鍩轟簬涓撶敤闃蹭吉鑺墖鐨勮尪鍙墮槻浼函婧愬鉤鍙癟ea security traceability Platform Based on Special Anti - counterfeit Chip涓撶敤鑺墖闃蹭吉騫沖彴瑕嗙洊鑼跺彾鈥滅敓浜?嫻侀€?閿€鍞?娑堣垂鈥濆叏嫻佺▼錛屾槸鈥滀笓鐢ㄩ槻浼姱鐗?澶ф暟鎹€濆湪鑼墮鍩熺殑鍏瘋薄搴旂敤銆俆he special chip anti-counterfeiting platform covers the whole process of " production - circulation - sale - consumption" of tea, and is the concrete application of " special anti-counterfeiting chip + big data" in the field of tea.鈭?鍏?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
涓嶯TAG 213鐩告瘮錛孨TAG 213 TT鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氬姛鑳斤紝涓烘櫤鑳藉寘瑁呭拰鍝佺墝淇濇姢鎻愪緵浜嗘洿澶氫紭鍔褲€侼TAG 213 TT鏂扮殑鏍囩綃℃敼鍔熻兘錛屽湪鍚姩榪囩▼涓嫻嬫爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勭姸鎬併€傚鏋滄帰嫻嬬嚎寮€璺紝NTAG 213 TT灝嗘案涔呭瓨鍌ㄨ浜嬩歡銆傛爣絳劇鏀圭嚎鐨勪俊鎭姸鎬佸彲浠ョ敤ASCII鐮侀暅鍍忓埌鍖呭惈NDEF淇℃伅鐨勭敤鎴峰瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓紝鎴栬€呭彲浠ョ敤涓撶敤鍛戒護璇誨彇 NTAG 213 TT offers extended features compared to the NTAG 213 providing additional benefits for smart packaging and brand protection. NTAG 213 TT the new tag tamper functionality which is detecting the status