閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃琚撼鍏ラ噸搴嗗競縐戞妧鍨嬩紒涓氭暟鎹簱Chongqing wudun technology co., ltd. is included in the database of Chongqing science and technology enterprises
闃呰璇︾粏瀹炵幇Implementation錛?銆丯FC鑺墖闃蹭吉楠岃瘉鍙婃函婧愶紱NFC chip anti-counterfeiting verification and traceability;2銆佽姱鐗囨敞濉戝埌鍖呰鐩掑唴錛汭njection molding the chip into the packaging box;3銆佸疄鐜拌姱鐗囧寘瑁呴槻浼猂ealizing anti-counterfeiting of chip packaging鍙傛暟Parameters錛氬崗璁甈rotocol錛欼SO/IEC 14443 A &nb
闃呰璇︾粏涓昏閫傜敤鐗圭偣錛歁ain applicable features:1銆佸寘瑁呭紑灝佽鍙栨暟鎹紺猴紱 Warning to read data when packaging is opened;2銆佸寘瑁呭畬鏁翠駭鍝侀槻浼函婧愪俊鎭弽棣堬紱security traceability Information Feedback of Packaging Complete Products;3銆侀槻浼函ID涓庤姱鐗囩墿鐞哢UID榪涜緇戝畾錛屼笉鍙鏀逛笌澶嶅埗銆?nbsp; The anti-counterfeiting tracing ID is bound to the physical UUID of the chip and cannot be tampered with or copied.閮ㄤ喚鍙傛暟錛歋ome parameters:*闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁浼犺緭鍜屼緵
闃呰璇︾粏鐢變簬NTAG21x鏍囩IC鍏鋒湁楂樿緭鍏ョ數瀹癸紝鍥犳璇ヤ駭鍝佸挨涓洪€傜敤浜庤姹傚叿鏈夊皬灝哄鐨勫簲鐢紝鑰屼笉浼氶檷浣庢€ц兘銆傚皬鍨婲FC鏍囩鍙洿杞繪澗鍦板祵鍏ヤ駭鍝佹爣絳炬垨鐢靛瓙璁懼絳夌洰鏍囦腑銆俆hanks to the high input capacitance, NTAG21x tag ICs are particularly tailored for applications requiring small footprints, without compromise on performance. Small NFC tags can be more easily embedded into e.g. product labels or electronic devices.鐗規€eatures& 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡鏁版嵁鍜岀數鑳戒紶杈揅ontactless transmission of data and supply e
闃呰璇︾粏浜旂浘鍔犲瘑褰╃爜鍙樿壊鏍囨槸浠ョ幇浠e瘑鐮佸鎶€鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈€佽闊蟲妧鏈€両NTERNET緗戠粶鎶€鏈瓑澶氱璁$畻鏈轟俊鎭妧鏈負鍩虹錛屼互緇堢娑堣垂鑰呮垨鐢ㄦ埛鏌ラ獙浜у搧鐪熶吉涓烘墜孌靛艦鎴愮殑涓€濂楅槻浼郴緇熸妧鏈€俆he 5-D encrypted color code color-changing label is a set of anti-counterfeiting system technology based on various computer information technologies such as modern cryptography, communication technology, voice technology, Internet network technology, and by means of checking the authenticity of products by end c
闃呰璇︾粏鏁板瓧鍏ㄦ伅浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼粙緇嶏細Anti - counterfeiting of Digital Holographic Two - dimensional Code錛氭暟瀛楀叏鎭簩緇寸爜錛屾槸浠ョ偒褰╃編瑙傜殑鍏ㄦ伅鏁堟灉鏇夸唬鐜版湁甯傚満涓婂嵃鍒鋒補澧ㄥ崟榛戜簩緇寸爜錛屼笉浠呭叿鏈夌粴涓藉褰┿€佺編杞編濂傜殑瑁呴グ鏁堟灉錛屼笖鍏鋒湁鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉鍔熻兘銆傛暟瀛楀叏鎭簩緇寸爜涓嶄粎鍙繘琛屽湪綰垮伐涓氱駭鎵弿錛屾墜鎸佹満銆佹櫤鑳芥墜鏈虹瓑鍧囧彲璇嗚銆俆he digital holographic two-dimensional code replaces the single black two-dimensional code printed with ink on the existing market with a colorful and beautiful holographic effect, not only has a gorgeous and beautiful d
