Introduction of Two - color Double Positioning Local Holographic Anti - counterfeiting 錛?/strong>
Two - color positioning local holographic anti-counterfeiting technology is to accurately prepare two kinds of laser holographic information within the set reference range through special equipment and advanced technology, so as to achieve the anti-counterfeiting purpose of difficult imitation and easy identification. Its anti-counterfeiting technology content is high, and the production equipment is special, which can effectively prevent counterfeiters from hot stamping and transferring.
Features of Two - color Double Positioning Local Holographic Anti - counterfeiting Mark錛?/strong>
1.鍦ㄧエ鍒哥殑鎸囧畾澶勶紙鍏蜂綋浣嶇疆鍙牴鎹姹傝瀹氾級鍙涓€鏂瑰艦浠ラ噾銆侀摱鑹蹭負鑳屾櫙銆佸甫鏈夊叏鎭紙妞渾鍦堝唴闂厜鍙戜寒鐨勯噾灞炲潡錛夌殑闃蹭吉淇℃伅銆傚湪閾墮摑灞備笂鏈変竴綰㈣壊妞渾褰㈣竟妗嗭紝妗嗗唴鏈夐噾銆侀摱鑹查棯浜噾灞炲潡錛堝叏鎭噾灞炲潡錛夊拰綰㈣壊鈥淟OGO鈥濈殑鏂囧瓧淇℃伅錛岄棯浜噾灞炲潡錛堝叏鎭噾灞炲潡錛夊拰綰㈣壊鈥淟OGO鈥濈簿紜畾浣嶅湪綰㈣壊妗嗗唴銆傜孩鑹叉澶栧尯鍩熺殑閲戙€侀摱鑹插尯鍩熸湁浜氳壊鐨勨€滅湡鍝侀槻浼€濇枃瀛楀拰闅忔満鍒嗗竷鐨勫叏鎭噾灞炵嚎銆?nbsp;At the designated place of the ticket ( the specific position can be set according to the requirements ), a square anti-counterfeiting message with hologram ( flashing metal block in oval circle ) with gold and silver background can be seen. On the silver-aluminum layer, there is a red oval border with gold and silver shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and red " LOGO" text messages. The shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and red " LOGO" are accurately positioned in the red frame. The gold and silver areas outside the red frame have sub-colored " genuine anti - counterfeiting" characters and randomly distributed holographic metal lines.
2.閲戙€侀摱鑹茶儗鏅笂鏈夌孩鑹叉き鍦嗘綰匡紱妗嗙嚎鍐呮湁閲戙€侀摱鑹查棯浜噾灞炲潡錛堝叏鎭噾灞炲潡錛夊拰綰㈣壊鈥淟OGO鈥濇枃瀛椾俊鎭紱闂寒閲戝睘鍧楋紙鍏ㄦ伅閲戝睘鍧楋級鍜屸€淟OGO鈥濈簿紜畾浣嶅湪綰㈡鍐咃紱閲戝睘鍧楀帇妗嗐€佸嚭妗嗘垨鏂囧瓧瀹氫綅涓嶅噯紜潎涓哄亣紲ㄥ埜銆俆here are red oval border lines on the gold and silver background; There are gold and silver shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and red " LOGO" text messages inside the frame. Shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and " LOGO" are accurately positioned in the red frame. The inaccurate metal block framing, framing or text positioning are all fake tickets.
3.闆嗘垚浜嗗叕鍙稿欏規妧鏈紝榪愮敤涓撲笟鍖栬澶囷紝渚濋潬鑷湁鐨勬潗鏂欓厤鏂癸紝澶氬眰嬈″鏉傜殑鍚堟垚鎶€鏈墠鑳藉畬鎴愭暣涓敓浜ц繃紼嬶紝鍒朵綔鍑哄弻鑹插弻瀹氫綅灞€閮ㄥ叏鎭槻浼啘銆?nbsp;It integrates many technologies of the company, uses specialized equipment and relies on its own material formula to complete the whole production process with multi-level and complex synthesis technology, and makes a double-color double-positioning local holographic anti-counterfeiting film.
4.璇ユ妧鏈簲鐢ㄤ簬鍙戠エ涓婏紝鍏鋒湁鍥涗釜瑙嗚鐗瑰緛This technology is applied to invoices and has four visual features錛?/span>
There are red oval borders on the gold and silver background. There are gold and silver shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and red " LOGO" text messages inside the frame. Shiny metal blocks ( holographic metal blocks ) and " LOGO" are accurately positioned in the red frame. If the metal block is pressed into the frame, out of the frame or the text is not accurately positioned, it is a fake bill.