* 宸ヤ笟綰SO14443 RFID璇誨啓鍣?/strong>
Industrial ISO14443 RFID reader
鍔熻兘鐗圭偣Functional characteristics錛?/strong>
1) 璇嗗埆閫熷害 & 鑳藉姏錛氱粨鍚堜笓鏈夌殑楂樻晥鐢靛瓙鏍囩紕版挒澶勭悊綆楁硶錛屽湪淇濇寔楂樿瘑璇葷巼鐨勫悓鏃訛紝瀹炵幇瀵圭數瀛愭爣絳劇殑蹇€熻鍐欏鐞嗐€?/span>
Identification speed & capability: Combining with proprietary and efficient collision processing algorithm for electronic tags, fast reading and writing processing for electronic tags can be realized while maintaining high recognition rate.
2) 闃叉紡璇匯€佽璇伙細瀹冨唴緗笓涓烘部鍥哄畾杞ㄩ亾嫻佸姩鐩爣璇嗗埆鐨勫簲鐢ㄥ満鏅€屽畾鍒剁殑澶╃嚎錛岃瘑鍒€熺巼蹇紝涓嶄細閫犳垚璇鍜屾紡璇匯€?/span>
Leak - proof reading and misreading: It has built-in antenna specially designed for the application scene of target identification flowing along a fixed track, with fast identification speed and no misreading and missed reading.
3) 楂樺伐涓氶槻鎶ょ瓑綰э細鍚屾椂璇ヤ駭鍝侀噰鐢↖P65楂樺伐涓氶槻鎶ょ瓑綰у皝瑁咃紝婊¤凍鍚勭鑻涘埢宸ヤ笟鐜鐨勫簲鐢ㄩ渶姹傘€?/span>
High industrial protection grade: At the same time, the product is packaged with IP65 high industrial protection grade to meet the application requirements of various harsh industrial environments.
4) 鏀寔WiFi錛氳鍐欏櫒鍐呯疆Wifi鏃犵嚎灞€鍩熺綉妯″潡錛屽ぉ綰垮緗紝淇″彿寮猴紝鏀寔802.11b/g鏃犵嚎閫氳鍗忚錛屽湪宸ヤ笟鐢熶駭鐜瀹夎鍙厤甯冪嚎錛屽畨瑁呮柟渚匡紝鍙揪鍒板疄鏃剁洃鎺х殑鐩殑銆?/span>
Support Wifi: The reader-writer has built-in WiFi wireless local area network module, external antenna and strong signal, supports 802.11b/g wireless communication protocol, can be installed in industrial production environment without wiring, is convenient to install, and can achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring.
5) 涓板瘜鐨勯€氳鎺ュ彛錛氳鍐欏櫒鏀寔RS232鎴栬€匯J45閫氳鎺ュ彛銆?/span>
Rich communication interfaces: the reader supports RS232 or RJ45 communication interfaces.