闃呰璇︾粏浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐩劇墝LOGO鑾峰緱鍥藉鐗堟潈灞€浣滃搧钁椾綔鏉冦€係hields LOGO of Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. Won Copyright of Works by National Copyright Administration
闃呰璇︾粏琛ㄩ潰鏉愭枡Surface material錛氭爣絳劇殑鍧氭尯搴︽槸鍑烘爣鐨勫叧閿紝鍥犳瑕佹眰琛ㄩ潰鏉愭枡鐨勪竴瀹氱殑寮哄害鍜岀‖搴︼紝鏍囩鐨勫潥鎸哄害鍙堝拰鏉愭枡鐨勫帤搴﹀拰鏍囩鐨勯潰縐湁鍏籌紝鎵€浠ヤ嬌鐢ㄦ煍杞殑钖勮啘鏉愭枡鏃訛紝瑕侀€傚綋澧炲姞鍏跺帤搴︼紝涓€鑸帶鍒跺湪100渭m浠ヤ笂銆傝杽鐨勭焊寮犵被鏉愭枡錛屽60~70g/m2鐨勮創鏍囩焊錛屼竴鑸笉閫傚悎鍋氬ぇ鏍囩錛岃€岄€傚悎鍔犲伐鎴愬皬鏍囩錛屽鏍囦環鏋笂浣跨敤鐨勪環鏍兼爣絳俱€傛爣絳劇殑鍧氭尯搴﹀樊浼氬鑷磋創鏍囨椂涓嶅嚭鏍囷紝鎴栨爣絳懼悓搴曠焊涓€鍚屽鍗鳳紝浣胯嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍囧け鏁堛€俆he strength of the label is the key to marking, so it requires a certain strength and hardness of the surface material. The strength of the label is related to the thickness of the material and the
闃呰璇︾粏浠嬬粛Introduction錛?銆佺壒縐嶆潗鏂欙紝鍦ㄩ€犵焊鏃跺皢鎸囧畾淇℃伅妞嶅叆綰稿紶鍐咃紝鍚庢湡鏃犳硶鏇存敼錛屼笖綰挎涓轟笉瑙勫垯鍒嗗竷錛?nbsp;Special materials, when making paper, insert the specified information into the paper, which cannot be changed later, and the line segments are irregularly distributed;2銆佹縺鍏変俊鎭殣钘忓叾涓紝鎻紑鍓嶄笉鏄劇幇錛屾彮寮€鍚庢墠鍙湪鍓ヨ惤灞傚強搴曡啘涓婃樉鐜幫紝璧峰埌闅愯棌闃蹭吉浣滅敤錛?nbsp;The laser information is hidden in it. It does not appear before it is uncovered, and can only appear on the peeling layer
闃呰璇︾粏瑙勩€€銆€鏍糋auge錛?0X15mm鏍規嵁涓嶅悓搴旂敤瀹氬埗customized according to different applications浜у搧澶囨敞Product Notes錛氬彲鎵撳嵃錛屼綆鎴愭湰錛岀畝鍗曞疄鐢╬rintable, low cost, simple and practicalRFID 鍙墦鍗頒笉騫茶兌鏍囩Introduction to RFID printable sticker浜у搧璇存槑Product description鍗忚Protocol錛欵PC CLASS1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-6C 鑺墖Chip錛欻3宸ヤ綔棰戠巼Operating frequency:915MHz錛?60-960MHz錛夊瓨鍌ㄥ閲廠torage capacity:96bit瑙勬牸灝哄Size: 鍙畾鍒?nbsp; Customizable宸ヤ綔妯″紡Working mode錛?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
闃蹭吉鍚婄墝浠嬬粛Introduction to anti-counterfeiting tag錛?nbsp; 錛?錛夋潗璐?nbsp;Material錛氱櫧鍗$焊銆侀摐鏉跨焊銆佺壒縐嶉槻浼挒鍒哥焊銆佸畨鍏ㄧ嚎綰哥焊銆佹按鍗扮焊銆丳ET鏉愭枡絳夛紱white cardboard, copper paperboard, special anti-counterfeiting banknote paper, security thread paper, water-stamp paper, PET material, etc. 錛?錛夋補澧↖nk錛氭櫘閫氭補澧紝娓╁彉鑹叉補澧ㄣ€佹按鎬ф補澧ㄣ€佸厜鍙樻補澧ㄣ€佽繙綰㈠娌瑰ⅷ絳夈€俢ommon ink, thermochromic ink, water-based ink, photochromic i
