WD-闃茬獪璐х郴緇焌nti - channeling system錛?/strong>
浜旂浘WD-闃茬獪璐х郴緇熼泦鎴愬簲鐢ㄤ簡鏁扮爜鍠峰嵃銆佽嚜鍔ㄩ噰闆嗐€佽綆楁満銆佺綉緇滈€氫俊絳夐珮鏂版妧鏈紝緇撳悎鍏ㄦ柊鐨勭墿嫻佽拷婧鐞嗙悊蹇碉紝閫氳繃涓烘瘡浠朵駭鍝佹彁渚涗竴涓寚瀹氫綅鏁幫紙鏁板瓧鎴栬€呭瓧姣嶏級韜喚淇℃伅鐮?鍙€氳繃鍦ㄤ駭鍝佹垨鍖呰涓婃暟鐮佸柗鍗版垨璐存爣)錛岀粨鍚堜簰鑱旂綉錛屽疄鐜頒駭鍝佺殑鐢熶駭鍘傘€佺粡閿€鍟嗐€佹秷璐硅€呬箣闂寸殑浜у搧淇℃伅浜掑姩錛屼負浼佷笟瑙e喅浜у搧闃蹭吉銆侀槻紿滆揣絳変竴緋誨垪闂鎻愪緵浜嗕緷鎹?/span>銆?/span>The WD - anti - channeling system integrates high and new technologies such as digital printing, automatic collection, computer and network communication, combines with a new logistics traceability management concept, provides a designated digit ( number or letter ) identity information code for each product ( which can be digitally printed or labeled on the product or package ), and combines with the Internet to realize product information interaction among product manufacturers, distributors and consumers, providing a basis for enterprises to solve a series of problems such as product anti-counterfeiting and anti - channeling.
鏂瑰紡涓€ Mode 1錛?/strong>
鐗╂祦濂楁爣褰㈠紡Logistics Package Form
閫氳繃浜嬪厛鍏寵仈鍏崇郴鐨勭墿嫻侀槻紿滈槻浼鏍囷紝鍒嗗埆鎸夊寘瑁呭搴旇鏍艱創浜庝駭鍝佹寚瀹氫綅緗紝璁╂瘡涓€鍗曞搧閮芥湁鑷繁鐙珛涓旀湁鍏寵仈鍏崇郴鐨勨€滆韓浠介槻浼爜鈥濓紝鍑哄簱鎵弿綆辯敤鏉$爜錛屽畾涔夎揣鍝佹祦鍚戜俊鎭紝鍚庢湡鍙€氳繃浠諱綍涓€緇勯槻浼爜鎴栫鐢ㄧ獪鐮佹煡璇㈢獪璐т俊鎭€傦紙浠ョ櫧閰掍負渚?錛塗hrough the logistics anti-channeling and anti-counterfeiting package labels associated with each item in advance, they are respectively attached to the designated positions of the products according to the corresponding packaging specifications, so that each item has its own independent and associated " identity anti-counterfeiting code", and the barcode is used to scan the box out to define the flow information of the goods. In the later stage, the information of goods channeling can be queried through any group of anti-counterfeiting codes or box codes. ( Take Liquor as an Example )
鏂瑰紡浜孧ode 2錛?/strong>
鐜板満璧嬬爜鍏寵仈褰㈠紡On - site Code Assignment Association Form
閫氳繃鐢熶駭鐜板満鐨勮祴鐮佺郴緇熷浜у搧璧嬩簣鍞竴鐨勮韓浠借祴鐮併€傛瘡涓€涓彿鐮侀兘涓嶇浉鍚岋紝姣忎竴浠朵駭鍝侀兘鏈夊敮涓€鐨勨€滆韓浠借瘑鍒爜鈥濄€傚疄鐜頒駭鍝佺殑涓€銆佷簩銆佷笁綰т駭鍝佸寘瑁呮暟鎹叧鑱斻€傜浉搴旂殑鍏寵仈鏁扮爜瀛樺偍浜庤綆楁満鏁版嵁搴撶郴緇熶腑錛屽茍鍦ㄤ竴瀹氭椂闂翠笂浼犲埌緋葷粺鏈嶅姟鍣ㄣ€傚綋浼佷笟鍚戠粡閿€鍟嗗彂璐ф椂錛屽埄鐢ㄦ墜鎸佺粓绔紙PDA錛夋壂鎻忓嚭搴撲駭鍝佸寘瑁呯涓婄殑鏉$爜騫惰嚜鍔ㄨ褰曢攢寰€鐨勫湴鍖恒€傛牴鎹郴緇熶細瀵逛駭鍝佷竴銆佷簩銆佷笁綰у寘瑁呬笂涓嶅悓鏍囪瘑闂寸殑鍏寵仈鍏崇郴鍜屽嚭搴撲俊鎭€備紒涓氬競鍦虹鐞嗕漢鍛樻垨緇忛攢鍟嗗彲闅忔椂鏌ヨ姣忎歡浜у搧涓婄殑韜喚鐮侊紝蹇€熺‘璁や駭鍝佹槸鍚︿吉鍔e亣鍐掞紝鏄惁紿滆揣銆俆he product is assigned a unique identity code through the code assignment system on the production site. Each number is different and each product