UHF 瓚呴珮棰慉BS鎶楅噾灞炴爣絳句粙緇嶏細
Introduction of UHF ABS Anti-metal Label錛?/strong>
瓚呴珮棰慉BS鎶楅噾灞炴爣絳句負閫傚悎浜庨檮鐫€鍦ㄩ噾灞炶〃闈㈠茍姝e父宸ヤ綔鐨勮秴楂橀RFID鏍囩錛岃浜у搧閲囩敤ABS濉戞枡澶栧3瓚呭0娉㈢剨鎺ュ皝瑁咃紝鍏鋒湁鑹ソ鐨勯槻姘寸壒鎬э紝闃叉姢絳夌駭杈懼埌IP65錛屽唴閮ㄥぉ綰夸負鐗規畩璁捐鐨勬姉閲戝睘Inlay錛屽彲鍥哄畾鍦ㄩ噾灞炶〃闈㈠伐浣溿€俆he UHF plastic case label is an UHF RFID label suitable for attaching to the metal surface and working normally. The product is encapsulated by ultrasonic welding of ABS plastic case and has good waterproof property, with the protection level reaching IP65. The internal antenna is a specially designed metal-resistant inlay and can be fixed to the metal surface for working.
瓚呴珮棰慉BS鎶楅噾灞炴爣絳懼叿鏈夐潪甯鎬紭縐€鑰岀ǔ瀹氱殑璇嗗埆鎬ц兘錛岃璺濆彲杈?綾籌紝涓斾環鏍間綆寤夛紝鏄撲簬闄勭潃鍦ㄩ噾灞炵墿浣撹〃闈€傚彲騫挎硾搴旂敤浜庢墭鐩樼鐞嗐€佽揣鏋剁鐞嗐€佽祫浜х鐞嗙瓑銆俇HF plastic case label has excellent and stable identification performance, reading distance up to 8m, low price and easy attachment to the surface of metal objects. It can be widely used in tray management, shelf management, asset management, etc.
UHF 瓚呴珮棰慉BS鎶楅噾灞炴爣絳劇壒鐐癸細
Characteristics of UHF ABS Anti-metal Label錛?/strong>
The supply of data and electric energy is transmitted in a non-contact manner ( without battery power supply )
2銆佸伐浣滈鐜嘜perating frequency錛?60锝?60 MHz
Real Conflict Prevention: Allow Multiple Labels to Read Simultaneously
Data retention capacity over 10 years
Erase cycle is more than 100,000 times
Each chip has an unalterable unique identifier ( serial number ) to ensure the uniqueness of each tag
8銆佸伐浣滄俯搴orking temperature錛?20鈩冿綖80鈩?nbsp;
9銆佸偍瀛樻俯搴torage temperature錛?40鈩冿綖150鈩?/span>
10銆佸皝瑁呮柟寮忥細 ABS濉戞枡澶栧3瓚呭0娉㈢剨鎺?/span>
Packaging Method: Ultrasonic Welding of ABS Plastic Shell
UHF 瓚呴珮棰慉BS鎶楁爣絳鵑€傜敤棰嗗煙錛?/strong>
Application of UHF ABS Anti-Tag:
Warehouse logistics management
Asset management and equipment inspection
Shelf management
production process management
Tracking and tracing management
chemical goods logistics supply management