闃呰璇︾粏姘存礂甯冨彉鐮侀槻浼爣浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction to the Anti - counterfeiting Label of Washed Cloth Changing Code錛?銆佸叿鏈夐槻浼€佸彲鍙樹簩緇寸爜絳変俊鎭紝鍙煡璇㈤槻浼強浜у搧婧簮錛?nbsp;It has information such as anti-counterfeiting and variable two-dimensional codes, and can inquire about anti-counterfeiting and product traceability.2銆佹爣絳懼熀鏉愪負姘存礂甯冪被鏍囩錛屽彲鍗板埛綺劇編LOGO鍙婂浘妗堬紱 The label substrate is a washed cloth label that can print exquisite LOGO and patterns.3銆佹爣絳懼叿澶囪€愭按
闃呰璇︾粏濉戣啘鍏ㄦ伅瀹氫綅鎻紑闃蹭吉鏍囦粙緇嶏細Introduction of plastic film holographic positioning to uncover anti-counterfeiting mark 1銆佸叏鎭笌鏁扮爜緇煎悎闃蹭吉錛氭棦鏈夋暟鐮侀槻浼姛鑳斤紝涔熸湁嬋€鍏夊叏鎭槻浼紝緇煎悎闃蹭吉鎬ц兘楂橈紱 Holographic and digital integrated anti - counterfeiting: both digital anti-counterfeiting and laser holographic anti-counterfeiting have high integrated anti-counterfeiting performance;2銆侀槻杞Щ鏁堟灉鏋佸ソ錛屾彮鍚悗鏃犳硶澶嶅師錛屾湁鏁堥樆鍑諱豢鍐掑拰鎵撳亣錛汿he anti-transfer effect is
闃呰璇︾粏鏅鴻兘鐐瑰厜婧愬彲瑙嗗寲鍔ㄦ€侀槻浼爣浠嬬粛錛欼ntelligent point light source visualization dynamic Anti-Counterfeiting Mark錛?nbsp;1銆佸井鍔ㄦ€佹妧鏈紝鍦ㄥ厜婧愪笅浠庝笉鍚岃搴﹀彲瑙佺Щ鍔ㄧ壒瀹氬唴瀹癸紱Micro - dynamic technology, which can see and move specific content from different angles under the light source;2銆佽彶娑呭皵閫忛暅鎶€鏈紝鍦ㄥ厜婧愪笅鍙娣卞害瀹氬埗闃蹭吉淇℃伅錛?nbsp;Fresnel lens technology, customized anti-counterfeiting information in visible depth under the light source;3銆佹縺鍏夊叏鎭珛浣撴誕闆曟妧鏈珮绔€佸ぇ姘斻€佷笂?。娆″Q?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
褰㈢姸璁板繂闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑浠嬬粛Introduction to Shape Memory Anti - counterfeiting錛氭鏍囪瘑鏄敤鐗規畩鐨勯珮鍒嗗瓙褰㈢姸璁板繂鏉愭枡鍋氬熀鏉愶紝緇忚繃澶氱宸ヨ壓鍔犲伐鑰屾垚錛涘湪65鈩冪殑娓╁害涓嬶紝瀹冭兘鎭㈠浠栨渶鏃╃殑璁板繂鍔熻兘錛屽皢闅愯棌鍦ㄦ潗鏂欓噷鐨?D绔嬩綋鏂囧瓧錛堝浘妗堬級閲婃斁鍑烘潵銆俆his logo is made of special polymer shape memory materials and processed through various processes. At a temperature of 65 鈩? it can restore his earliest memory function and release 3D characters ( patterns ) hidden in the material.鍙揪鍒版晥鏋滐細鏂囧瓧鍙樻枃瀛楋紝鏂囧瓧鍙樺浘妗堬紝鍥炬鍙樻枃瀛桾he ef
闃呰璇︾粏濉戣啘鍏ㄦ伅闅愬瘑闃蹭吉鏍囩浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction of plastic film holographic hidden anti-counterfeiting label錛?銆佸彲鍒彲鎻紝婊¤凍涓嶅悓娑堣垂鑰呴渶姹傦紱It can be scraped and uncovered to meet the needs of different consumers;2銆佹縺鍏変俊鎭殣钘忓叾涓紝鎻紑鍓嶄笉鏄劇幇錛屾彮寮€鍚庢墠鍙湪鍓ヨ惤灞傚強搴曡啘涓婃樉鐜幫紝璧峰埌闅愯棌闃蹭吉浣滅敤錛汿he laser information is hidden in it. It does not appear before it is uncovered, and can only appear on the peeling layer and the bottom film after it is uncovered, thus playing a
