鏂戦┈ZEBRA zT210
涓昏鍙傛暟Main parameter
鎵撳嵃鏂瑰紡Printing mode錛氱儹鏁?鐑漿鍗?nbsp;thermal / thermal transfer printing
Bar code printer resolution錛?03dpi
鎵撳嵃閫熷害Printing speed錛?52mm/s
鎵撳嵃瀹藉害Print width:114mm
鏈€澶ф墦鍗伴暱搴aximum print length:3988mm
鏍囩瀹藉害Label width:19.4-114
鏍囩鍘氬害Label thickness:0.076-0.25mm
紕沖甫闀垮害Carbon tape length:300000mm
紕沖甫瀹藉害Carbon tape width:51-110
鎺ュ彛綾誨瀷Interface Type:RS-232C, USB 2.0
鍏朵粬鍙傛暟Other parameters:鐢墊簮鐢靛帇supply voltage
鐜鍙傛暟environmental parameter
宸ヤ綔娓╁害Operating temperature錛?鈩?:5-40
宸ヤ綔婀垮害Working humidity:20-85%
瀛樺偍娓╁害Storage temperature (鈩?:-40-60
瀛樺偍婀垮害Storage humidity:5-85%
澶栬鍙傛暟Appearance parameters:鐏拌壊gray
銆€鏂戦┈ZT400緋誨垪 Application flexibility
The Zebra ZM400 printer is specially designed for printing a large number of industrial bar code label applications. It has excellent printing compatibility, strong real-time connection capabilities, and strong and durable die-casting metal shells to make it more suitable for industrial field use. Meet the requirement of high quality printing in industry. It is the preferred bar code label printer for industrial applications.
鏂戦┈ZT400緋誨垪涓撲負婊¤凍涓嶆柇鍙戝睍鐨勪笟鍔¢渶姹傝€岃璁°€俍T400 鍏鋒湁鏇村己鐨勫鐞嗚兘鍔涘拰鐏墊椿鐨勫紑鏀懼紡鎿嶄綔鏋舵瀯錛屽彲鏀寔涓嶆柇鍙戝睍鍜屽彉鍖栫殑搴旂敤瑕佹眰銆俆he Zebra ZT 400 series is designed to meet the growing business needs. The ZT 400 has stronger processing capabilities and flexible open operating architecture that can support evolving and changing application requirements.
1銆佸簲鐢ㄧ伒媧繪€pply flexibility
Expand printer performance with a variety of excellent media features and media options
銆€銆€鈥?閫氳繃瀹氬埗鎵撳嵃鏈猴紝浣垮綋鍓嶅拰鏈潵鐨勪笟鍔¢渶姹備笌鏈€緇堢敤鎴峰彲瀹夎鐨勪粙璐ㄥ鐞嗛€夐」鐩稿尮閰嶃€侰ustomized printers match current and future business requirements with media handling options that can be installed by end users.
銆€銆€鈥?鏍囧噯涓茶銆乁SB銆佷互澶綉鍜岃摑鐗欏姛鑳?鈥?浠ュ強涓や釜寮€鏀懼紡浠嬭川鎻掓Ы 鈥?浣挎偍鑳藉鍒╃敤闈炴爣鍑嗙殑榪炴帴閫夐」銆係tandard serial, USB, Ethernet and Bluetooth features-and two open media slots-enable you to take advantage of non-standard connection options.
銆€銆€鈥?鎵╁睍鐨?RFID 鍔熻兘鏄撲簬瀹夎錛屼嬌鐢ㄧ畝渚褲€?/span>
Extended RFID features are easy to install and easy to use.
Make sure the output of the small label application is of excellent quality with high resolution printing.
銆€銆€2銆佽交鏉鵑泦鎴怑asy integration
銆€銆€鈥?USB 涓繪満绔彛鍙互閫氳繃鏄犲皠鍜屾墿灞曟槧灝勯┍鍔ㄥ櫒鍐呭瓨鍔熻兘錛岃交鏉句紶杈撴潵鑷?USB 闂瓨鐩樼殑鏁版嵁錛屼粠鑰屽疄鐜扮畝渚跨殑鎵撳嵃鏈洪厤 緗€俇SB host port can easily transmit data from USB flash disk by mapping and extending the mapping drive memory function, so as to achieve a simple printer configuration.
