Introduction of nuclear track integrated anti-counterfeiting mark錛?/strong>
鏍稿緞榪圭患鍚堥槻浼爣璇嗗浘妗堢敱姣忓鉤鏂瑰帢綾沖嚑鍗佷竾鍒板嚑鐧句竾涓井綾崇駭寰瓟緇勬垚銆傚井瀛斿湪鍏夌嚎涓嬪弽灝勫艦鎴愮櫧鑹插浘妗堛€傚井瀛斿瓟寰勫緢灝忥紝瀛旀暟寰堝錛屽井瀛斿湪騫抽潰涓婃寜緇熻瑙勫緥鍒嗗竷錛屽瓟閬撲負鍦嗘煴褰紝鍏鋒湁鑹ソ鐨勯€忔皵銆侀€忔按鎬ц兘銆傞€氳繃妯℃嫙璇曢獙錛岃瘉鏄庡埄鐢ㄦ縺鍏夋墦瀛旀垨鏈烘鍔犲伐鎵嬫錛屾棤娉曞埗寰楀拰鏍稿井瀛旈槻浼啘綾諱技鐨勪駭鍝併€俆he nuclear track comprehensive anti-counterfeiting mark pattern consists of hundreds of thousands to millions of micron-sized micropores per square centimeter. The micropores are reflected under light to form a white pattern. The pore size of the micropores is very small and the number of pores is very large. The micropores are distributed according to statistical laws on the plane. The pores are cylindrical and have good air permeability and water permeability. Through simulation test, it is proved that products similar to nuclear microporous anti-counterfeiting film cannot be produced by laser drilling or mechanical processing.
鏍稿緞榪圭患鍚堥槻浼爣璇嗙殑鍒墮€犺繃紼嬫槸涓€涓牳鐗╃悊銆佸厜鐢點€佺敓鍖栫瓑澶氫釜瀛︾鐭ヨ瘑浜ょ粐緇勫悎搴旂敤鐨勮繃紼嬶紝闇€瑕佸己澶х殑縐戞妧鍔涢噺鍜屾槀璐電殑璁懼鏀寔鍋氫繚璇侊紝鍏舵妧鏈毦搴﹂珮錛屽伐鑹哄鏉傛€т笉鏄竴鑸殑鍟嗕笟浼佷笟鍙互娑夎凍鐨勩€俆he manufacturing process of nuclear track integrated anti-counterfeiting mark is a process of combining knowledge of nuclear physics, photoelectricity, biochemistry and other disciplines. It needs strong scientific and technological strength and expensive equipment to guarantee it. Its technical difficulty is high, and its technological complexity is not something that ordinary commercial enterprises can set foot in.
Features of nuclear track integrated anti-counterfeiting mark錛?/strong>
1錛庢牳瀛旇啘鐨勫埗閫犻渶瑕佸皷绔殑鏍告妧鏈拰鏄傝吹鐨勬牳璁炬柦錛岃繖浜涙晱鎰熺殑鏍歌鏂介兘鎺у埗鍦ㄧ殑澶у瀷鏍告妧鏈爺絀跺崟浣嶉噷錛岄兘鍦ㄥ浗瀹舵牳瀹夊叏灞€鐨勭洃綆′箣涓嬶紝閫犲亣鑰呭緢闅懼叿澶囥€俆he production of nuclear pore membranes requires sophisticated nuclear technology and expensive nuclear facilities. These sensitive nuclear facilities are under the supervision of the State Nuclear Safety Administration and are difficult for counterfeiters to possess.
The reactors in general nuclear power stations cannot be used to make nuclear track anti-counterfeiting films, and only reactors with special structures can be used to make nuclear track anti-counterfeiting marks.
3. 鏍稿瓟鑶滅殑鍒墮€犻渶瑕侀珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勭鎶€浜哄憳錛庨珮鑳界墿鐞嗘妧鏈拰鏍告妧鏈紝閮芥槸褰撲粖涓栫晫鐨勫皷绔妧鏈紝鍦ㄤ笘鐣屼笂涔熷彧鏈夊皯鏁板浗瀹惰兘鎺屾彙銆?nbsp;The manufacture of nuclear pore membranes requires high-quality scientific and technical personnel. High - energy physics and nuclear technology are cutting-edge technologies in the world today, and only a few countries in the world can master them.
4錛庡瓟鍦ㄥ井瑙備笂鍒嗗竷鏄笉鍧囧寑鐨勶紝鎸夐殢鏈鴻寰嬪垎甯冿紟鐢遍噸紱誨瓙鍔犻€熷櫒鐢熶駭鐨勬牳寰勮抗闃蹭吉鏍囧織鑶滐紝瀹冪殑瀛旈亾鍩烘湰鏄鉤琛岀殑錛岃€岀敤鏍稿弽搴斿爢鐢熶駭鐨勬牳寰勮抗闃蹭吉鏍囧織鑶滐紝瀹冪殑瀛旈亾鏄湁涓€瀹氱殑鏁e皠瑙掑垎甯冪殑錛屽悗鑰呮洿涓嶅鏄撲豢閫犮€俆he holes are distributed unevenly on the microscopic level and randomly. The nuclear track anti-counterfeiting mark film produced by heavy ion accelerators has basically parallel channels, while the nuclear track anti-counterfeiting mark film produced by nuclear reactors has a certain scattering angle distribution, and the latter is less likely to be imitated.