閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃浜?018騫?0鏈?鏃ュ啀嬈¤幏寰楃敱涓崕浜烘皯鍏卞拰鍥藉浗瀹剁増鏉冨眬棰佸彂鐨勶細鈥滀綔鍝佺櫥璁拌瘉涔︺€傗€滳hongqing wudun science and technology co., ltd. again won the " work registration certificate" issued by the national copyright administration of the people's Republic of China on October 9, 2018.
闃呰璇︾粏RFID灞傛灦鏍囩,騫挎硾榪愮敤浜庡浘涔﹂/浠撳偍鐗╂祦琛屼笟鐨勬姉閲戝睘璐ф灦鏍囩.楂橀/瓚呴珮棰戜袱涓孌靛潎鏈夎繍鐢紝涓昏閲囩敤RFID鐢靛瓙鏍囩鎶€鏈疄鐜版暟鎹嚜鍔ㄩ噰闆嗗姛鑳斤紝緇撳悎鏁版嵁搴撳強杞歡綆$悊緋葷粺瀹炵幇鍥句功棣嗚嚜鍔╁€熻繕銆佸浘涔︾洏鐐廣€佸浘涔︿笂鏋躲€佸浘涔︽绱€佸浘涔﹂槻鐩椼€佸€熼槄璇佺鐞嗐€佸浘涔﹁瘉鍙戞斁銆侀钘忎俊鎭粺璁$瓑絳夊姛鑳姐€俁FID shelf labels are widely used in the anti-metal shelf labels of library / warehouse logistics industry. Both high frequency and ultra-high frequency bands are used, mainly using RFID electronic label technology to realize the function of automatic data
闃呰璇︾粏鐢變簬NTAG21x鏍囩IC鍏鋒湁楂樿緭鍏ョ數瀹癸紝鍥犳璇ヤ駭鍝佸挨涓洪€傜敤浜庤姹傚叿鏈夊皬灝哄鐨勫簲鐢紝鑰屼笉浼氶檷浣庢€ц兘銆傚皬鍨婲FC鏍囩鍙洿杞繪澗鍦板祵鍏ヤ駭鍝佹爣絳炬垨鐢靛瓙璁懼絳夌洰鏍囦腑銆俆hanks to the high input capacitance, NTAG21x tag ICs are particularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels or electronic devices.鐗規€eatures& 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁鍜岀數鑳戒紶杈揅ontactless transmission of data and supply e
闃呰璇︾粏涓嶯TAG 213鐩告瘮錛孨TAG 213 TT鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氬姛鑳斤紝涓烘櫤鑳藉寘瑁呭拰鍝佺墝淇濇姢鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氫紭鍔褲€侼TAG 213 TT鏂扮殑鏍囩綃℃敼鍔熻兘錛屽湪鍚姩榪囩▼涓嫻嬫爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勭姸鎬併€傚鏋滄帰嫻嬬嚎寮€璺紝NTAG 213 TT灝嗘案涔呭瓨鍌ㄨ浜嬩歡銆傛爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勪俊鎭姸鎬佸彲浠ョ敤ASCII鐮侀暅鍍忓埌鍖呭惈NDEF淇℃伅鐨勭敤鎴峰瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓紝鎴栬€呭彲浠ョ敤涓撶敤鍛戒護璇誨彇 NTAG 213 TT offers extended features compared to the NTAG 213 providing additional benefits for smart packaging and brand protection. NTAG 213 TT the new tag tamper functionality which is detecting the status
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鑾峰緱涓浗璐ㄩ噺璁よ瘉鐩戠濮斿憳浼氬強鍏ㄥ浗鍝佺墝璁よ瘉鑱旂洘鑱斿悎棰佸彂鐨勩€婅川閲?鏈嶅姟.璇氫俊AAA浼佷笟銆嬭瘉涔︺€傝瘉涔︾紪鍙鳳細CQCP-SA575.Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. obtained the certificate of " AAA enterprise of quality, service and integrity" jointly issued by China quality certification regulatory Committee and national brand certification alliance. Certificate number: CQCP-SA575.