NFC鍔ㄦ€両D鏅鴻兘闃蹭吉鑺墖錛屽嵆鏄湪璇誨彇鏃訛紝鑺墖鐨処D鍙烽兘鍦ㄩ殢鏃跺彉鍖栵紝鍔犲瘑瀵嗛挜鐢辯敤鎴瘋嚜宸辨帉鎻★紝鏇存湁涓ゆ妸瀵嗛挜鍙岄噸鍔犲瘑錛屾棤闇€鎷呭績鍚戠涓夋柟閫忛湶鍟嗕笟淇℃伅銆傚交搴曟潨緇濊姱鐗囧厠闅嗗拰鏆村姏鐮磋В!NFC dynamic ID smart anti-counterfeiting chip, that is, when reading, the ID number of the chip changes at any time, the encryption key is controlled by the user himself, and there are two keys for double encryption without worrying about disclosing business information to a third party. Completely eliminate chip cloning and violent cracking!
鍦ㄨ繛緗戠姸鎬佷笅錛屼嬌鐢∟FC鎵嬫満闈犺繎鏍囩璇誨彇錛岄摼鎺ョ敱鍥哄畾URL+涓€孌靛姞瀵嗘暟鎹紙鍔ㄦ€両D錛夌粍鎴愶紝鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ皢榪欐鍔犲瘑鏁版嵁瑙g爜錛屼箣鍚庡弽棣堢粨鏋滈〉闈㈢粰鎵嬫満錛屾墜鏈洪粯璁ゅ脊鍑烘祻瑙堝櫒錛屾樉紺烘鍝侀〉闈㈠拰浜у搧淇℃伅銆傞壌鐪熷悗錛岄摼鎺ョ珛鍒誨け鏁堬紝鏉滅粷鑺墖鏁版嵁琚厠闅嗭紝鍐嶆閴寸湡錛岄渶瑕佸啀嬈′嬌鐢∟FC鎵嬫満璇誨彇鏍囩銆侷n the networking state, NFC mobile phone is used to read near the tag. The link consists of a fixed URL+ a piece of encrypted data (dynamic ID). The server decodes the encrypted data and then feeds back the result page to the mobile phone. The mobile phone pops up a browser by default, displaying the genuine page and product information. After the Jian Zhen, the link immediately lapsed, preventing the chip data from being cloned. Once again, Jian Zhen needs to use NFC mobile phone to read the tag again.
鍗忚Protocol錛? ISO/IEC 14443TypeA鏍囧噯鍗忚
宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency錛? 13.56MHz
宸ヤ綔璺濈Working distance:
less than 10mm (related to antenna)
瀛樺偍鍖哄煙Storage Area:
Supports up to 14 bytes of user ID storage area
鏁版嵁淇濇寔鏃墮棿Data retention time錛?nbsp;
錒?0騫? years)
鏁版嵁鎿﹀啓嬈℃暟Number of data erasures錛?錒?0涓囨
宸ヤ綔娓╁害Operating temperature錛?-25鈩冿綖70鈩?/span>
SM7 algorithm