UHF integrated reader
1)鏈駭鍝佸叿鏈夊鍗忚鍏煎錛氭敮鎸両SO18000-6C錛圗PC C1G2錛夈€両SO18000-6B澶氬崗璁數瀛愭爣絳綯his product has multi-protocol compatibility: supports ISO18000-6C(EPC C1G2 ) and ISO18000-6B multi-protocol electronic tags.
2)璇誨彇閫熺巼蹇細緇撳悎涓撴湁鐨勯珮鏁堢數瀛愭爣絳?、版挒澶勭悊绠楁硶锛屽湪淇濇寔楂樿瘑璇荤巼鐨勫悓鏃跺Q屽疄鐜板鐢靛瓙鏍囩鐨勫揩閫熻鍐欏鐞唂ast reading speed: combined with proprietary and efficient collision processing algorithm for electronic tags, fast reading and writing processing for electronic tags can be realized while maintaining high reading rate.
industrial grade waterproof: this product adopts waterproof exterior design to meet the needs of various environments.
secondary development: providing DLL and Demo programs
WinCE System High Performance Quad - Channel UHF Reader
鍐呯疆WinCE 6.0緋葷粺,鍙互紱葷嚎瀛樺偍鏁版嵁錛屾敮鎸乄iFi銆丟PRS銆?G鍏ㄧ綉閫氱瓑鏃犵嚎浼犺緭妯″潡錛堥€夐厤錛夛紝騫朵笖鏀寔PSAM鍗″姞瀵嗗姛鑳藉拰榪滅▼鍗囩駭銆傚湪涓嶅甫PSAM鍔熻兘鏃訛紝妯″潡涓庢帴鍙f澘鍙洿榪炪€傛湰鍝佷負鍏ㄥ瘑灝佽璁★紝闃叉姢絳夌駭鍙彣鍙↖P67錛岄€傚簲鍚勭鎭跺姡鐜騫舵甯稿伐浣溿€倁ilt - in WinCE 6.0 system can store data offline, support wireless transmission modules ( optional ) such as WiFi, GPRS, 4G full netcom, and support PSAM card encryption function and remote upgrade. When there is no PSAM function, the module and the interface board can be directly connected. This product is of fully sealed design, with a protection rating of IP67. It is suitable for various harsh environments and works normally.
D2184BA鏄竴嬈鵑珮鎬ц兘鐨?UHF 棰戞 ISO18000-6C錛圗PC C1G2錛? ISO18000-6B鐢靛瓙鏍囩璇誨啓鍣紝閲囩敤Impinj鍏徃鐨勬渶鏂癛2000鑺墖鏂規錛岀粨鍚堜笓鏈夌殑楂樻晥鐢靛瓙鏍囩紕版挒澶勭悊綆楁硶錛屽湪淇濇寔楂樿瘑璇葷巼鐨勫悓鏃訛紝瀹炵幇瀵圭數瀛愭爣絳劇殑蹇€熻鍐欏鐞嗭紝鎻愪緵4璺疶NC澶╃嚎鎺ュ彛錛屾敮鎸?璺嫭绔嬪ぉ綰匡紝鎻愪緵緗戝彛銆丷S232銆丷S485鎺ュ彛鏁版嵁浼犺緭銆侱2184BA is a high-performance UHF band iso 18000 - 6c ( epc1g2 ) / iso 18000 - 6b electronic tag reader - writer. it adopts Impinj's latest R2000 chip scheme and combines with proprietary high-efficiency electronic tag collision processing algorithm to realize fast read-write processing of electronic tags while maintaining high reading rate. it provides 4 TNC antenna interfaces, supports 4 independent antennas and provides data transmission of network ports, RS232 and RS485 interfaces.
