鐗╂祦濂楁爣緇撳悎浜嗘暟鐮侀槻浼郴緇燂紝浠ヨ綆楁満淇℃伅鎶€鏈負鍩虹騫惰繍鐢ㄤ簡鐜頒唬瀵嗙爜瀛︽妧鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈艦鎴愮殑鏂板瀷楂樼鎶€闃蹭吉鎶€鏈紝涔熸槸褰撲粖紺句細鍏鐨勪竴縐嶆渶鏈夋晥銆佹渶瀹夊叏銆佹渶瀹炵敤鐨勯槻浼妧鏈€?/span>Logistics package label combines digital anti-counterfeiting system, based on computer information technology and using modern cryptography and communication technology to form a new high-tech anti-counterfeiting technology, which is also recognized as the most effective, safe and practical anti-counterfeiting technology in today's society.
鍏跺熀鏈疄鐜拌繃紼嬫槸錛氶槻浼郴緇熼噰鐢ㄩ珮寮哄害鍔犲瘑綆楁硶涓烘瘡涓€浠朵駭鍝佺敓鎴愪竴緇勫敮涓€鐨勩€侀殢鏈虹殑闃蹭吉瀵嗙爜錛屽茍閫氳繃鏁扮爜鍗板埛絳夋墜孌靛皢闃蹭吉瀵嗙爜鏍囪瘑浜庝駭鍝佷箣涓婏紝娑堣垂鑰呭彧闇€閫氳繃鎵撶數璇濄€佷笂緗戙€佸彂鐭俊絳夌畝鍗曟柟寮忚緭鍏ラ槻浼瘑鐮佸嵆鍙噯紜壌鍒浜у搧鐪熶吉銆傜敱浜庨槻浼瘑鐮佺敱璁$畻鏈洪殢鏈虹敓鎴愶紝姣忎竴浠朵駭鍝佷竴涓紝鏌ヨ鍚庡嵆琚褰曚綔搴燂紝鏁翠釜緋葷粺褰㈡垚闂幆鎺у埗錛屽洜姝ゅ彲浠ユ潨緇濅駭鍝佽鎵歸噺鍋囧啋銆?/span>The basic realization process is that the anti-counterfeiting system uses a high-strength encryption algorithm to generate a set of unique and random anti-counterfeiting codes for each product, and marks the anti-counterfeiting codes on the product by means of digital printing and the like, and consumers can accurately identify the authenticity of the product by simply inputting the anti-counterfeiting codes by making phone calls, surfing the Internet, sending short messages and the like. As the anti-counterfeiting password is randomly generated by the computer, one for each product is recorded and invalidated after inquiry, and the whole system forms a closed-loop control, so that the products can be prevented from being counterfeited in batches.
鍚屾椂錛屾秷璐硅€呰繘琛屼駭鍝佺湡浼壌鍒煡璇㈡椂錛屼駭鍝佸箍鍛婂垎鍒互璇煶鎴栨枃瀛楁柟寮忓嚭鐜板湪鏌ヨ榪囩▼鍜屾煡璇㈢粨鏋滀腑錛岃姣忎竴嬈℃煡璇㈠彉鎴愪簡瀵逛紒涓氬艦璞″浼犲拰鍝佺墝鐨勫浼犮€?/span>At the same time, when consumers check the authenticity of products, product advertisements appear in the query process and query results in the form of voice or text, making each query a propaganda of corporate image and brand