璇鴻礉灝旂墿鐞嗗濂栫殑鐩稿叧楂樼鎶€鈥斺€斺€滅煶澧ㄧ儻鑱氬悎灞忊€濓紝鐭沖ⅷ鐑仛鍚堝睆鏄敱鐭沖ⅷ鐑埗鎴愮殑鏌旀€ц杽鑶滄樉紺哄睆錛屾縺媧誨悗鍙互鏄劇ず鏂囧瓧鎴栧浘妗堬紝鍐呭惈瀹氬埗閫氱敤鍨婻FID鏍囩錛屾槸鐭沖ⅷ鐑妧鏈湪楂樼闃蹭吉棰嗗煙鐨勫皷绔妧鏈拰鏈€鏂板簲鐢ㄣ€俆he relevant high-tech of the Nobel Prize in Physics, " Graphene Polymerization Screen", is a flexible film display screen made of graphene, which can display characters or patterns after activation and contains customized universal RFID tags. It is the cutting-edge technology and the latest application of graphene technology in the high-end anti-counterfeiting field.
1銆佸埄鐢ㄧ煶澧ㄧ儻鎴栧叾浠栦簩緇存潗鏂欏艦鎴愨€滃師瀛愮駭鈥濇暟鎹紝灝嗘暟鎹鐣欏湪浜у搧涓€瀵逛竴鐨勮韓浠介槻浼爣絳句腑錛岀敤鎴蜂嬌鐢ㄦ櫤鑳芥満鐨凬FC鍔熻兘錛岄潬榪戠煶澧ㄧ儻闃蹭吉鏍囩錛屾墜鏈哄氨鎺ユ敹騫剁珛鍒繪樉紺轟駭鍝佺浉鍏充俊鎭紝鐭沖ⅷ鐑槻浼爣絳炬湰韜篃浼氬彉鑹插嚫鍘傚棰勭暀鐨勪俊鎭紝浠庤€岀‘瀹氫駭鍝佺湡浼紝浠ユ鏈€澶х▼搴︾殑閬忔鍋囧啋浼姡銆俇se graphene or other two-dimensional materials to form " atomic level" data, and reserve the data in the one-to-one identity anti-counterfeiting label of the product. Users use NFC function of the smartphone to get close to the graphene anti-counterfeiting label, and the mobile phone will receive and immediately display the relevant information of the product. The graphene anti-counterfeiting label itself will also change the information reserved by the manufacturer, so as to determine the authenticity of the product and to prevent counterfeiting to the greatest extent.
2銆佹墦寮€鏅鴻兘鎵嬫満搴旂敤紼嬪簭闈犺繎鎴栬€呮帴瑙﹀畠錛屽氨鑳藉垎鏋愬嚭榪欎簺灝忚杽鐗囩殑鐙壒淇″彿錛屼粠鑰屾牴鎹€滄寚綰光€濇紜笌鍚︼紝鍒ゆ柇浜у搧鐨勭湡浼€侽pen the smart phone application to approach or touch it, and you can analyze the unique signals of these small slices, so as to judge the authenticity of the product according to whether the " fingerprint" is correct or not.