鍏徃鍩轟簬NFC寮€鍙戠殑鑺墖闃蹭吉浜у彴绔郴緇熻幏寰椾腑鍗庝漢姘戝叡鍜屽浗鍥藉鐗堟潈灞€璁$畻鏈鴻蔣浠惰憲浣滄潈璇佷功銆傚叾鍔熻兘鍖呮嫭浜嗘櫘閫氳姱鐗囬槻浼€丯FC鍔犲瘑闃蹭吉錛孨FC鍔ㄦ€佹櫤鑳介槻浼€佽姱鐗囧紑鍚瘑鍒櫤鑳介槻浼瓑鍔熻兘銆俆he chip anti-counterfeiting production platform system developed by the company based on NFC has obtained the computer software copyright certificate of the State Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China. Its functions include common chip anti-counterfeiting, NFC encryption anti-counterf
闃呰璇︾粏鍏徃娣葷爜鐣欒姱鍟嗘爣鑾峰緱鍥藉鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈灞€鍟嗘爣娉ㄥ唽璇併€傝姱鐗囬槻浼氨鎵鵑噸搴嗕簲鐩劇鎶€錛寃ww.meiliyingxiao.cn.娣葷爜鐣欒姱涓烘偍鏈嶅姟錛?The company has obtained 鈥淭ian ma liu xin鈥?trademark registration certificate from the State Intellectual Property Office. For chip anti-counterfeiting, please consult Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd.The company's website www.meiliyingxiao.cn銆? 鈥淭ian ma liu xin鈥漷rademark serves you.
闃呰璇︾粏浼樺娍Advantages錛?銆佽兘緇忓彈 200 嬈′互涓婄殑宸ヤ笟媧楁釘 can withstand more than 200 industrial washing錛?銆?00%緇忚繃鍐呭瓨鍐欏叆嫻嬭瘯100% passed the memory write test錛?銆佹潗璐ㄥ拰璁捐鍧囩粡榪囧彲闈犳€ф祴璇?nbsp;Material and design have been tested for reliability 涓昏鐗圭偣Main features錛?銆侀噰鐢ㄨ€愰珮娓╂潗璐紱High temperature resistant materials are adopted;2銆佽秴楂橀棰戠巼錛沀HF frequency;  
闃呰璇︾粏鍙岄RFID鏄寚鍒╃敤涓や釜棰戞鍚屾椂宸ヤ綔鐨凴FID鎶€鏈紝鍙吋瀹逛袱涓孌靛悇鑷殑浼樼偣銆侱ual-frequency RFID refers to the RFID technology that uses two frequency bands to work at the same time, which can be compatible with the respective advantages of the two frequency bands.搴旂敤鑼冨洿Scope of application錛氫綋鑲茶繍鍔⊿ports錛氱敯寰勪腑闀胯窇銆佺珵璧般€侀┈鎷夋澗銆侀搧浜轟笁欏廣€佹帴鍔涜禌銆佹父娉熾€佽嚜琛岃濺銆佹懇鎵樿濺銆佽秺閲庢粦闆€佽疆婊戙€佸崱涓佽濺銆佽€冩牳鍙婃瘮璧涚瓑銆?nbsp;track and field middle and long distance running, walking race, marathon, triat
闃呰璇︾粏鍚嶇ОName 鍙傛暟Parameter 鍨嬪彿 WD-SPXP111Inlay灝哄 鍙畾鍒跺ぉ綰挎柟寮?nbsp; 閾濊殌鍒? 灝勯棰戞 13.56MHZ錛?60锝?60Mhz閫氳鍗忚 ISO14443 ISO15693 ISO18000-C灝佽鑺墖 FM11RF08 Higgs-3 Alien 9662浣跨敤瀵垮懡 100000錛堟錛?nbsp;HF+UHF
