浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼爣璇嗙殑浠嬬粛Introduction of Two - dimensional Code Anti - counterfeiting 錛?/span>
浜岀淮鐮佹妧鏈殑闃蹭吉鍔熻兘錛岃嚜21涓栫邯浠ユ潵琚ぇ鑼冨洿鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ簬鍚勪釜鐢熶駭棰嗗煙錛屼粠椋熷搧鍔犲伐鍒版満姊板埗閫犻兘鍙互鐪嬪埌澶ч噺鐨勪簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鎶€鏈殑騫挎硾搴旂敤銆備簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鏍囩姝f槸鍥犱負瀹冪嫭涓€鏃犱簩鐨勯槻浼浘妗堬紝緹庤澶ф柟鐨勫悓鏃舵洿鍖呭惈鐫€澶ч噺鐨勪俊鎭唴瀹癸紝瀹㈡埛鍙渶鎷胯搗鎵嬫満渚垮彲浠ュ強鏃朵究鎹風殑鏌ヨ浜у搧鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡銆佺敓浜у湴銆佷駭鍝佷俊鎭瓑鍐呭銆俆he anti-counterfeiting function of two-dimensional code technology has been widely used in various production fields since the 21st century, and a large number of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technologies can be widely used from food processing to mechanical manufacturing. The two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label is precisely because of its unique anti-counterfeiting pattern, which is beautiful and elegant and also contains a large amount of information content. Customers only need to pick up the mobile phone to query the product production date, production place, product information and other contents in a timely and convenient manner.
浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼爣璇嗙殑鐗圭偣Features of two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting mark錛?/span>
1錛庡敮涓€鎬?緋葷粺璧嬩簣姣忎竴涓駭鍝佷竴涓敮涓€鐨勯槻浼紪鐮佸茍鏍囪瘑浜庝駭鍝佹垨鍖呰涓婏紝濡傚悓姣忎竴涓漢閮芥湁鍞竴鐨勮韓浠借瘉鍙風爜涓€鏍鳳紝浜у搧鍙互琚亣鍐掑鍒朵絾鐮佸嵈鏄敮涓€銆俆he uniqueness system gives each product a unique anti-counterfeiting code and marks it on the product or package, just as each person has a unique ID number, the product can be counterfeited but the code is unique.
2錛庢秷璐硅€呬究浜庤瘑鍒拰鏌ヨ 娑堣垂鑰呮棤闇€瀛︿範涓撻棬鐨勮瘑鍒妧宸э紝鍙渶閫氳繃鎵嬫満鎵弿QR鏉″艦鐮侊紝鍙戦€佺煭淇℃伅錛屾煡璇㈠晢鍝佺殑鐪熶吉錛岄潪甯告柟渚褲€侷t is very convenient for consumers to identify and inquire about the authenticity of goods by scanning QR bar codes and sending short messages through mobile phones without learning special identification skills.
3錛庝綆鎴愭湰 鏁扮爜闃蹭吉鏍囩鍒朵綔闈炲父綆€鍗曪紝鍙渶鎴戜滑甯歌鐨勪笉騫茶兌銆侀摐鐗堢焊鍜屾縺鍏夐槻浼爣絳句笂鍔犲嵃QR鏉$爜綰у嵆鍙紝澧炲姞鐨勬垚鏈井涔庡叾寰€俆he production of low-cost digital anti-counterfeiting labels is very simple. We only need to print QR bar codes on our common self - adhesive, coated paper and laser anti-counterfeiting labels, and the added cost is minimal.
4錛庝嬌鐢ㄧ殑涓€嬈℃€?瀵逛駭鍝佺殑姣忎竴鏋氶槻浼爣璇嗙墿鍦ㄤ竴鑸儏鍐典笅錛屽彧鑳戒嬌鐢ㄤ竴嬈°€備竴緇忎嬌鐢紝鍒紑娑傚眰鎴栨彮寮€琛ㄥ眰錛岄槻浼爣璇嗙墿鍗沖彲鏄庢樉鐮村潖錛屼粠鑰屾湁鍒簬鏈嬌鐢ㄧ殑鍏跺畠闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑鐗┿€傜粡鎺堟潈鐨勭壒孌婁駭鍝佹垨璐甸噸鐗╁搧錛屽彲閫氳繃緋葷粺鏈嶅姟涓績鐨勬妧鏈鐞嗭紝鍦ㄩ嬈℃煡璇㈠悗錛屽叾鍚堟硶鎵€鏈変漢鍙韓鏈夊嬈℃煡璇㈡潈銆傜敱姝ゆ墿澶т簡闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑鐨勪嬌鐢ㄨ寖鍥淬€俇nder normal circumstances, one-time use of each anti-counterfeiting mark of the product can only be used once. Once used, the anti-counterfeiting mark can be obviously destroyed by scraping off the coating or uncovering the surface layer, thus being different from other anti-counterfeiting marks that are not used. Authorized special products or valuables can be handled through the technology of the system service center. After the first inquiry, their legal owners can enjoy the right of multiple inquiries. Therefore, the application range of the anti-counterfeiting mark is expanded.
5錛庣鐞嗙殑緇熶竴鎬?姝ら槻浼爣璇嗙墿鍙敤浜庝換浣曠綾葷殑鍟嗗搧涓婂埄鐢ㄩ亶甯冨叏鍥界殑鐢佃瘽緗戠粶寤虹珛璧峰叏鍥芥€х殑鎵撳亣闃蹭吉緗戠粶闅忔椂鐩戞帶銆佺粺涓€綆$悊銆俇niformity of Management This anti-counterfeiting label can be used for any kind of commodity to set up a national anti-counterfeiting anti-counterfeiting network to monitor and manage at any time.
Timeliness of Counterfeiting Fake Every digital number will be recorded by the system with relevant authentication information, including time, authentication phone number, etc. According to the number of times the anti-counterfeiting code of a certain commodity is queried and the source of the query number, the authenticity of the commodity can be judged, the region where the counterfeit commodity is located can be judged, accurate clues can be provided in time to inform law enforcement departments, and counterfeiters can be attacked accurately and promptly. QR code anti-counterfeiting is not only convenient but also can greatly improve the interaction between enterprises and consumers and enhance the visibility and credibility of enterprises.