璇鴻礉灝旂墿鐞嗗濂栫殑鐩稿叧楂樼鎶€鈥斺€斺€滅煶澧ㄧ儻鑱氬悎灞忊€濓紝鐭沖ⅷ鐑仛鍚堝睆鏄敱鐭沖ⅷ鐑埗鎴愮殑鏌旀€ц杽鑶滄樉紺哄睆錛屾縺媧誨悗鍙互鏄劇ず鏂囧瓧鎴栧浘妗堬紝鍐呭惈瀹氬埗閫氱敤鍨婻FID鏍囩錛屾槸鐭沖ⅷ鐑妧鏈湪楂樼闃蹭吉棰嗗煙鐨勫皷绔妧鏈拰鏈€鏂板簲鐢ㄣ€俆he relevant high-tech of the Nobel Prize in Physics, " Graphene Polymerization Screen", is a flexible film display screen made of graphene, which can display characters or patterns after activation and contains customized universal RFID tags. It is the cutting-edge technology and the latest
闃呰璇︾粏鐢變簲鐩劇鎶€鐮斿彂鐨?quot;NFC浜у搧寮€灝佸垽鏂瘑鍒槻浼函婧愮郴緇烿1.0"鍙娾€滃熀浜嶳FID瓚呴珮棰戠殑浜у搧淇℃伅杈ㄨ瘑緋葷粺V1.0鈥濊幏寰楀浗瀹剁増鏉冪櫥璁般€俆he " NFC product unsealing judgment and identification security traceability system V1.0" and " RFID UHF - based product information identification system V1.0" developed by wudun technology have won the national copyright registration.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐨勯槻浼槻紿滆拷婧郴緇熴€侀槻浼妧鏈駭鍝併€丷FID鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆佺墿鑱旂綉搴旂敤緇堢鐨勭爺鍙戙€佹帹騫褲€侀攢鍞強鏈嶅姟璇勫絎﹀悎GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015璐ㄩ噺綆$悊浣撶郴璁よ瘉銆俆he research and development, promotion, sales and service evaluation of anti-counterfeiting and anti-channeling tracing system, anti-counterfeiting technology products, RFID electronic tags and Internet of Things application terminals of Chongqing Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. conform to the certification
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鑾峰緱鍥藉鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈灞€棰佸彂鐨勩€婁竴縐嶉槻浼爣璇嗗強鍏惰繘琛岄槻浼殑緋葷粺銆嬬殑涓撳埄璇佷功銆侰hongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the patent certificate of " an anti-counterfeiting mark and its anti-counterfeiting system" issued by the state intellectual property office.
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氳姱鐗嘋hip: NXP (U Code 8 )鏍囩鏉愯川: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) Label material: 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡: 閾濊殌鍒籄ntenna manufacturing method: aluminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard: ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖? EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓) Chip memory area: EPC 128 bits ( readable and writable )TID錛?6Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐? TID: 96 bi
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氭爣絳炬潗璐↙abel material: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡Antenna manufacturing method: 閾濊殌鍒籥luminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard錛?ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖篊hip memory area: EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓readable and writable) TID 96Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐檙eadable a