灝哛FID鍜屾俯搴﹁褰曠粨鍚堣€屾垚鐨勬柊鍨嬬洃嫻嬬數瀛愭爣絳撅紝鍦ㄥ畬鎴愮墿璧勮韓浠借瘑鍒殑鍚屾椂鍙堝鍏舵墍澶勭殑鐜娓╁害榪涜嫻嬮噺鍜岃褰曪紝騫剁敤璇誨崱鍣ㄤ究鎹鋒彁鍙栧偍榪愯繃紼嬩腑鐨勬俯搴﹀€鹼紝鍙洿瑙傚湴鍒ゆ柇鐗╄祫鍌ㄨ繍榪囩▼涓幆澧冩俯搴︽槸鍚﹁秴榪囧厑璁歌寖鍥達紝瀹炵幇鍝佽川鍏ㄨ繃紼嬭拷婧€俆he new monitoring electronic tag, which combines RFID and temperature recording, measures and records the environmental temperature of the materials while completing the identification of the materials. The temperature value in the storage and transportation process can be conveniently extracted by the card reader, which can intuitively judge whether the environmental temperature in the storage and transportation process exceeds the allowable range and realize the traceability of the whole quality process.
鍐烽摼鏍囩鍐呯疆娓╁害浼犳劅鍣ㄥ拰RFID鑺墖錛屽疄鏃剁洃鎺ф爣絳炬墍鍦ㄥ鐨勬俯搴﹀彉鍖栧茍灝嗘暟鎹褰曞湪鑺墖褰撲腑銆傚湪涓€涓ぇ鐨勫喎鍐諱粨搴撲腑錛屽嚑鍗冧釜灝忕殑鍐瘋棌綆憋紝榪愯緭榪囩▼涓殑鍝娓╁害璧蜂簡鍙樺寲鍙兘瀵艱嚧鍟嗗搧鍙樿川鏃犳硶鐩存帴寰楃煡銆傞€氳繃璇誨彇鏍囩鍐呯殑淇℃伅錛屼簡瑙f俯搴﹀彉鍖栨暟鎹彲浠ユ妸鎻℃瘡涓€涓駭鍝佸湪鍐峰喕榪愯緭榪囩▼涓殑鎯呭喌銆侫 temperature sensor and an RFID chip are built into the cold chain label to monitor the temperature change of the label in real time and record the data in the chip. In a large refrigerated warehouse, thousands of small refrigerated containers, which changes in temperature during transportation may lead to deterioration of goods cannot be directly known. By reading the information in the label and understanding the temperature change data, we can grasp the situation of each product in the process of frozen transportation.
瀵瑰喎閾捐繃紼嬬殑鎵€鏈変駭鍝佽繘琛屽疄鏃舵俯搴︾洃鎺э紝騫跺湪鏁版嵁搴撲腑鍙嶅簲銆傚晢瀹跺彲浠ラ€氳繃璇誨彇鏍囩錛岀洿鎺ユ壘鍑哄湪榪愯緭涓彲鑳藉彉璐ㄦ崯鍧忕殑鍟嗗搧錛岃€屼笉鐢ㄦ瘡綆辨嫻嬶紝鎻愰珮鍟嗗搧璐ㄩ噺錛岃妭綰︾鐞嗘垚鏈€傛秷璐硅€呭彲浠ヨ鍙栧搴旀暟鎹紝浜嗚В鑷繁璐拱鐨勪駭鍝佸湪榪愯緭涓殑鐘舵€佹斁蹇冧嬌鐢ㄣ€俁eal - time temperature monitoring is carried out on all products in the cold chain process, and reactions are carried out in the database. Merchants can directly find out the goods that may deteriorate and be damaged during transportation by reading the labels instead of checking each case, thus improving the quality of the goods and saving the management cost. Consumers can read the corresponding data and know the status of their purchased products during transportation and use them with confidence.