* 宸ヤ笟綰SO15693榪滆窛紱昏鍐欏櫒
Industrial ISO15693 Remote Reader
Functional characteristics錛?/strong>
1) 澶栬綺劇編錛氳浜у搧浣撶Н灝忓閥錛屽澹崇粨瀹炪€佺編瑙傘€?/span>
Exquisite appearance: The product is small in size, strong and beautiful in shell
2) 鑳介€傚簲鍚勭鎭跺姡鐜錛氫駭鍝侀噰鐢ㄥ伐涓氱駭璁捐錛岃兘澶熼€傚簲浣庢俯銆佹伓鍔g殑宸ヤ綔鐜錛涢槻鍐茬獊鑳藉姏寮恒€佹€ц兘紼沖畾銆佹姉騫叉壈鑳藉姏寮篒t can adapt to various harsh environments: the product adopts industrial design and can adapt to low temperature and harsh working environment; Strong anti-conflict capability, stable performance and strong anti-interference capability
3) 楂樿瘑璇葷巼錛氬厛榪涚殑鏍囩紕版挒澶勭悊綆楁硶錛屽吀鍨嬫爣絳懼鐞嗛€熷害瓚呰繃80寮?縐?/span>
High reading rate: Advanced label collision processing algorithm, typical label processing speed exceeds 80 sheets / second
4) 鍏煎鎬у己錛氭敮鎸両SO/IEC15693銆両SO18000-3絳夊浗闄呮爣鍑嗗崗璁殑鐢靛瓙鏍囩
Strong compatibility: electronic tags supporting ISO/IEC15693, ISO18000-3 and other international standard protocols
5) 灝勯鍔熺巼浼樿秺錛氬皠棰戣緭鍑哄姛鐜?W浠ヤ笂
Superior RF power: RF output power over 1W
6) 鍑鴻壊鐨勯珮棰慠FID璇誨啓錛氭敮鎸佸ぉ綰垮紑鏂礬鏋侀檺鐜銆佸彲瀵誨潃澶氬ぉ綰跨鍙c€佸璇誨啓鍣ㄨ繛緗?/span>
Excellent high-frequency RFID reading and writing: Supports antenna open / close limit environment, addressable multi-antenna ports, multi-reader networking
7) 鏀寔閫忔槑鍛戒護鏍煎紡鎿嶄綔錛氫負浜嗛厤鍚堝拰鏀寔鏈潵鏍囩鐨勬柊澧炲姛鑳戒互鍙婂悇涓巶鍟嗘爣絳劇殑鐗硅壊鍔熻兘鑰岄厤澶囩殑楂樼鐗規€?/span>
Support transparent command format operation: high-end features provided to match and support the new features of future labels and the features of labels from various manufacturers
8) SMA鎺ュ彛鍙洿鎺ラ厤鎺?0惟鏍囧噯RFID澶╃嚎錛屾湁鏁堣窛紱昏揪鑷?0-70cm錛氭湁鏁堣窛紱諱笌鍗忚鏍煎紡銆佸鎺ラ珮棰戝ぉ綰褲€佺數瀛愭爣絳懼強宸ヤ綔鐜鏈夊叧SMA interface can be directly connected with 50 惟 standard RFID antenna with effective distance up to 30-70cm: effective distance is related to protocol format, external high frequency antenna, electronic tag and working environment
9) 鏀寔浜屾寮€鍙戯細鎻愪緵鍔ㄦ€佽繛鎺ュ簱錛圖LL錛夊強婕旂ず杞歡婧愪唬鐮侊紝鏀寔浜屾寮€鍙?/span>
Support secondary development: provide dynamic connection library ( DLL ) and demo software source code, support secondary development
10) 鏀寔WiFi錛氳鍐欏櫒鍐呯疆Wifi鏃犵嚎灞€鍩熺綉妯″潡錛屽ぉ綰垮緗紝淇″彿寮猴紝鏀寔802.11b/g鏃犵嚎閫氳鍗忚錛屽湪宸ヤ笟鐢熶駭鐜瀹夎鍙厤甯冪嚎錛屽畨瑁呮柟渚匡紝鍙揪鍒板疄鏃剁洃鎺х殑鐩殑銆係upport for Wifi: The reader / writer has built-in WiFi wireless local area network module, external antenna, strong signal, supports 802.11b/g wireless communication protocol, can be installed in industrial production environment without wiring, is convenient to install, and can achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring.
* 妗岄潰寮忛珮棰慠FID璇誨啓鍣紙RS232+USB鎺ュ彛錛?/strong>
Table - top High Frequency RFID Reader ( RS232+USB Interface )
Functional characteristics錛?/strong>
Comply with many international agreement standards - 鈥擨SO15693.
2)鏀寔瀵笽 code II銆両code II SLIX銆乀ag-it HF-I絳夌鍚圛SO 15693鏍囧噯鐨処C鍗″拰鐢靛瓙鏍囩榪涜璇誨啓絳夋搷浣溿€?/span>
supports reading and writing of IC cards and electronic tags conforming to ISO 15693 standards, such as I code II, Icode II SLIX, Tag-it HF-I, etc.
