鐢變簲鐩劇鎶€鐮斿彂鐨?quot;NFC浜у搧寮€灝佸垽鏂瘑鍒槻浼函婧愮郴緇烿1.0"鍙娾€滃熀浜嶳FID瓚呴珮棰戠殑浜у搧淇℃伅杈ㄨ瘑緋葷粺V1.0鈥濊幏寰楀浗瀹剁増鏉冪櫥璁般€俆he " NFC product unsealing judgment and identification security traceability system V1.0" and " RFID UHF - based product information identification system V1.0" developed by wudun technology have won the national copyright registration.
闃呰璇︾粏閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐨勯槻浼槻紿滆拷婧郴緇熴€侀槻浼妧鏈駭鍝併€丷FID鐢靛瓙鏍囩銆佺墿鑱旂綉搴旂敤緇堢鐨勭爺鍙戙€佹帹騫褲€侀攢鍞強鏈嶅姟璇勫絎﹀悎GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015璐ㄩ噺綆$悊浣撶郴璁よ瘉銆俆he research and development, promotion, sales and service evaluation of anti-counterfeiting and anti-channeling tracing system, anti-counterfeiting technology products, RFID electronic tags and Internet of Things application terminals of Chongqing Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. conform to the certification