WD-浜旂浘鍦ㄧ嚎璧嬬爜緋葷粺浠嬬粛Online coding system錛?nbsp;
WD-浜旂浘鍦ㄧ嚎璧嬬爜緋葷粺鎶€鏈槸鎸囬€氳繃娌瑰ⅷ鍠風爜鏈篭嬋€鍏夋墦鐮佹満\鑷姩璐存爣鏈虹瓑浠諱綍涓€縐嶅崟涓€鎴栧閲嶇粍鍚堣澶囦笌鏂瑰紡錛岀粨鍚堢浉搴旂殑鎺у埗緋葷粺鍦ㄤ紒涓氱敓浜у寘瑁呯幇鍦烘祦姘寸嚎涓婁負浜у搧鍔犺澆浜у搧韜喚鐮佺殑涓€縐嶆櫤鑳芥妧鏈€傚叾琛ㄧ幇鏂瑰紡鍙互鏄暟瀛楃爜銆佷竴緇寸爜銆佷簩緇寸爜絳夊鍏冪礌鐨勭粨鍚堛€?on-line coding system technology refers to an intelligent technology that loads product identity codes for products on the production and packaging assembly line of an enterprise through any single or multiple combination of equipment and methods such as ink jet printer, laser coding machine and automatic labeling machine, combined with the corresponding control system. The expression can be a combination of digital code, one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code and other elements.
閫氳繃緋葷粺鐢熺爜銆佸姞瀵嗐€佽韓浠界爜鑷畾涔夈€佽祴鐮併€侀噰闆嗐€佸叧鑱斻€佹嫻嬨€佸墧闄ゃ€佹暟鎹笂浼犮€佹暟鎹垎鏋愮瓑鎵嬫鍙負浼佷笟瑙e喅浜у搧鏁板瓧鍖栭槻浼€佹笭閬撴暟瀛楀寲闃茬獪璐с€佷簩緇寸爜淇冮攢銆佽川閲忚拷婧€佺敓浜у叏榪囩▼婧簮絳夊垏瀹為棶棰樸€?/span>By means of system code generation, encryption, identity code customization, code assignment, collection, association, detection, elimination, data upload, data analysis and other means, enterprises can solve practical problems such as product digital anti - counterfeiting, channel digital anti - channeling, two-dimensional code promotion, quality traceability, and traceability of the whole production process.
鐡剁洊璧嬬爜Bottle cap code錛?/span>
That is, by means of code spraying or coding equipment, digital information, one-dimensional codes or two-dimensional codes are loaded on the surface or the inner bottom of the bottle cap:
鏌旀€у寘瑁呰祴鐮丗lexible Packaging Code Assignment錛?/span>
鍗抽€氳繃鍠風爜鎴栨墦鐮佽澶囷紝鎴栧埄鐢ㄨ嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍囨満鍦ㄨ蔣浣撳寘瑁呯殑琛ㄩ潰鍔犺澆鐨勬暟瀛椾俊鎭€佷竴緇寸爜銆佷簩緇寸爜鐨勬柟寮忥細That is, digital information, one-dimensional code and two-dimensional code loaded on the surface of software package by means of code spraying or marking equipment or by using automatic labeling machine:
紜€у寘瑁呮潗鏂欒祴鐮丠ard packing materials are coded錛?/span>
This method is the most convenient, as long as the smooth plane area is selected, it can be operated in the specified area.
鍏寵仈鏂瑰紡Associated mode錛?/span>
1銆佺敓浜х嚎閰嶇疆鐜板満宸ユ帶璁懼錛岃杞藉伐鎺ц綆楁満錛岀幇鍦鴻祴鐮佸叧鑱旇蔣浠訛紝PLC鎺у埗鍣紝鏉垮崱絳夈€傚崗璋冨悇閮ㄥ垎紜歡鐨勭▼搴忓寲鍔ㄤ綔錛屽強鐜板満鏁版嵁鐨勫垎閰嶏紝鍏寵仈錛屾暣鐞嗐€俆he production line is equipped with on-site industrial control equipment, loaded with industrial control computers, on-site code-assigned associated software, PLC controllers, board cards, etc. Coordinate the program action of each part of hardware and the distribution, association and arrangement of field data.
2銆佸湪鐢熶駭綰垮寘瑁呯嚎鍓嶆瀹夎嬋€鍏夋満鎵撶爜鏈烘垨鍠風爜鏈烘垨鑷姩璐存爣錛屽嫻佹按綰夸笂鐨勬渶灝忓崟浣嶄駭鍝佽繘琛屽柗鍗版垨鍒葷爜鎴栬創鏍囥€傦紙姝ょ爜涓虹郴緇熺敓鎴愮殑涓€綰х爜錛?nbsp;Install a laser printer or inkjet printer or automatic labeling in the front section of the packaging line of the production line, and spray - print, engrave or label the smallest unit products on the production line. ( This code is a system-generated first-level code )
3銆佷竴綰х爜璧嬬爜瀹屾垚鍚庯紝閰嶇疆鐩稿簲鐨勪駭鍝佸浐瀹氳緗紝紜繚鎵爜鐜妭鑳芥甯告壂鎻忎竴綰х爜銆?nbsp;After the first-level code assignment is completed, configure the corresponding product fixing device to ensure that the first-level code can be scanned normally in the code scanning link.
4銆佸湪鐢熶駭鍖呰綰夸笂瑁呴厤鏉$爜閲囬泦鍣ㄦ垨OCR錛屾柟渚夸互鏈€蹇殑閫熷害瀵逛竴綰х爜鏃惰璇嗚銆侫ssemble bar code collector or OCR on the production packaging line to facilitate reading the first-level code at the fastest speed.
闄よ緗紝褰撲竴綰х爜鏈瘑璇繪垨鍑洪敊鏃訛紝灝嗕笉鐩掓牸鎴栭敊鐮佷駭鍝佽繘琛屽墧闄ゃ€係et up a reject device at the rear end of the scanning and reading device, and reject non-box or wrong code products when the first code is not read or wrong.
6銆佹灦璁炬潯鐮佹墦鍗版満鎴栧柗鐮佹満錛屽綋緋葷粺璇嗚瀹屽悎鏍肩殑涓€綰х爜鏁伴噺鍚庯紝緋葷粺鎸囩ず鏉$爜鎵撳嵃鏈烘垨鍠風爜鏈烘墦鍗頒笌涓€綰х爜鐩稿叧鑱旂殑浜岀駭鐮佹爣璇嗐€傝創鍦ㄤ簩綰у寘瑁呮垨鍠峰嵃鍒頒簩綰у寘瑁呬笂銆係et up a bar code printer or inkjet printer. After the system has read the number of qualified primary codes, the system instructs the bar code printer or inkjet printer to print the secondary code identification associated with the primary code. Stick it on the secondary package or spray print it on the secondary package.
7銆佸綰у寘瑁呭悓涓娿€侻ulti - level packaging is the same as above.
The barcode reader or OCR reads the finished box code and uploads the data.
Define the code so as to realize anti-channeling or quality tracing, etc.
閫傜敤鑼冨洿Scope of application錛?/span>
1銆佹縺鍏夊柗鐮佹満Laser code spraying machine錛?/span>
Applicable to wine bottles, cartons, PVC plastics, household appliances, etc.
2銆佺儹杞嵃璁懼Thermal transfer equipment錛?/span>
Suitable for plastic bags, film packaging materials, flexible packaging, etc.
3銆佹補澧ㄥ柗鐮佹満 Ink jet printer錛?/span>
Suitable for adhesive sticker, clothing tag, medicine box, product manual, etc.