鏍規嵁瀹㈡埛鐨勮姹傝繘琛屽叏鎭槻浼浘妗堢殑璁捐錛屽皢鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉鍥炬鍒朵綔鎴愮儷鍗扮當錛屽畾浣嶇儷鍗板埌鍖呰鐩掔殑鍒跺畾浣嶇疆銆侫ccording to the customer's requirements, the holographic anti-counterfeiting pattern is designed, the holographic anti-counterfeiting pattern is made into hot stamping foil, and the hot stamping is positioned at the designated position of the packaging box.
璇ヤ駭鍝佸湪璁捐涓婂睘鐗規畩鐨勫伐鑹哄簲鐢紝鐢靛寲閾濅笂鏈夐槻浼浘妗堝拰鍏ㄦ伅嬋€鍏夐槻浼俊鎭€傚彲騫挎硾搴旂敤浜庤嵂鍝併€侀鍝佺瓑楂樼駭鍖呰錛屾棦鎻愰珮浜嗕駭鍝佺殑闃蹭吉鑳藉姏錛屽張鑳芥彁楂樹簡浜у搧鐨勬。嬈°€侶olographic patterns can be personalized according to the requirements and incorporate various holographic anti-counterfeiting technologies to enhance the anti-counterfeiting performance and improve the beauty of the product.
This product belongs to a special process application in design, and aluminum carbide has anti-counterfeiting patterns and holographic laser anti-counterfeiting information. Can be widely applied to advanced packaging of medicines, foods and the like, not only improves the anti-counterfeiting capability of the product, but also improves the grade of the product.