鏀寔Alien H3 銆両mpinj M緋誨垪銆丯XP G2x* & G2i*緋誨垪 銆両D Cool Log絳夋爣絳捐姱鐗囷紝浠ュ強smartrac鐨勬俯搴︺€佹箍搴︺€佽窛紱匯€佸帇鍔涗紶鎰熸爣絳撅紙鍙€夛級錛屾爣絳懼吋瀹規€ц涓氬敮涓€鎬с€?鏀寔澶氬崗璁寘鎷珽PC Gen2 &ISO 18000-6C銆丒PC ISO 18000-6B銆両P-X澶氱RFID鍗忚鏍囧噯銆?鏀寔FCC902-928Mhz鎴栧叾浠栨寚瀹氳鑼冿紙ETSI(EU) 865.6-867.6MHz鎴朚IC(Korea)910-914MHz鎴朣RRC-MII(P.R.China) 920-925MHzAlien H3, Impinj M series, NXP G2x* & G2i* series, ID Cool Log and other tag chips are supported, as well as temperature, humidity, distance and pressure sensing tags ( optional ) of smartrac, and tag compatibility is unique in the industry. Support for multi-protocol includes EPC Gen2 &ISO 18000-6C, EPC ISO 18000-6B, IP-X RFID protocol standards. Support FCC902-928Mhz or other specified specifications ( ETSI(EU) 865.6-867.6MHz or MIC(Korea)910-914MHz or SRRC-MII(P.R.China) 920-925MHz )
澶氶€氶亾UHF瓚呴珮棰戣鍐欏櫒Multichannel UHF Reader
鍩轟簬Impinj R2000璇誨啓寮曟搸璁捐錛?/span>
Design of read-write engine based on Impinj R2000:
飦?鍏呭垎鏀寔絎﹀悎EPC CLASS1 G2銆両SO18000-6B鏍囧噯鐨勭數瀛愭爣絳撅紱
Fully support electronic tags conforming to EPC CLASS1 G2 and ISO18000-6B standards;
飦?宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency :860~868MHz/902~928MHz(鍙互鎸変笉鍚屽浗瀹舵垨鍦板尯瑕佹眰璋冩暣can be adjusted according to the requirements of different countries or regions)
Output power up to 30dBm ( adjustable );
12 external SMA antenna interfaces to support automatic fine tuning and antenna failure detection;
Support active, response, trigger, real-time inquiry and other working modes;
Support internal 800 tags ( maximum EPC length 496bits ) cache;
Support EPC and TID anti-conflict modes;
Low power consumption design, single + 9V power supply;
Support RS232, RJ45(TCPIP ) and other communication interfaces, optional POE network power supply;
Highly reliable design to meet demanding working environment requirements;
Firmware online upgrade is supported.
Single USB port UHF RFID reader
1) 鍏呭垎鏀寔絎﹀悎 ISO18000-6C錛圗PC C1G2錛夈€両SO18000-6B鍗忚鐨勫悇縐嶇數瀛愭爣絳?nbsp;Fully support various electronic tags conforming to ISO18000-6C(EPC C1G2 ) and ISO18000-6B protocols
2) 鍏堣繘鐨勬爣絳鵑槻紕版挒澶勭悊綆楁硶錛岄珮璇嗚鐜?nbsp;
Advanced label anti-collision processing algorithm with high recognition rate
3) 宸ヤ綔棰戠巼operating frequency: 902锝?28MHz(鍙互鎸変笉鍚屽浗瀹舵垨鍦板尯瑕佹眰璋冩暣can be adjusted according to the requirements of different countries or regions)
4) 浠ュ箍璋辮煩棰?FHSS)鏂瑰紡宸ヤ綔錛岃皟棰戠偣澶氳揪20涓互涓?/span>
Working in a broad spectrum frequency hopping ( FHSS ) mode with more than 20 frequency modulation points
5) 杈撳嚭鍔熺巼 Output power錛?0锝?0dBm鍙皟(adjustable)
6) 鏀寔搴旂瓟錛堜氦浜掞級宸ヤ綔妯″紡鍜屼富鍔ㄥ伐浣滄ā寮?nbsp;
Support response ( interactive ) working mode and active working mode
7) 涓誨姩宸ヤ綔妯″紡涓嬭緭鍑烘牸寮忓拰鍙傛暟鍙厤緗?nbsp;
Output format and parameters can be configured under active working mode
8) 鏀寔 TCP/IP銆丷S232銆侀煢鏍規帴鍙?/span>
Support TCP/IP, RS232 and Wigan interfaces
9) 鎻愪緵鍔ㄦ€佽繛鎺ュ簱錛圖LL錛夛紝鏀寔浜屾寮€鍙?/span>
Provide Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) to support secondary development