闃呰璇︾粏閰掔摱NFC闃蹭吉鑳跺附鍙堢ОNFC鐑緝灝佸彛甯?NFC-PVC鐑緝甯?鏄敱PVC鐑緝甯界粡榪囧縐嶅伐鑹哄姞宸ヨ€屾垚,鑳跺附鍐呭祵鍏ヤ簡NFC鑺墖錛屼駭鍝佸彲鐑嵃鍚勭棰滆壊涓庡浘妗?鍋氫負閰掔殑灝佸彛璧峰埌瀹夊叏,鍗敓,闃蹭吉,緹庤銆侀珮绔瓑鏁堟灉銆?nbsp; Bottle NFC anti-counterfeiting cap is also known as NFC heat-shrinkable sealing cap, nfc-pvc heat-shrinkable cap, is made of PVC heat-shrinkable cap after a variety of processing techniques, the rubber cap embedded NFC chip, products can be hot stamping a va
闃呰璇︾粏灝忓昂瀵歌秴楂橀鎶楅噾灞炴爣絳? SMALL SIZE UHF ON METAG RFID TAGS *浠ヤ笅浜у搧搴旂敤浜庡伐鍏峰強娌誨叿銆佸皬鍨嬭祫浜х鐞咥pplying for tooling and fixtures management, small size assets management*浜у搧璇昏窛鍦ㄧ敤涓嶅悓鐨勮鍐欏櫒鍙婁笉鍚岀殑鐜涓嬩細鏈夊樊寮侻ight be of different read range by different readers and applications*浠ヤ笅浜у搧娌℃湁鍦ㄦ湰璧勬枡涓垪鍑猴紝鏈夐渶姹傝鑱旂郴涓氬姟浜哄憳The following products are not listed, if needed, please contact with SPOTAG*灝忓昂瀵告爣絳炬湁嬈ф爣鍙€夛紝閮ㄥ垎鏈夊縐嶈姱鐗囧彲閫塁an choose ETSI錛?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鏄叏鐞冩櫤鑳借姱鐗囬槻浼緵搴斿晢錛屾彁渚涜姱鐗囬槻浼€丷FID璐ㄩ噺榪芥函錛屽晢鍝佹函婧愶紝RFID闃茬獪璐с€丷FID浠撳偍綆$悊錛岃姱鐗囨暟瀛楀寲鍏戝淇冮攢錛孯FID鐢靛瓙鏍囩錛孨FC鐢靛瓙鏍囩浠ュ強鍩轟簬鍖哄潡閾劇殑鐗╄仈緗戞暣鍚堟妧鏈€?nbsp; 鍜ㄨ錛?5310912365錛屽畼緗戯細www.meiliyingxiao.cn 鍏徃鐮旂┒鐨勨€滀竴縐嶅熀浜嶳FID鐨勫寘瑁呭紑灝佽紺鴻拷婧爣璇嗏€濊幏寰楀浗瀹朵笓鍒╁眬鎺堟潈銆?nbsp; 涓撳埄鍙鳳細ZL 2018 2 1958256.3Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. is a global supplier of smart chip anti-counterfeiting, providing chip anti-counterfeiting, RFID quality traceabi
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏄竴瀹朵笓涓氫粠浜嬩駭鍝侀槻浼€侀槻紿溿€佽川閲忚拷婧殑楂樼鎶€鍏徃錛岀洰鍓嶅熀浜庝簩緇寸爜銆丷FID銆丯FC絳夊紑鍙戜簡浜庝簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉銆佹櫤鑳借姱鐗囬槻浼€丷FID璐ㄩ噺榪芥函綆$悊銆丯FC闃蹭吉銆丷FID浠撳偍綆$悊絳夛紝鍚勯」緋葷粺杞歡鍧囨湁鑷富鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈錛屽悓鏃墮€氳繃浜嗚タ鍗楄綆楁満杞歡嫻嬭瘎涓績鐨勬祴璇曞茍鑾峰緱鐩稿簲鐨勫悎鏍兼姤鍛娿€侰hongqing Wudun Technology is a high-tech company specializing in product anti-counterfeiting, anti-channeling, and quality tracing. Currently, based on two-dimensional code, RFID, NFC, etc., it has developed two-dimensional code anti-counter
