琛ㄩ潰鏉愭枡Surface material錛?/strong>
鏍囩鐨勫潥鎸哄害鏄嚭鏍囩殑鍏抽敭錛屽洜姝よ姹傝〃闈㈡潗鏂欑殑涓€瀹氱殑寮哄害鍜岀‖搴︼紝鏍囩鐨勫潥鎸哄害鍙堝拰鏉愭枡鐨勫帤搴﹀拰鏍囩鐨勯潰縐湁鍏籌紝鎵€浠ヤ嬌鐢ㄦ煍杞殑钖勮啘鏉愭枡鏃訛紝瑕侀€傚綋澧炲姞鍏跺帤搴︼紝涓€鑸帶鍒跺湪100渭m浠ヤ笂銆傝杽鐨勭焊寮犵被鏉愭枡錛屽60~70g/m2鐨勮創鏍囩焊錛屼竴鑸笉閫傚悎鍋氬ぇ鏍囩錛岃€岄€傚悎鍔犲伐鎴愬皬鏍囩錛屽鏍囦環鏋笂浣跨敤鐨勪環鏍兼爣絳俱€傛爣絳劇殑鍧氭尯搴﹀樊浼氬鑷磋創鏍囨椂涓嶅嚭鏍囷紝鎴栨爣絳懼悓搴曠焊涓€鍚屽鍗鳳紝浣胯嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍囧け鏁堛€俆he strength of the label is the key to marking, so it requires a certain strength and hardness of the surface material. The strength of the label is related to the thickness of the material and the area of the label. Therefore, when using a soft film material, the thickness of the label should be appropriately increased and generally controlled to be over 100 渭 m .. Thin paper materials, such as 60 - 70g / m2 labeling paper, are generally not suitable for large labels, but are suitable for processing into small labels, such as price labels used on price guns. The difference in the strength of the label will cause the label not to be labeled, or the label will be rewound together with the base paper, making the automatic label invalid.
紱誨瀷鍔汻elease force
涔熺О鍓ョ鍔涳紝鏄爣絳捐劚紱誨簳綰告椂鐨勫姏銆傜鍨嬪姏涓庣矘鍚堝墏鐨勭綾匯€佸帤搴﹀強搴曠焊琛ㄩ潰鐨勬秱紜呮儏鍐墊湁鍏籌紝榪樺拰璐存爣鏃剁殑鐜娓╁害鏈夊叧銆傜鍨嬪姏澶皬錛屾爣絳懼湪杈撻€佽繃紼嬩腑瀹規槗鎺夋爣(鑴辯搴曠焊);紱誨瀷鍔涘お澶э紝鏍囩鑴辯搴曠焊鍥伴毦錛屾棤娉曞嚭鏍囥€傚簲緇煎悎鎺у埗鍚勯」鎶€鏈寚鏍囷紝浣跨鍨嬪姏鍦ㄤ竴鍚堢悊鐨勮寖鍥村唴銆侫lso known as peeling force, it is the force when the label is separated from the base paper. The release force is related to the type and thickness of the adhesive and the silicon coating on the surface of the backing paper, as well as the ambient temperature at the time of labeling. The release force is too small and the label is easy to fall off ( off the base paper ) during the conveying process. The release force is too great to release the label from the base paper. All technical indexes should be comprehensively controlled so that the parting force is within a reasonable range.
鏍囩搴曠焊Label backing
鏄帶鍒惰嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍囩殑閲嶈鎸囨爣銆傝姹傚簳綰歌〃闈㈡秱紜呭潎鍖€錛岀鍨嬪姏涓€鑷?鍘氬害鍧囧寑錛屾湁濂界殑鎶楁媺寮哄害錛岀‘淇濊創鏍囨椂涓嶆柇瑁?鍘氬害鍧囧寑錛屾湁濂界殑閫忓厜鎬э紝紜繚浼犳劅鍣ㄦ紜瘑鍒爣絳劇殑浣嶇疆銆侷t is an important index to control automatic labeling. It is required that the surface of the backing paper be uniformly coated with silicon and the parting force be consistent. Uniform thickness and good tensile strength ensure no breakage during labeling. Uniform thickness and good transparency ensure that the sensor correctly identifies the position of the label.
鍔犲伐璐ㄩ噺Processing quality
鍒嗗垏鍚庡簳綰鎬袱渚у鉤鏁淬€佹棤鐮村彛錛岄伩鍏嶅紶鍔涘彉鍖栨椂搴曠焊鏂銆傛ā鍒囨椂瑕侀伩鍏嶅垏絀垮簳綰告垨鐮村潖娑傜灞傦紝搴曠焊鍜屾秱紜呭眰琚牬鍧忓鏄撳嚭鐜板簳綰告媺鏂垨鏍囩鍐呯殑綺樺悎鍓傛笚鍏ュ簳綰革紝鍑虹幇涓嶅嚭鏍囧拰鎾曡搴曠焊鐜拌薄銆傛澶栵紝鍦ㄨ創鏍囧墠瑕佹秷闄ゅ嵎絳掔焊鏍囩鍐呯殑闈欑數錛屽洜涓洪潤鐢典細閫犳垚璐存爣鏃朵笉鍑烘爣鎴栧嚭鐜拌創鏍囦笉鍑嗙殑鐜拌薄銆侫fter slitting, the two sides of the base paper are flat and free of crevasses, so as to prevent the base paper from breaking when the tension changes. During die - cutting, it is necessary to avoid cutting through the base paper or damaging the silicon-coated layer. When the base paper and the silicon-coated layer are damaged, the base paper will be easily broken or the adhesive in the label will penetrate into the base paper, resulting in no label and tearing of the base paper. In addition, the static electricity in the web label should be eliminated before labeling, because static electricity will cause the label not to be labeled or the label not to be labeled correctly.
璐存爣鏈虹繕鏍囩幇璞$殑瑙e喅鏂規硶 璐存爣涓杈懼埌瀹岀編瑙嗚鏁堟灉銆傚叾涓箣涓€灝辨槸閬垮厤璐存爣涓殑緲樻爣鐜拌薄銆傚湪綆″瓙鏈亴瑁呬箣鍓嶈創鏍囷紝璐村ソ浠ュ悗鍐嶈繘琛岀亴瑁呭皝灝撅紝鑰屽湪灝佸熬榪囩▼涓殑鍔犵儹瀵規爣絳劇殑鑰冮獙灝ゅ叾涓ュ郴錛屾爣絳捐窛紱誨簳绔秺榪戯紝緲樻爣鐨勫彲鑳芥€у氨瓚婂ぇ銆俆he Solution to the Warping Phenomenon of Labeling Machine The perfect visual effect should be achieved in labeling. One of them is to avoid warping in labeling. Labeling before the pipe is not filled, filling and closing the end after it is pasted, and the heating in the closing process is especially severe for the label, and the closer the label is to the bottom, the more likely it is to become warped.