RFID 闃茶漿縐繪槗紕庢爣絳句粙緇嶏細
Introduction of RFID Anti - transfer Fragile Label錛?/strong>
鏄撶涓嶅共鑳舵爣絳炬槸涓€縐嶉槻鎻槗鎹熺殑RFID鏍囩褰㈠紡錛屽鐢ㄤ簬闃蹭吉棰嗗煙銆傚畠鐢變笉騫茶兌鐨勫簳綰搞€佹槗紕庨潰綰稿拰涓棿鐨勮兌灞傚拰RFID澶╃嚎灞傜粍鎴愶紝浜у搧鏌旇蔣杞昏杽錛屾柟渚跨矘璐達紝闈㈡潗涓烘槗紕庣焊鎴栬€呮槗紕庤啘錛屽彲鍗板埛錛岃兘鎵歸噺鐢熶駭鍜屾壒閲忔墦鍗幫紝浣嗕竴鏃﹁創浜庤璐寸墿鍚庡啀鎻笅鏉ュ氨浼氬鑷村ぉ綰垮拰闈㈡潗鎹熷潖錛屾爣絳懼け鍘昏鍐欏姛鑳斤紝鍥犺€岃揪鍒伴槻浼€侀槻鎻殑鐩殑銆侳ragile self-adhesive label is a form of RFID label that can resist being torn off and easily damaged, which is mostly used in the anti-counterfeiting field. It consists of adhesive base paper, fragile face paper, middle adhesive layer and RFID antenna layer. The product is soft, light and easy to paste. The face material is fragile paper or fragile film, which can be printed and can be produced in batches and batch print. However, once it is pasted on the pasted object and peeled off, the antenna and face material will be damaged, and the label will lose its reading and writing functions, thus achieving the purposes of anti-counterfeiting and anti - peeling.
瓚呴珮棰戞槗紕庝笉騫茶兌鏍囩鍐呴儴鍙皝瑁呬笉鍚岀殑UHF鑺墖鍜屼笉鍚岀殑UHF澶╃嚎錛屽洜鑰屽叿鏈変笉鍚岀殑璇誨啓璺濈鍜岀壒鎬э紝浣嗘€諱綋鏉ヨ錛岀浉姣旈珮棰戞爣絳懼叿鏈夎鍙栬窛紱昏繙銆侀槻鍐茬獊鑳藉姏寮恒€佹劅搴旈€熷害蹇瓑鐗圭偣錛屽箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鐗╁搧闃蹭吉銆佽拷韙拷婧€佷駭鍝佸寘瑁呯瓑棰嗗煙銆俇HF fragile adhesive labels can be packaged with different UHF chips and different UHF antennas, so they have different reading and writing distances and characteristics, but on the whole, they have the characteristics of far reading distance, strong anti-collision ability and fast induction speed compared with high frequency labels, and are widely used in the fields of anti - counterfeiting, tracking and tracing, product packaging, etc.
RFID 闃茶漿縐繪槗紕庢爣絳劇壒鐐癸細
RFID Anti - transfer Fragile Label Features:
Composite material: plastic film anti-transfer composite substrate;
Working frequency band: high frequency / ultra high frequency;
Typical application: product traceability and anti-counterfeiting verification;
Use the anodized aluminum technology to increase the beauty of the logo.
Composite multi-plate making and high-end anti-counterfeiting technology.
The supply of data and electric energy is transmitted in a non-contact manner ( without battery power supply )
7銆佸伐浣滈鐜嘜perating frequency錛?60锝?60 MHz
Real Conflict Prevention: Allow Multiple Labels to Read Simultaneously
Data encryption is supported, and each sector password is managed separately
Data retention capacity over 10 years錛?/span>
Erase cycle is more than 100,000 times錛?/span>
Each chip has an unalterable unique identifier ( serial number ) to ensure the uniqueness of each tag銆?/span>
RFID 闃茶漿縐繪槗紕庢爣絳鵑€傜敤棰嗗煙錛?/strong>
Application field of RFID anti-transfer fragile tag:
commodity fidelity anti-counterfeiting management
Quality traceability management
product life cycle traceability management
Anti - counterfeiting of product packaging
Logistics and Supply Chain Management