Anti - counterfeiting of Digital Holographic Two - dimensional Code錛?/span>
鏁板瓧鍏ㄦ伅浜岀淮鐮侊紝鏄互鐐僵緹庤鐨勫叏鎭晥鏋滄浛浠g幇鏈夊競鍦轟笂鍗板埛娌瑰ⅷ鍗曢粦浜岀淮鐮侊紝涓嶄粎鍏鋒湁緇氫附澶氬僵銆佺編杞編濂傜殑瑁呴グ鏁堟灉錛屼笖鍏鋒湁鍏ㄦ伅闃蹭吉鍔熻兘銆傛暟瀛楀叏鎭簩緇寸爜涓嶄粎鍙繘琛屽湪綰垮伐涓氱駭鎵弿錛屾墜鎸佹満銆佹櫤鑳芥墜鏈虹瓑鍧囧彲璇嗚銆俆he digital holographic two-dimensional code replaces the single black two-dimensional code printed with ink on the existing market with a colorful and beautiful holographic effect, not only has a gorgeous and beautiful decorative effect, but also has a holographic anti-counterfeiting function. The digital holographic two-dimensional code can not only be scanned at the online industrial level, but also be read by hand-held machines and smart phones.
鐩墠甯傚満涓婄殑鏉$爜鍧囦負鍗板埛娌瑰ⅷ鏉$爜錛屽湪鍏ㄦ伅涓婅祴杞芥潯鐮佽繕鏄┖鐧姐€備富瑕佸師鍥犳槸鎵弿鍏夎鍏ㄦ伅鍏夋暎灝勮€屾棤娉曡瘑璇繪潯鐮佷俊鎭€侫t present, the bar codes on the market are all printed ink bar codes, and the bar codes loaded on the hologram are still blank. The main reason is that scanning light is scattered by holographic light and bar code information cannot be read.
鏁板瓧鍏ㄦ伅浜岀淮鐮侊紝閲囩敤鐨勬槸涓撶敤鐨勬潯鐮佸埗浣滆蔣浠跺強鐗規畩鐨勫埗浣滃伐鑹猴紝閬垮紑鍏ㄦ伅鍏夌殑騫叉壈錛岃瘑璇誨櫒鍙婃櫤鑳芥墜鏈哄彲姝e父璇嗚鏉$爜淇℃伅銆俆he digital holographic two-dimensional code uses special bar code production software and special production technology to avoid the interference of holographic light, and the reader and smart phone can normally read bar code information.
鍥藉唴闃蹭吉琛屼笟錛屽熀鏈笂閮芥槸浣跨敤鍗板埛娌瑰ⅷ鏉$爜鐗╂祦闃蹭吉鏍囷紝鏁板瓧鍏ㄦ伅鏉$爜鍙埗浣滄垚嬋€鍏夌墿嫻佹潯鐮佹爣錛屽~琛ヨ涓氱┖鐧姐€侷n the domestic anti-counterfeiting industry, printing ink bar codes are basically used for logistics anti-counterfeiting labels, and digital holographic bar codes can be made into laser logistics bar codes to fill the industry gap.