鐢變簬NTAG21x鏍囩IC鍏鋒湁楂樿緭鍏ョ數瀹癸紝鍥犳璇ヤ駭鍝佸挨涓洪€傜敤浜庤姹傚叿鏈夊皬灝哄鐨勫簲鐢紝鑰屼笉浼氶檷浣庢€ц兘銆傚皬鍨婲FC鏍囩鍙洿杞繪澗鍦板祵鍏ヤ駭鍝佹爣絳炬垨鐢靛瓙璁懼絳夌洰鏍囦腑銆俆hanks to the high input capacitance, NTAG21x tag ICs are particularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels or electronic devices.鐗規€eatures& 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁鍜岀數鑳戒紶杈揅ontactless transmission of data and supply e
闃呰璇︾粏姹借濺閰嶄歡琛屼笟鑳屾櫙Industry background錛氶殢鐫€姹借濺淇濇湁閲忕殑澧炲姞錛屸€?S搴楀お璐碉紝緗戣喘澶亣錛屾苯閰嶅煄姘村お娣扁€濆凡鍦ㄧ粓绔敤鎴峰績涓墡鏍癸紝鏍規嵁璋冩煡錛岃秴榪?0%鐨勬秷璐硅€呴兘涔板埌榪囧亣鍐掗厤浠訛紝榪戝勾鏉ワ紝鏈?3%鐨勪氦閫氫簨鏁呬篃鏄敱浜庝拱鍒頒簡鍋囧啋浼姡閰嶄歡銆俉ith the increase of car ownership, " 4 s stores are too expensive, online shopping is too fake, and auto parts city water is too deep" has taken root in the hearts of end users. according to the survey, more than 50 % of consumers have bought fake ac