Introduction to WD - 5D Online Acquisition Association System
WD-浜旂浘鍦ㄧ嚎閲囬泦鍏寵仈緋葷粺鏀寔甯傞潰涓婄殑涓嶅悓鐗屽瓙涓嶅悓鍨嬪彿鐨勫悇縐嶇被鍒祴鐮佽澶囷紝鍖呮嫭娌瑰ⅷ鍠風爜鏈恒€佹縺鍏夋満銆侊紙TTO錛夌儹杞嵃鎵撳嵃鏈恒€佹潯鐮佹墦鍗版満銆佸嵆鏃舵墦鍗拌創鏍囨満錛屽疄鐜扮敓浜х嚎鍦ㄧ嚎璧嬬爜鍜岄噰闆嗚繘琛屽叧鑱旓紝瀹炵幇鍗曞搧璧嬬爜鎴栭噰闆嗚綆卞悓鏃跺疄鐜板綆辮祴鐮佸拰閲囬泦榪涜鍏寵仈緇戝畾WD - 5 shield online collection and association system supports various types of coding equipment of different brands and different models on the market, including ink jet printer, laser machine, ( TTO ) thermal transfer printer, bar code printer and instant printing labeling machine, so as to realize the association between online coding and collection of production lines and the association between single item coding and collection of containers.
1. 鏀寔浜岀淮鐮併€佷竴緇寸爜銆丷FID
Support two-dimensional code, one-dimensional code, RFID
2. 澶栭儴淇℃伅鐮佸鍏ュ柗鍗?/span>
Import the external information code into spray printin
3. 鏀寔10榪涘埗銆?6榪涘埗銆?4榪涘埗銆?2榪涘埗絳変換鎰忚繘鍒朵換鎰忛暱搴︽祦姘村彿瀹氫箟
Support the definition of serial number with any length in any decimal system such as decimal system, hexadecimal system, 24 - decimal system and 32 - decimal system
4. 鏀寔鍠風爜淇℃伅鐨勮嚜瀹氫箟
Support the customization of code spraying informatio
5. 鏀寔鍚勫搧鐗屽悇縐嶈澶囩殑璧嬬爜璁懼
Code - assigned equipment to support various brands and equipment
6. 鏀寔浠繪剰鏁伴噺鐨勪換鎰忚澶囧悓鏃剁鐞嗘帶鍒?/span>
Support any number of arbitrary devices to manage and control at the same time
7. 鑷姩鏁版嵁淇℃伅鐢熸垚
Automatic data information generation
8. 鑷姩鏁版嵁淇℃伅涓婁紶
Automatic data information upload
9. 鑷姩鏂偣璁板綍
Automatic breakpoint recording
10. 鍠峰嵃妯℃澘淇濆瓨綆$悊
Spray printing template storage management
11. 鏀寔嫻佹按鐮併€佸姞瀵嗙爜銆侀殢鏈虹爜銆佸鐮併€佽嚜瀹氫箟鐮?/span>
Support pipelining code, encryption code, random code, set code and custom code
12. 鑷姩鏁版嵁閲囬泦綆$悊
Automatic data acquisition management
13. 鏀寔鎵弿鏋€丱CR銆丷FID鏁版嵁閲囬泦鍣ㄧ瓑鍚勭鍝佺墝鍚勭鍨嬪彿鐨勬暟鎹噰闆嗚澶?/span>
Support various brands and models of data acquisition equipment such as scanning guns, OCR, RFID data collectors, etc.
14. 鑷姩鍦ㄧ嚎鍠風爜閲囬泦澶栫鍏寵仈緇戝畾
Automatic on-line code-spraying collection and outer box association binding
WD - 5D Online Acquisition Correlation System Features
銆€ 1. 姹囬泦浜嗗騫寸Н绱殑鍑犲崄縐嶈涓氱殑鎴愬姛搴旂敤緇忛獙鍜屾渚嬫ā寮忥紝鏋勫緩鍑轟竴縐嶇壒鏈夌殑鏋舵瀯浣撶郴鍜屽簲鐢ㄩ厤緗€侰ollect the successful application experience and case model of dozens of industries accumulated over the years, and build a unique architecture and application configuration.
銆€銆€2. 涓鴻涓氫紮浼存彁渚涗竴濂楁爣鍑嗙殑鎴愮啛搴旂敤杞歡錛岄€氳繃鐏墊椿鐨勯厤緗紝蹇€熷疄鐜板父鐢ㄧ殑緋葷粺搴旂敤銆?nbsp;Provide a set of standard mature application software for industry partners, and quickly realize common system applications through flexible configuration.
銆€銆€3. 鍦ㄤ竴浜涘畾鍒跺拰澶嶆潅鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ腑錛屼互鐔熸倝鐨勫柗鐮佽蔣浠朵負鍩虹妯℃澘錛屽揩閫熺粍寤虹郴緇熷簲鐢ㄣ€侷n some customized and complex applications, the familiar code-spraying software is used as the basic template to quickly set up system applications.
銆€銆€4. 浠繪剰淇℃伅鍏寵仈鑺傜偣涓婏紝鍙互閫夋嫨鍜岀粍鍚堣繛鎺ュ縐嶇涓嶅悓鍝佺墝鍨嬪彿鐨勮祴鐮佽澶囷紝閲囬泦璁懼鍙婄嚎浣撳畬鎴愬簲鐢ㄣ€侽n any information association node, you can select and combine a variety of coding devices of different brand models, acquisition devices and wire bodies to complete the application.
銆€銆€5. 浠ュ熀紜€鏁版嵁鏈嶅姟涓鴻璁$悊蹇碉紝澶勫涓轟紒涓氱敤鎴稭ES錛學MS錛孍RP錛孲AP錛孊I絳変俊鎭寲緋葷粺鎻愪緵鎺ュ彛鏁版嵁鏀寔鏈嶅姟銆侭ased on the design concept of basic data services, provide interface data support services for enterprise users MES, WMS, ERP, SAP, BI and other information systems.
銆€銆€6. 澶氳礬瑙﹀彂鍚屾鎺у埗鎶€鏈繚璇佸崟鍝佸崟鐮佺殑鍞竴鎬у拰鍏寵仈鍏崇郴鐨勫噯紜€с€?/span>
Multi - trigger synchronous control technology ensures the uniqueness of single item and single code and the accuracy of correlation.