瓚呴珮棰戞爣絳劇殑闃呰璺濈澶э紝鍙揪6綾充互涓婏紱瀛樿串鏁版嵁閲忓ぇ錛涚伒媧繪€у己錛涙暟鎹紶杈撻€熺巼楂橈紱澶╃嚎鏈夌嚎鎬у拰鍦嗘瀬鍖栦袱縐嶈璁★紝婊¤凍涓嶅悓搴旂敤鐨勯渶姹傘€俆he reading distance of UHF tags is large, reaching more than 6 meters. Large amount of stored data; Strong flexibility; High data transmission rate; The antenna has two designs, linear and circular polarization, to meet the needs of different applications.
?。妗堟槸浼佷笟銆佸憳宸ュ伐浣滅粡鍘嗙殑璁板綍錛屾棤璁烘槸瀵瑰崟浣嶈繕鏄涓漢鑰岃█錛屾。妗堥兘寰堥噸瑕併€傞殢鐫€緇勭粐涓氬姟澧炲錛屽憳宸ヨ妯℃墿澶э紝?。妗堜笉鏂鍔犲Q屾。妗堢鐞嗛銆佷紒浜嬩笟鍗曚綅?。妗埥帯鐞嗗鐨勬。妗埥帯鐞嗕徽d姟鎰堝姞綣侀噸銆傝繖涔熻姹傛。妗堢鐞嗛儴闂ㄥ繀欏誨姞閫熷紩榪涙櫤鑳藉寲?。妗埥帯鐞嗘栆帯堛€侫rchives are records of the work experience of enterprises and employees, and they are very important for both units and individuals. With the increase of organizational business, the expansion of staff size and the continuous increase of archives, the archives management tasks of archives management centers and archives management offices of enterprises and institutions are becoming more and more onerous. This also requires the archives management department to speed up the introduction of intelligent archives management programs.
浜旂浘RFID?。妗埥帯鐞喚p葷粺鐢變腑蹇冩暟鎹簱鍜岀粓绔鐞嗗櫒緇勬垚錛屾槸緋葷粺鐨勬暟鎹瓨鍙栦腑蹇冧笌淇℃伅杈撳叆杈撳嚭緇堢銆傜粓绔鐞嗗櫒鍖呮嫭璇誨啓鍣ㄣ€佹墜鎸丳DA鎴栬€呮櫤鑳芥墭鐩橈紝鏄腑蹇冩暟鎹簱鑾峰彇淇℃伅涓庤緭鍑轟俊鎭殑閲嶈绔彛銆?nbsp;The wudun RFID file management system consists of a central database and a terminal manager. It is the system's data access center and information input and output terminal. The terminal manager includes reader - writer, handheld PDA or intelligent tray, which is an important port for the central database to obtain and output information.
File Entry Process:
RFID intelligent tray:
RFID鏅鴻兘鎵樼洏鏄熀浜嶳FID鎶€鏈師鐞嗭紝閲嶆柊璁捐妯℃嫙鐢佃礬鍜屾暟瀛楃數璺紑鍙戠殑鑷姩璇嗗埆鐢靛瓙鎵樼洏銆傝鎵樻澘鍒涙柊浜哤IFI鐩磋繛鏈哄埗錛屾墦鐮翠簡浼犵粺鈥淩FID鏍囩+澶栫疆緗戠嚎+鎵嬫寔PDA鈥濇壒閲忕洏鐐圭殑闄愬埗錛屾瀬澶х▼搴﹀湴闄嶄綆浜嗕漢宸ユ垚鏈拰?。妗堝瓨鍌ㄧ洏鐐规垚鏈Q屾爣絳捐鍙栫簿鍑嗗害楂?RFID intelligent tray is an automatic identification electronic tray developed based on RFID technology principle and redesigned analog circuit and digital circuit. The pallet innovates WIFI direct connection mechanism, breaks the limit of traditional batch inventory of " RFID tag + external network cable + handheld PDA", greatly reduces labor cost and file storage inventory cost, and has high tag reading accuracy.
RFID Intelligent Tray Core Highlights:
瀹炴椂鐩樺彇Real-time disk retrieval
The retrieval data of each file, including retrieval time and quantity, will be recorded in real time to facilitate the archivist to track the file trend in time.
璁捐鐏墊椿Flexible design
The RFID intelligent tray can adjust its shape according to the shape of file shelving without affecting the aesthetic vision.
鎴愭湰浣庯紝榪愮淮閲忓皬Low cost and small operation and maintenance volume
鍜屼紶緇烺FID UHF鏂規鐩告瘮錛孯FID鏅鴻兘鎵樼洏鏂規鐨勬垚鏈檷浣?0%.
Compared with the traditional RFID UHF scheme, the cost of the RFID intelligent tray scheme is reduced by 50%.
鍙嶅簲閫熷害蹇獸ast reaction speed
When the file is picked up, the RFID tag information is immediately reflected on the background system to accurately record the file movement path.