鏈嶈鏅鴻兘綆$悊緋葷粺鐨勬牳蹇冩槸瀵規帴娣樺疂騫沖彴錛屽疄鏃舵姄鍙栨窐瀹濊鍗曪紝蹇€熸媶鍒嗚鍗曪紝鍖歸厤搴撳瓨錛岃繀閫熼厤璐у彂璐э紝緙╃煭鏈嶈鐗╂祦鏃墮棿錛屾彁楂樿鍗曞畬鎴愮巼銆佸簱瀛樼鐞嗘按騫沖拰璐㈠姟瀵硅處緇撶畻閫熷害銆俆he core of clothing intelligent management system is docking Taobao platform, grabbing Taobao orders in real time, quickly splitting orders, matching inventory, quickly distributing goods and delivering goods, shortening clothing logistics time, improving order completion rate, inventory management level and financial reconciliation and settlement speed.
Problems that the system can solve
鈭? 閰嶈揣鎱?Slow distribution
鈭? 鍙戣揣鎷栧歡 Delivery Delay
鈭? 鍖呰9閿欏彂銆佹紡鍙?nbsp;Wrong or missing parcel delivery
鈭? 緗戝簵澶氾紝涓嬪崟涔?There are many online shops and orders are disorderly.
鈭? 瀹炰綋搴楀簱瀛樹笉鍚屾 Physical store inventory is out of sync
鈭? 璐у搧縐帇 backlog of goods
鈭? 瀵硅處鏌ヨ處闅?nbsp;It is difficult to check accounts
鈭? 寰呮敹嬈炬椂闂翠笉鏄?nbsp;
The time for collection is unknown
RFID tags, electronic tags containing chips, have unique electronic codes, have larger storage capacity than two-dimensional codes, and can be identified in batch at one time. It can be attached to clothing to identify and locate clothing.