褰㈢姸璁板繂闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑浠嬬粛Introduction to Shape Memory Anti - counterfeiting錛?/strong>
姝ゆ爣璇嗘槸鐢ㄧ壒孌婄殑楂樺垎瀛愬艦鐘惰蹇嗘潗鏂欏仛鍩烘潗錛岀粡榪囧縐嶅伐鑹哄姞宸ヨ€屾垚錛涘湪65鈩冪殑娓╁害涓嬶紝瀹冭兘鎭㈠浠栨渶鏃╃殑璁板繂鍔熻兘錛屽皢闅愯棌鍦ㄦ潗鏂欓噷鐨?D绔嬩綋鏂囧瓧錛堝浘妗堬級閲婃斁鍑烘潵銆俆his logo is made of special polymer shape memory materials and processed through various processes. At a temperature of 65 鈩? it can restore his earliest memory function and release 3D characters ( patterns ) hidden in the material.
The effect can be achieved: text changes into text, text changes into pattern, and pattern changes into text