闃呰璇︾粏鎴戝徃閽堝浜у搧鍖呰闃蹭吉鍩轟簬RFID鎶€鏈爺鍙戠殑鏂版妧鏈幏寰楀浗瀹朵笓鍒╁眬鎺堟潈錛屼笓鍒╁彿錛?01821958256.3錛屽悕縐幫細銆婁竴縐嶅熀浜嶳FID鐨勪駭鍝佽寮€涓撳崠搴楄紺鴻拷婧爣璇嗐€嬨€侽ur company has been authorized by National Intellectual Property Administration to develop a new technology based on RFID technology for anti-counterfeiting of product packaging. The patent number is 201821958256.3, and the name is "A RFID-based warning traceability mark for products opened in exclusive stores銆?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
RFID杞儙綆$悊鐢靛瓙鏍囩浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction of RFID Tire Management Electronic Label鑺墖鍗忚Chip protocol錛欵PC Class1 Gen2,ISO18000-6c宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Working frequency錛?65-868MHz or 902-928MHzIC綾誨瀷IC type錛? ImpinJMOZAN4QT or customized鍐呭瓨Memory錛欵PC
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏄竴瀹朵笓涓氫粠浜嬭姱鐗囬槻浼€佽拷婧殑楂樼鎶€闆嗘垚鍏徃錛屼簬2019騫?鏈?0鏃ヨ幏寰楃敱閲嶅簡鐢熶駭鍔涗績榪涗腑蹇冨埗鍙戠殑銆婇噸搴嗗競縐戞妧鍨嬩紒涓氱煡璇嗕環鍊間俊鐢ㄨ瘎浠蜂功銆嬨€侰hongqing wudun technology is a high-tech integration company specializing in chip anti-counterfeiting and tracing. on April 10, 2019, Chongqing productivity promotion center issued the "Chongqing science and technology enterprise knowledge value credit evaluation book".璇勪環緇撴灉錛?019騫村害鐭ヨ瘑浠峰€間俊鐢ㄨ瘎鍒?10 鍒嗭紝絳夌駭涓?A 綰с€侲valuation
闃呰璇︾粏NFC鍔ㄦ€両D鏅鴻兘闃蹭吉鑺墖錛屽嵆鏄湪璇誨彇鏃訛紝鑺墖鐨処D鍙烽兘鍦ㄩ殢鏃跺彉鍖栵紝鍔犲瘑瀵嗛挜鐢辯敤鎴瘋嚜宸辨帉鎻★紝鏇存湁涓ゆ妸瀵嗛挜鍙岄噸鍔犲瘑錛屾棤闇€鎷呭績鍚戠涓夋柟閫忛湶鍟嗕笟淇℃伅銆傚交搴曟潨緇濊姱鐗囧厠闅嗗拰鏆村姏鐮磋В!NFC dynamic ID smart anti-counterfeiting chip, that is, when reading, the ID number of the chip changes at any time, the encryption key is controlled by the user himself, and there are two keys for double encryption without worrying about disclosing business information to a third party. Completely eliminate chip
闃呰璇︾粏NFC,鏄疦ear Field Communication鐨勮嫳鏂囩緝鍐欙紝鍗寵繎鍦洪€氫俊銆傚悓鏃朵篃鍙互縐頒箣涓鴻繎璺濈鏃犵嚎閫氫俊錛屾槸涓€縐嶇煭璺濈鐨勯珮棰戞棤綰塊€氫俊鎶€鏈紝涔熸槸涓€縐嶈繎璺濈縐樺瘑鐨勯€氳鏂瑰紡錛岄噰鐢∟DEF(NFC Data Exchange Format)榪涜鏁版嵁浼犺緭銆侼FC is the English abbreviation of Near Field Communication, that is, near field communication. At the same time, it can also be called near field communication, which is a short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology and a