has a unique " ID". To realize the first, second and third level product packaging data association. The corresponding associated numbers are stored in the computer database system and uploaded to the system server at a certain time. When an enterprise delivers goods to a distributor, a handheld terminal ( PDA ) is used to scan the bar code on the outbound product packaging box and automatically record the area sold. According to the relationship and outbound information between different labels on the first, second and third-level packages. Enterprise market management personnel or dealers can check the identity code of each product at any time to quickly confirm whether the product is fake or not and whether it has jumped into the market.
紿滆揣鏌ヨSearch for goods in transit
浜у搧韜喚鍙€氳繃浜哄伐銆佺煭淇°€佺數璇濄€佺綉緇滅殑鏂瑰紡鏌ヨ銆傚湪浜у搧涓婃垨鍖呰涓婂潎鍙湅鍒頒駭鍝佽韓浠界爜鏍囪瘑鐮併€傛秷璐硅€呭彧闇€瑕佸皢浜у搧韜喚鐮佽緭鍏ョ浉搴旂殑鏌ヨ緋葷粺錛屾垨鎵弿浜岀淮鐮侊紝緋葷粺渚垮弽棣堜駭鍝佺湡鍋囥€佺粡閿€鍦扮偣絳変駭鍝佷俊鎭€俆he product identity can be queried manually, via SMS, phone, and online. The product identification code can be seen on the product or on the package. The consumer only needs to input the product identification code into the corresponding inquiry system or scan the two-dimensional code, and the system will feed back product information such as product authenticity and distribution location.
鐜板満鐢熶駭璧嬬爜緋葷粺瀵逛駭鍝佽繘琛岃祴鐮佸悓鏃跺彲瀵規瘡鏉$敓浜х嚎浜у搧縐嶇被銆佷駭鍝佹暟閲忚繘琛屽揩閫熷噯紜殑緇熻銆傞€氳繃緋葷粺鐨勭粺璁¤兘蹇€熷噯紜殑寰楀嚭鎸囦竴瀹氭椂鏈熺殑鏈夋晥鐢熶駭閲忋€俆he on-site production coding system can code products and quickly and accurately count the product types and quantity of each production line. Through systematic statistics, we can quickly and accurately get the effective production in a certain period.
閫氳繃瀵瑰彂璐т俊鎭殑鎵弿閲囬泦錛屽彲蹇€熺粺璁′紒涓氶攢鍞駭鍝佺綾諱笌鏁伴噺銆傚茍鍙鍚勭粡閿€鍟嗙殑閿€鍞暟鎹垎鏋愩€傞€氳繃瀵圭敓浜т俊鎭笌閿€鍞俊鎭殑緇熻錛屼緷鎹繖浜涗俊鎭粰浼佷笟鍐崇瓥鎻愪緵鐪熷疄渚濇嵁銆侭y scanning and collecting the shipping information, we can quickly count the types and quantities of products sold by enterprises. And can analyze the sales data of each dealer. Through the statistics of production information and sales information, according to these information to provide real basis for enterprise decision - making.
WD-闃茬獪璐х郴緇熺壒鐐筍ystem characteristics:銆€
1. 閲囩敤ajax鎶€鏈紝寮傛涓氬姟澶勭悊銆佷紭縐€鐨勭敤鎴蜂綋楠屻€?/span>
Using Ajax technology, asynchronous business processing, excellent user experience.
