifications will not be missed. This feature is especially suitable for personnel management in schools, super-large enterprises and institutions, as well as a large number of asset monitoring and positioning and warehouse management applications.
RFID 鏈夋簮鍙鏍囩鐗圭偣錛?/strong>
Features of RFID Active Read - only Tag錛?/strong>
Identification distance: 0 - 150m adjustable
Identification speed: 200 km / h.
Identification ability: with anti-collision performance of 200 sheets / second
Identification mode: omnidirectional identification
5銆佸浐瀹氬鐩婏細 0锝?綰у彲鎸夐渶閫夊畾
Fixed gain: 0 ~ 3 levels can be selected as required
6銆佸伐浣滈孌碉細2.4 GHz 锝?2.4835GHz
Operating band: 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz
communication rate: 250 kb / s, 1mb / s, 2mb / s
8銆侀€氫俊鏈哄埗錛氬熀浜?HDLC 鏃跺垎澶氬潃鍜屽悓姝ラ€氫俊鏈哄埗
Communication mechanism: based on HDLC time division multiple access and synchronous communication mechanism
Anti - interference: Channel isolation technology, multiple devices do not interfere with each other
10銆佸畨 鍏?鎬э細鍔犲瘑璁$畻涓庡畨鍏ㄨ璇侊紝闃叉閾捐礬渚︽祴
Security: Encryption calculation and security authentication to prevent link detection
Temperature measurement function: temperature measurement accuracy 0.4 ( optional )
Power consumption standard: average operating power is micro watt level
battery configuration: button lithium manganese battery with capacity of 500 mah
Service life: 1 - 3 years or so, the battery can be replaced
16銆佺數鍘嬫嫻嬶細 鐢靛帇浣庝簬棰勮鍊兼椂浠ユ棤綰挎彁紺?鍙€?
Voltage Detection: Prompt wirelessly when the voltage is lower than the preset value ( optional )
17銆佸皝瑁呯壒鎬э細 ABS宸ョ▼濉戞枡錛屾姉楂樺己搴﹁穼钀戒笌鎸姩
Packaging Characteristics: ABS Engineering Plastics, Resistance to High Strength Drop and Vibration
18銆佺幆澧冪壒鎬э細 宸ヤ綔娓╁害錛?0鈩?锝?5鈩?/span>
environmental characteristics: working temperature - 40 鈩?~ 85 鈩?/span>
19銆佸伐浣滄箍搴︼細 錛?5錛?/span>
working humidity: < 95 %
20銆佸彲 闈?鎬э細 闃叉按闃插啿鍑伙紝婊¤凍宸ヤ笟鐜瑕佹眰
Dependability: Waterproof and impact-proof to meet the requirements of industrial environment
21銆佸 褰? 鏂瑰崱鍨嬶紝鍙彁渚汷EM瀹氬埗鏈嶅姟
External square card type can provide OEM customized service
Installation method: double-sided adhesive tape or hanging buckle
RFID 鏈夋簮鍙鏍囩閫傜敤棰嗗煙錛?/strong>
Application field of RFID active read-only tag:
Personnel management
home school safety SMS system
Personnel Tracking and Positioning System
Open Automatic Attendance System
personnel sign-in and safety management system
Asset management
asset monitoring and storage management, etc
Real - time monitoring, location management and access control of valuable and classified assets
power equipment, gas pipeline inspection
Process Flow Management of Factory Production Line
storage tray, money box and other containers tracking and management