闃呰璇︾粏灝哛FID鍜屾俯搴﹁褰曠粨鍚堣€屾垚鐨勬柊鍨嬬洃嫻嬬數瀛愭爣絳撅紝鍦ㄥ畬鎴愮墿璧勮韓浠借瘑鍒殑鍚屾椂鍙堝鍏舵墍澶勭殑鐜娓╁害榪涜嫻嬮噺鍜岃褰曪紝騫剁敤璇誨崱鍣ㄤ究鎹鋒彁鍙栧偍榪愯繃紼嬩腑鐨勬俯搴﹀€鹼紝鍙洿瑙傚湴鍒ゆ柇鐗╄祫鍌ㄨ繍榪囩▼涓幆澧冩俯搴︽槸鍚﹁秴榪囧厑璁歌寖鍥達紝瀹炵幇鍝佽川鍏ㄨ繃紼嬭拷婧€俆he new monitoring electronic tag, which combines RFID and temperature recording, measures and records the environmental temperature of the materials while completing the identification of the materials. The temperature value in the storage and transportation process can be conveniently ext
闃呰璇︾粏鍩轟簬涓撶敤闃蹭吉鑺墖鐨勮尪鍙墮槻浼函婧愬鉤鍙癟ea security traceability Platform Based on Special Anti - counterfeit Chip涓撶敤鑺墖闃蹭吉騫沖彴瑕嗙洊鑼跺彾鈥滅敓浜?嫻侀€?閿€鍞?娑堣垂鈥濆叏嫻佺▼錛屾槸鈥滀笓鐢ㄩ槻浼姱鐗?澶ф暟鎹€濆湪鑼墮鍩熺殑鍏瘋薄搴旂敤銆俆he special chip anti-counterfeiting platform covers the whole process of " production - circulation - sale - consumption" of tea, and is the concrete application of " special anti-counterfeiting chip + big data" in the field of tea.鈭?鍏?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
澶╃嚎灝哄鍙牴鎹爣絳捐鏍艱璁ntenna size can be designed according to label specifications.浜旂浘縐戞妧鐨勯槻杞Щ鑺墖闃蹭吉鏍囬噰鐢ㄧ殑鑺墖INLAY涓庢槗紕嶪NLAY涓嶅悓錛屽叾鐗圭偣鏄綋鑺墖INLAY涓庡悎鎴愮焊錛岄摐鏉跨焊錛屾槗紕庣焊絳夋潗鏂欏皝瑁呭鍚堝悗璐翠簬鍟嗗搧涓婏紝褰撴爣絳捐鎻惎鍚庯紝鍏朵腑涓€閮ㄤ喚INAYL涓庡墺紱葷焊涓€璧瘋劚紱伙紝涓€閮ㄤ喚INLAY鐣欏湪浜嗚璐寸墿涓婏紝姝ゆ椂錛屾爣絳劇牬鍧忥紝鍚屾椂鐢變簬澶╃嚎鏂錛岃姱鐗囨暟鎹棤娉曡鍐嶆璇嗚銆備粠鑰岃揪鍒版爣絳捐鏁翠綋杞Щ鐨勭洰鐨勶紝榪涗竴姝ユ彁楂樹簡闃蹭吉鎬ц兘銆俆he anti-counterfeit label of anti-transfer chip of wudun Technology uses chip INLAY which is different from fragile INLAY. It is characterized in that wh
闃呰璇︾粏NTAG 413 DNA 甯︽潵浜咥ES瀵嗙爜璁よ瘉錛屽交搴曟敼鍙樹簡NTAG鐨勪駭鍝佺粍鍚堬紝鍙渶鎰熷簲鏍囩灝卞彲浠ヨ嚜鍔ㄥ畨鍏ㄥ湴榪炴帴鍒扮綉緇滄湇鍔★紝鑰屾棤闇€鍦ㄧЩ鍔∟FC璁懼涓婂畨瑁呬笓鐢ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忋€侼TAG 413 DNA revolutionizes NTAG product portfolio by bringing AES cryptographicauthentication and allows to automatically and securely connect to a web service by just tapping the tag without the need of a dedicated app installed on the mobile NFC device.闄XP鍘熷垱絳懼悕鍜屼笁閬撳弻鍚戣璇佷箣澶栵紝瀹冭繕寮曞叆浜嗕竴縐嶆柊鐨勫畨鍏ㄧ壒鎬э紝縐頒負鈥滃畨鍏ㄥ敮涓€鐨凬FC娑堟伅(SUN)鈥濓紝瀹冨湪姣忔璇誨彇鏃惰嚜鍔ㄧ敓