銆€ 2. 澶氭湇鍔″垎甯冨紡鏀寔錛屾彁渚涢珮鏁堢殑鎵╁睍錛屾敮鎸佸鏈嶅姟鍣ㄨ繍琛岃兘鍔涖€?/span>
Multi - service distributed support, providing efficient expansion and supporting multi-server operation capability.銆€銆€
3. 綆€鍗曠ǔ瀹氱殑鏍稿績騫沖彴錛岀畝鏄撶殑浜屾寮€鍙戙€?/span>
Simple and stable core platform and simple secondary development.銆€銆€
4. 鏉$爜鍖栦俊鎭鐞嗐€佽祴浜堝師鏂欎笌浜у搧鐨勭敓鍛戒俊鎭€?/span>
Barcode information management, giving life information to raw materials and products.
銆€銆€5. 鐢熶駭鎶曟枡鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ寲鎺у埗錛屼繚璇佷駭鍝佺殑鐢熶駭璐ㄩ噺銆?/span>
Automatic control of production and feeding to ensure product quality.
銆€銆€6. 浜у搧鐨勭敓浜у師鏂欒拷韙紝鍖呮嫭鐢熶駭鐨勬壒嬈°€佺敓浜х殑鍘熸枡淇℃伅銆佹彁渚涘晢淇℃伅絳夈€?/span>
Tracking of production raw materials of products, including production batch, production raw material information, provider information, etc.
銆€銆€7. 浜у搧闃茬獪璐х鎺т笌榪借釜錛屽強鏃跺弽鏄犱駭鍝佺殑閿€鍞俊鎭紝鍖呮嫭緇忛攢鍟嗐€侀攢鍞尯鍩熴€侀攢鍞椂闂寸瓑銆?/span>
Control and follow-up of products to prevent cross - shipment, and timely reflect the sales information of products, including dealers, sales areas and sales time.
銆€銆€8. 浜у搧鐗╂祦榪芥函錛岀簿紜窡韙駭鍝佺殑嫻侀€氳繃紼嬶紝浜у搧鐨勬瘡涓€嬈℃椿鍔ㄩ兘鍦ㄦ帉鎻′箣涓€?/span>
Product logistics tracing, accurately tracking the product circulation process, every activity of the product is under control.
銆€銆€9. 緋葷粺閲囩敤n灞侱C綆$悊銆佽交鏉炬敮鎸佷粠CDC銆丷DC鍒扮粡閿€鍟嗙殑DC鐨勪換鎰忓眰綰х鐞嗭紝鍚屾椂鏀寔搴撳尯/浣嶇殑n灞傚垝鍒嗭紝綺劇‘瀹氫綅浜у搧浣嶇疆銆?/span>The system adopts N - level DC management, easily supports any level of DC management from CDC and RDC to dealers, and supports N - level division of the reservoir area / bit to accurately locate the product position.銆€銆€
10. 鏀寔澶氱瑙掕壊鐨勫鉤鍙扮鐞嗭紝姣斿浼佷笟銆佺粡閿€鍟嗐€佺粓绔敤鎴風瓑涓嶅悓瑙掕壊鐨勭敤鎴風鐞嗭紝瀹炵幇緇熶竴騫沖彴鐨勫簲鐢ㄣ€係upport platform management of multiple roles, such as user management of different roles such as enterprises, distributors and end users, and realize the application of a unified platform.
銆€銆€11. 鎻愪緵鏅鴻兘鍐崇瓥錛圔I錛夊姛鑳姐€佷粠鐢熶駭銆佸簱瀛樸€侀攢鍞€侀噰璐瓑淇℃伅鐨勬暟鎹腑鎸栨帢鍑哄叾涓殑瑙勫緥錛屾彁渚涘喅絳栨敮鎸併€侾rovide intelligent decision-making ( BI ) function, dig out the rules from the data of production, inventory, sales, procurement and other information, and provide decision support.銆€
銆€ 12. 鎻愪緵涓庣涓夋柟緋葷粺鐨勬帴鍙f暣鍚堬紝濡傦細ERP銆丱A銆丆RM絳夈€?/span>
Provide interface integration with third-party systems, such as ERP, OA, CRM, et