閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃琚撼鍏ラ噸搴嗗競縐戞妧鍨嬩紒涓氭暟鎹簱Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. is included in the database of Chongqing science and technology enterprises
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟 Parameters:鍒墮€犲晢/鑺墖Manufacturer / Chip:: FM1108鍩烘潗鏉愯川: 80g 閾滅増綰?鏍兼媺杈涘簳Substrate material: 80g coated paper Gerasin bottom澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡: 閾濊殌鍒籄l(9渭m)+PET(50渭m)Antenna manufacturing method: aluminum etching Al ( 9渭 m ) + PET ( 50渭 m )絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard: ISO/IEC 15693EPC Class1 Gen2鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖篊hip storage area: EPC瀵嗙爜鍖? (鍙鍙啓)Password area: ( readable and writable )鐢ㄦ埛鍖? 144Bite (鍙鍙啓)User area: 144 bits
闃呰璇︾粏瀹炵幇Implementation錛?銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佽姱鐗囨敞濉戝埌鍖呰鐩掑唴錛汭njection molding the chip into the packaging box;3銆佸疄鐜拌姱鐗囧寘瑁呴槻浼猂ealizing anti-counterfeiting of chip packaging鍙傛暟Parameters錛氬崗璁甈rotocol錛欼SO/IEC 14443 A &nb
闃呰璇︾粏鍔熻兘Functions錛?銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佽姱鐗囨敞濉戝叆鐡剁洊錛汭njection molding the chip into the bottle cap;3銆佸疄鐜拌姱鐗囧寘瑁呴槻浼猂ealizing anti-counterfeiting of chip packaging鍙傛暟Parameters錛氳姱鐗嘋hip: NXP Impinj ALIEN宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency錛?3.56MHz浼犺緭Transmission錛氶潪鎺ヨЕ寮廋ontactless閫氫俊娉㈢壒鐜嘋ommunication baud rate錛?06Kbit/s宸ヤ綔璺濈Working distance錛氬皬浜?00mm(涓庡ぉ綰胯璁℃湁鍏?less t
闃呰璇︾粏搴旂敤 Application:鎶楅噾灞炴潗鏂欍€侀槻閲戝睘鏉愭枡銆侀噾灞為殧紱繪潗鏂欙紝閾佹哀浣撴潗鏂欙紝淇楃О鈥滅甯冣€濄€傚箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鐢電灞忚斀銆侀伩鍏嶉€氳璁懼騫叉壈銆佹秷闄ょ數瑙嗛噸褰便€佹満鎴跨數紓佹薄鏌撳鐞嗙瓑棰嗗煙錛岀敤浜庡睆钄芥墜鏈恒€佺數鑴戙€佸井娉㈢倝絳夌殑鐢電杈愬皠銆傚叾鍘熺悊鏄拰澶氱楂橀RFID鑺墖(NFC)鐨勬爣絳懼拰闅旂鏉愭枡灝佽鎴愭姉閲戝睘鏍囩銆?nbsp;Anti - metal material, anti-metal material, metal isolation material, ferrite material, commonly known as " magnetic cloth". It is widely used in the fields of electromagnetic shielding, avoiding interference of communication equip
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氳姱鐗嘋hip: NXP (U Code 8 )鏍囩鏉愯川: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) Label material: 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡: 閾濊殌鍒籄ntenna manufacturing method: aluminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard: ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖? EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓) Chip memory area: EPC 128 bits ( readable and writable )TID錛?6Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐? TID: 96 bi
闃呰璇︾粏鍙傛暟Parameters錛氭爣絳炬潗璐↙abel material: 75 鐣悎鎴愮焊 (鐧借壊) 75 times synthetic paper ( white )澶╃嚎鍒剁▼鏂瑰紡Antenna manufacturing method: 閾濊殌鍒籥luminum etchingAl(9渭m)+PET(50渭m) 絎﹀悎鏍囧噯Conforming to the standard錛?ISO/IEC 18000-6C EPC Class1 Gen2 鑺墖瀛樺偍鍖篊hip memory area: EPC 128Bits (鍙鍙啓readable and writable) TID 96Bits (鍙涓嶅彲鍐檙eadable a
闃呰璇︾粏鍔熻兘Functions:1銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佺壒孌婃潗鏂欏瀷闃蹭吉錛汼pecial material type anti-counterfeiting;3銆佺墿嫻侀槻紿滆揣甯傚満鐩戠銆係upervision of the logistics anti-channeling market.鍙傛暟Parameters:鍗忚Protocol: ISO/IEC 14443 TYpeA宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency錛?3.56MHz浼犺緭Transmission錛氶潪鎺ヨЕ寮廋ontactless閫氫俊娉㈢壒鐜嘋ommunication baud rate錛?06Kbit/s宸ヤ綔璺濈Working distance錛氬皬浜?00mm(涓庡ぉ綰胯璁℃湁鍏?less than 10
闃呰璇︾粏涓昏閫傜敤鐗圭偣錛歁ain applicable features:1銆佸寘瑁呭紑灝佽鍙栨暟鎹紺猴紱 Warning to read data when packaging is opened;2銆佸寘瑁呭畬鏁翠駭鍝侀槻浼函婧愪俊鎭弽棣堬紱security traceability Information Feedback of Packaging Complete Products;3銆侀槻浼函ID涓庤姱鐗囩墿鐞哢UID榪涜緇戝畾錛屼笉鍙鏀逛笌澶嶅埗銆?nbsp; The anti-counterfeiting tracing ID is bound to the physical UUID of the chip and cannot be tampered with or copied.閮ㄤ喚鍙傛暟錛歋ome parameters:*闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁浼犺緭鍜屼緵