UHF 闄剁摲鎶楅噾灞炲皠棰戞爣絳句粙緇嶏細
Introduction of UHF ceramic anti-metal RF tag錛?/strong>
闄剁摲鎶楅噾灞炲皠棰戞爣絳句負閫傚悎浜庡湪闄勭潃鍦ㄩ噾灞炶〃闈㈠茍姝e父宸ヤ綔鐨勮秴楂橀RFID鏍囩錛岃浜у搧閲囩敤鍏鋒湁闈炲父濂界殑浠嬬數甯告暟鐨勯櫠鐡鋒潗璐ㄥ皝瑁咃紝澶╃嚎涓虹壒孌婅璁$殑闀€閾跺ぉ綰匡紝鑺墖鐒婃帴鍦ㄥぉ綰夸笂騫剁敤鐜哀鏍戣剛鐏屽皝淇濇姢銆傝繖縐嶆爣絳捐В鍐充簡榪囧幓涓€鐩村洶鎵癛FID琛屼笟鐨勯拡瀵歸噾灞炵墿浣揜FID鏍囩鏃犳硶宸ヤ綔鐨勯毦棰橈紝榪欑鏍囩璐撮檮浜庨噾灞炵墿浣撹〃闈粛鐒惰兘澶熻幏寰楁洿榪滅殑鎰熷簲璺濈鍜岀伒鏁忓害錛屽叿鏈夊緢澶х殑搴旂敤浠峰€箋€俆he ceramic anti-metal radio frequency tag is an ultra-high frequency RFID tag suitable for attaching to the metal surface and working normally. The product is packaged with ceramic material with very good dielectric constant. The antenna is a specially designed silver-plated antenna, and the chip is welded to the antenna and encapsulated with epoxy resin for protection. This kind of tag solves the problem that the RFID tag for metal objects has been puzzling the RFID industry in the past and can not work. This kind of tag can still obtain a longer sensing distance and sensitivity when attached to the surface of metal objects, and has great application value.
鏈駭鍝佽嬈炬爣絳懼叿鏈夎壇濂界殑闃叉媶鍗告€ц兘錛屾爣絳句竴鏃︾矘璐翠究涓嶈兘鎷嗛櫎錛屼竴鏃︽媶闄わ紝灝嗕細鐮村潖鏍囩澶╃嚎錛屾崯姣佹爣絳撅紝浠庤€屼嬌鏍囩澶卞幓宸ヤ綔鑳藉姏銆傝€屼笖璇ユ爣絳懼叿鏈夐潪甯鎬紭縐€鐨勮鍐欐€ц兘錛岃璺濊揪鍒?0澶氱背錛堥厤鍚堟€ц兘鑹ソ鐨勮鍗″櫒鍜屽ぇ澶╃嚎錛夛紝闈炲父閫傚悎瀵歸槻鎷嗗嵏鍜岃璺濇湁楂樿姹傜殑搴旂敤鍦哄悎錛氭瘮濡侲TC涓嶅仠杞︽敹璐廣€侀噸瑕佽祫浜х鐞嗐€佺墿璧勯槻鐩楃瓑銆俆he label of this product has good anti-disassembly performance. Once the label is pasted, it cannot be removed. Once removed, it will damage the antenna of the label and damage the label, thus making the label unable to work. Moreover, the tag has excellent reading and writing performance, with a reading distance of more than 20 meters ( with a good card reader and large antenna ), and is very suitable for applications with high requirements for anti-disassembly and reading distance, such as ETC non-stop charging, important asset management, material theft prevention, etc.
UHF 闄剁摲鎶楅噾灞炲皠棰戞爣絳劇壒鐐癸細
Characteristics of UHF ceramic anti-metal RF tag錛?/strong>
The supply of data and electric energy is transmitted in a non-contact manner ( without battery power supply )
2銆佸伐浣滈鐜?nbsp;Operating frequency錛?60锝?60 MHz
Real Conflict Prevention: Allow Multiple Labels to Read Simultaneously
Data retention capacity over 10 years
Erase cycle is more than 100,000 times
Each chip has an unalterable unique identifier ( serial number ) to ensure the uniqueness of each tag
Packaging mode; Ceramic high temperature sintering + silver plating
8銆佸偍瀛樻俯搴torage temperature: 錛?40鈩冿綖250鈩?/span>
9銆佸伐浣滄俯搴?nbsp;Operating temperature錛?-20鈩冿綖80鈩?/span>
Read / write distance: 0 ~ 25m ( related to reader / writer )
UHF 闄剁摲鎶楅噾灞炲皠棰戞爣絳鵑€傜敤棰嗗煙錛?/strong>
Application field of UHF ceramic anti-metal radio frequency tag錛?/strong>
Warehouse logistics management
Asset management and equipment inspection
ETC does not charge parking fees
Vehicle management
production process management
Tracking and tracing management
Container management
Supply Chain Managemen