NTAG 413 DNA 甯︽潵浜咥ES瀵嗙爜璁よ瘉錛屽交搴曟敼鍙樹簡NTAG鐨勪駭鍝佺粍鍚堬紝鍙渶鎰熷簲鏍囩灝卞彲浠ヨ嚜鍔ㄥ畨鍏ㄥ湴榪炴帴鍒扮綉緇滄湇鍔★紝鑰屾棤闇€鍦ㄧЩ鍔∟FC璁懼涓婂畨瑁呬笓鐢ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忋€?/span>
NTAG 413 DNA revolutionizes NTAG product portfolio by bringing AES cryptographicauthentication and allows to automatically and securely connect to a web service by just tapping the tag without the need of a dedicated app installed on the mobile NFC device.
闄XP鍘熷垱絳懼悕鍜屼笁閬撳弻鍚戣璇佷箣澶栵紝瀹冭繕寮曞叆浜嗕竴縐嶆柊鐨勫畨鍏ㄧ壒鎬э紝縐頒負鈥滃畨鍏ㄥ敮涓€鐨凬FC娑堟伅(SUN)鈥濓紝瀹冨湪姣忔璇誨彇鏃惰嚜鍔ㄧ敓鎴恡ap-unique鏍囩璁よ瘉鏁版嵁錛屼粠鑰屾牴鎹瀹氫箟鐨勬爣鍑嗕負姣忎釜鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵涓撶敤鐨勫敮涓€閫氫俊銆備笉闇€瑕佷換浣曞簲鐢ㄧ▼搴?鍦∟FC璁懼涓?鏉ョ敓鎴愯繖縐峵ap-鍞竴鏁版嵁錛岃鏁版嵁鐢辮姱鐗嘦ID銆乼ap璁℃暟鍣ㄥ拰鍖呭惈鐨勬暟鎹墍瀵煎嚭鐨凜MACed淇℃伅緇勬垚銆傛敮鎸丯FC鐨勮澶囧彲浠ヨ嚜鍔ㄨ繛鎺ュ埌鍩轟簬緗戠粶鐨勬湇鍔★紝騫朵笖鍩轟簬鍖呭惈鍦ㄧ綉鍧€涓殑淇℃伅錛岃澶囧彲浠ユ鏌ユ爣絳劇殑鐪熷疄鎬у茍楠岃瘉淇℃伅鐨勬湁鏁堟€с€侼TAG 413涓轟釜鎬у寲榪欎竴鐙壒鏁版嵁闆嗙殑緇撴瀯鎻愪緵浜嗙伒媧繪€с€?/span>
Besides the NXP originality signature and a 3-pass mutual authentication, it introduces a novel security feature called 鈥淪ecure Unique NFC Message (SUN)鈥? which automatically generates tap-unique tag authentication data upon each read-out what enables dedicated unique communication to each user based on predefined criteria. No app(in NFC device) is required to generate this tap-unique data consisting of CMACed information derived from the chip UID, a tap counter and contained data. An NFC enabled device can automatically connect to a web based service and based on the information contained in URL, the device can check the tags authenticity and verify the information validity. NTAG 413 DNA offers flexibility to individualize the structure of this unique data set.
NTAG 413 DNA鏄畬鍏ㄧ鍚圢FC Forum鏍囩鐨?綾誨吋瀹笽C錛屽茍涓斾篃絎﹀悎ISO/IEC14443-4錛孖SO/IEC 7816-4鏂囦歡緇撴瀯鍜孉PDU鏍煎紡銆傜敱浜嶯TAG 413 DNA鏍囩IC鍏鋒湁楂樿緭鍏ョ數瀹?70pF)錛屽洜姝よ浜у搧灝や負閫傜敤浜庤姹傚叿鏈夊皬灝哄鐨勫簲鐢紝鑰屼笉浼氶檷浣庢€ц兘銆傚皬鍨婲FC鏍囩鍙洿杞繪澗鍦板祵鍏ヤ駭鍝佹爣絳炬垨鐢靛瓙璁懼絳夌洰鏍囦腑銆?/span>
NTAG 413 DNA is certified as NFC Forum Type 4 Tag and is also compliant to ISO/IEC14443-4 , ISO/IEC 7816-4 file structure and APDUs format. Thanks to the high input capacitance (70pF), NTAG 413 DNA tag IC isparticularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels orelectronic devices.
@ 灝勯鎺ュ彛涓庨€氫俊鍗忚
Radio Frequency Interface and Communication Protocol
@ 絎﹀悎NFC Forum Tag綾昏鑼?/span>
Comply with NFC Forum Tag class specification
@ 瀛樺偍鍣ㄧ粍緇?/span>
memory organization
@ 瀹夊叏鐗規€?/span>
Safety features
@ 閮ㄧ講綆€鍗曪紝涓虹敤鎴鋒彁渚涗究鍒?/span>
The deployment is simple and provides convenience for users.
@ 鍔犲瘑鏍囧噯
Encryption standard
@ 瀹夊叏鍔ㄦ€丯DEF (SDN)
Security dynamics NDEF (SDN )
@ 閰嶇疆鐙壒鐨凬FC鐐瑰嚮鏁版嵁UID
Configure unique NFC click data UID
@ NFC璁℃暟鍣?/span>
NFC counter
@ 鐩鎬簰鐨勮韓浠介獙璇?
Mutual authentication
@ ECC絳懼悕
ECC signature
@ 緇堟瀬浜у搧楠岃瘉
Ultimate product verification
@ 宸ュ巶瀹氬埗
Custom factory