銆€銆€鈥?闄PL廬鍜孍PL廬涔嬪錛岃櫄鎷熻澶囧簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忎嬌鏀寔 Link-OS鐨勬墦鍗版満鑳藉鏀寔涓€浜涘父鐢ㄧ殑鏃㈡湁鎵撳嵃鏈鴻璦€鍜岀珵浜夊鎵嬬殑鎵撳嵃鏈鴻璦€ 鈥斺€?鍙湁鏁堢‘淇濇偍鐨勬姇璧勫洖鎶ャ€侷n addition to ZPL & Reg; & Reg; & Reg; & Reg; and EPL & Reg; & Reg;, virtual device applications enable Link-OS printers to support some of the common existing printer languages and rival printer languages-effectively ensuring your return on investment.
銆€銆€3銆佹槗浜庢搷浣淓asy to operate
銆€銆€鈥㈠姩鎬?QR 鐮佹彁渚涘熀浜?Web 鐨勬寜闇€鏀寔錛屽彲榪呴€熻В鍐蟲墦鍗版満閿欒銆?/span>
Dynamic QR code provides Web-based on-demand support to quickly resolve printer errors
銆€銆€鈥?閫氳繃 Print TouchTM錛岃繖浜涙敮鎸?Link-OS 鐨勬墦鍗版満鎻愪緵浜嗕嬌鐢ㄨ繎鍦洪€氫俊 (NFC) 鐨勭綉欏靛惎鍔ㄥ姛鑳斤紝渚夸簬璁塊棶鍖呭惈鎿嶄綔鎸囧崡瑙嗛浠ュ強浜у搧鏀寔鐨?Zebra 鍏ㄩ潰鐨勭煡璇嗗簱銆俆hrough Print TouchTM, these Link-OS-enabled printers provide web page startup capabilities using Near Field Communications(NFC) to facilitate access to the Zebra comprehensive knowledge base that contains operating guide videos and product support.
銆€銆€鈥?鐓ф槑寮忕殑浠嬭川鍜岀⒊甯﹁礬寰勪究浜庢煡鐪嬫墦鍗版満鍐呴儴錛屽嵆浣垮湪鍏夌収杈冨樊鐨勭幆澧冧笅浠嶇劧濡傛銆侺ighting media and carbon band paths make it easy to view the printer's interior, even in poor lighting environments.
銆€銆€4銆佺鐞嗙畝渚縀asy to manage
銆€銆€鈥ebra鐨凩ink-OS鐜鎻愪緵浜嗗寮虹殑鍔熻兘錛屽彲浠ヤ粠浠諱綍浣嶇疆鐩戞帶銆佺鐞嗗拰緇存姢鎵撳嵃鏈恒€俍ebra's Link-OS environment provides enhanced functionality to monitor, manage, and maintain printers from any location
銆€銆€鈥簯榪炴帴浣挎敮鎸丩ink-OS鐨勬墦鍗版満鑳藉瀹夊叏鍦扮洿鎺ヤ笌浜戠幆澧冧氦浜掞紝榪涜鎵撳嵃鍜岃澶囩鐞嗐€俆he cloud connection allows printers that support Link-OS to safely interact directly with the cloud environment for printing and device management.
銆€銆€鈥rofle Manager浣挎偍鑳藉鍦ㄤ笘鐣屼笂鐨勪換浣曞湴鏂圭紪杈戝拰綆$悊緗戠粶涓殑涓€鍙版墦鍗版満銆佹壒閲忔墦鍗版満鎴栨墍鏈夋敮鎸丩ink-OS鐨勬墦鍗版満銆侾rofle Manager enables you to edit and manage a printer, batch printer, or all Link-OS-enabled printers in the network anywhere in the world.