Excellent performance, stable reading and writing, and fast response speed
It has USB and RS232 communication interfaces
interact with PC through USB cable, serial port cable, network cable, etc. to meet the wiring requirements of various work sites
Two black-and-white designs with different colors meet different communication interface choices. You can freely choose according to users' preferences and requirements
* 楂橀U鐩樺紡璇誨啓鍣?/strong>
High frequncy U disk reader
Functional characteristics錛?/strong>
1) 鏀寔澶氱鍥介檯鍗忚錛屽吋瀹規€у己錛氶€傚悎浜庡ISO14443A銆両SO15693銆丮ifare絳夊浗闄呮爣鍑嗙殑鍚勭闈炴帴瑙C鍗°€丆PU鍗″拰鐢靛瓙鏍囩榪涜鏁版嵁璇匯€佸啓銆佸姞瀵嗙瓑鎿嶄綔
Supports various international protocols and has strong compatibility: It is suitable for data reading, writing and encryption of various non-contact IC cards, CPU cards and electronic tags of ISO14443A, ISO15693, Mifare and other international standards.
2) 鏀寔鍗$墖綾誨瀷澶氭牱錛氭敮鎸丮ifare 1 S50銆丼70銆乁ltralight銆丮ifare Pro銆丗M11RF08銆丗M11RF32銆丷F1208銆丷F1216絳夌鍚圛SO14443A銆丮ifare鏍囧噯鍜孖 code銆乀ag-it HF-I絳夌鍚圛SO 15693鏍囧噯鐨処C鍗″拰鐢靛瓙鏍囩Various types of cards are supported: IC cards and electronic tags conforming to ISO14443A, Mifare standards and ISO 15693 standards, such as MIFARE S50, S70, Ultralight, Mifare Pro, FM11RF08, FM11RF32, RF1208, RF1216, etc. are supported.
3) 澶栬綺劇編錛氫綋縐皬宸с€佸瑙傛紓浜€佹惡甯︽柟渚褲€佹€т環姣旈珮錛屼護浜虹埍涓嶉噴鎵?/span>
Exquisite appearance: small size, beautiful appearance, convenient carrying and high cost performance, which makes people fondle admiringly.
4) 鎼哄甫杞繪澗錛氬叿澶嘦SB鎺ュ彛錛屽彲鏂逛究鐨勬帴鍏ュ埌絎旇鏈數鑴戙€佹櫤鑳芥墜鏈恒€丳ad銆丳C鏈虹瓑錛屽彲杞繪澗鎷撳睍涓漢緇堢鐨凴FID璇誨啓鍔熻兘Easy to carry: With USB interface, it can be conveniently connected to notebook computer, smart phone, Pad, PC, etc. It can easily expand RFID reading and writing function of personal terminal
5) 鍔熻兘瀹屽杽錛氬浗闄呮爣鍑嗕笅鐨勫悇縐嶆寚浠ゅ拰鍔熻兘閮藉緱鍒頒簡瀹屾暣鏀寔
Functional perfection: various instructions and functions under international standards have been fully supported.
6) 鎬ц兘鍗撹秺錛氳鍐欑ǔ瀹氥€佹€ц兘浼樿秺錛屽搷搴旈€熷害蹇?/span>
Excellent performance: stable reading and writing, excellent performance and fast response speed
7) 澶氳壊鍙€夛細鍏峰榛戣壊鍜岃摑鑹蹭袱縐嶉鑹?/span>
Multi - color option: available in black and blue
8) 鏀寔浜屾寮€鍙戯細鎻愪緵鍔ㄦ€佽繛鎺ュ簱錛圖LL錛夊強婕旂ず杞歡婧愪唬鐮侊紝鏀寔浜屾寮€鍙?/span>
Support secondary development: provide dynamic connection library ( DLL ) and demo software source code, support secondary development
9) 妯″紡澶氭牱錛氬彲閫塇ID妯″紡鎴栬€呰櫄鎷熶覆鍙fā寮?/span>
Various modes: HID mode or virtual serial port mode can be selected