闃呰璇︾粏鍙岃壊綰告棤鑶滄縺鍏夐槻浼爣絳句粙緇嶏細Introduction of two-color paper film-free laser anti-counterfeiting label錛?銆佹柊鍨嬮槻浼潗鏂欙紝鏄撲簬鐩存帴璇嗗埆錛汵ew anti-counterfeiting material, easy to identify directly;2銆侀煣濡傜錛岄煣鎬уソ錛屽彲鎻愬崌璐存爣宸ヤ漢鐨勬搷浣滄晥鐜囷紱Toughness is as strong as bamboo and good in toughness, which can improve the operation efficiency of labeling workers.3銆佽杽濡傝潐緲鹼紝琛ㄤ綋杈冭杽錛岄槻杞Щ鏁堟灉濂斤紱It is as thin as cicada's wing, with thin surface and good anti-transfe
闃呰璇︾粏鍏ㄦ伅褰╄櫣綰擱槻浼爣絳句粙緇嶏細Introduction of Holographic Rainbow Paper Anti - counterfeiting Label錛?銆佸叏鎭焊鏈韓甯︽湁鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉淇℃伅錛岀偒褰╃編瑙傦紝瑙嗚鍐插嚮鍔涘己錛岃繖鏄叾瀹冪焊寮犳墍鏃犳硶姣旀嫙鐨勶紱Holographic paper itself has holographic anti-counterfeiting information, bright and beautiful colors and strong visual impact, which is incomparable to other paper.2銆佹暟鎹鍙嶄竴涓€瀵瑰簲錛氭爣璇嗘闈㈠彲鍙樻暟鎹拰鏍囪瘑搴曡啘鍙彉鏁版嵁鑳藉疄鐜頒竴涓€瀵瑰簲錛汷ne - to - one correspondence of data: variable data on the front side of th
闃呰璇︾粏浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼爣璇嗙殑浠嬬粛Introduction of Two - dimensional Code Anti - counterfeiting 錛氫簩緇寸爜鎶€鏈殑闃蹭吉鍔熻兘錛岃嚜21涓栫邯浠ユ潵琚ぇ鑼冨洿鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ簬鍚勪釜鐢熶駭棰嗗煙錛屼粠椋熷搧鍔犲伐鍒版満姊板埗閫犻兘鍙互鐪嬪埌澶ч噺鐨勪簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鎶€鏈殑騫挎硾搴旂敤銆備簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鏍囩姝f槸鍥犱負瀹冪嫭涓€鏃犱簩鐨勯槻浼浘妗堬紝緹庤澶ф柟鐨勫悓鏃舵洿鍖呭惈鐫€澶ч噺鐨勪俊鎭唴瀹癸紝瀹㈡埛鍙渶鎷胯搗鎵嬫満渚垮彲浠ュ強鏃朵究鎹風殑鏌ヨ浜у搧鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡銆佺敓浜у湴銆佷駭鍝佷俊鎭瓑鍐呭銆俆he anti-counterfeiting function of two-dimensional code technology has been widely used in various production fields since the 21st century, and a large number of two-dimensional c
闃呰璇︾粏鍙岃壊鍙屽畾浣嶅眬閮ㄥ叏鎭槻浼爣璇嗕粙緇嶏細Introduction of Two - color Double Positioning Local Holographic Anti - counterfeiting 錛氬弻鑹插畾浣嶅眬閮ㄥ叏鎭槻浼妧鏈槸灝嗕袱縐嶆縺鍏夊叏鎭俊鎭€氳繃涓撶敤璁懼鍜屽厛榪涚殑宸ヨ壓鎶€鏈簿紜湴鍒跺鍦ㄦ墍璁懼畾鐨勫熀鍑嗚寖鍥村唴錛屼互杈懼埌闅句互浠垮埗鏄撲簬璇嗗埆鐨勯槻浼洰鐨勩€傚叾闃蹭吉鎶€鏈惈閲忛珮錛屼笖鐢熶駭璁懼涓轟笓鐢紝鍙湁鏁堝湴闃叉閫犲亣鑰呯儷鍗拌漿縐匯€?nbsp;Two - color positioning local holographic anti-counterfeiting technology is to accurately prepare two kinds of laser holographic information within the set reference range through spec