璇ヤ駭鍝佸湪浼犵粺鍗板埛鏂瑰紡鍩虹涔嬩笂錛岀粨鍚堢幇浠e厛榪涜綆楁満鎶€鏈殑楂樼鏅鴻兘闃蹭吉浜у搧銆傝浜у搧鍏跺姛鑳芥€ф洿鍔犱漢鎬у寲錛屽叾闃蹭吉鎵嬫鏂伴涓斿疄鐢紝閫犲亣鑰呴毦浠ヤ豢鍒訛紝鍦ㄩ槻浼墜孌靛垱鏂扮殑鍚屾椂涓婂ぇ澶ф彁楂樹簡浜у搧鐨勯槻浼姏搴︺€俆his product is a high-tech intelligent anti-counterfeiting product based on the traditional printing method and combined with modern advanced computer technology. The product is more humanized in functionality, novel and practical in anti-counterfeiting means, difficult for counterfeiters to copy, and greatly improves the anti-counterfeiting strength of the product while innovating the anti-counterfeiting means.