浜旂浘縐戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃鐩劇墝LOGO鑾峰緱鍥藉鐗堟潈灞€浣滃搧钁椾綔鏉冦€係hields LOGO of Wudun Technology Co., Ltd. Won Copyright of Works by National Copyright Administration
闃呰璇︾粏琛ㄩ潰鏉愭枡Surface material錛氭爣絳劇殑鍧氭尯搴︽槸鍑烘爣鐨勫叧閿紝鍥犳瑕佹眰琛ㄩ潰鏉愭枡鐨勪竴瀹氱殑寮哄害鍜岀‖搴︼紝鏍囩鐨勫潥鎸哄害鍙堝拰鏉愭枡鐨勫帤搴﹀拰鏍囩鐨勯潰縐湁鍏籌紝鎵€浠ヤ嬌鐢ㄦ煍杞殑钖勮啘鏉愭枡鏃訛紝瑕侀€傚綋澧炲姞鍏跺帤搴︼紝涓€鑸帶鍒跺湪100渭m浠ヤ笂銆傝杽鐨勭焊寮犵被鏉愭枡錛屽60~70g/m2鐨勮創鏍囩焊錛屼竴鑸笉閫傚悎鍋氬ぇ鏍囩錛岃€岄€傚悎鍔犲伐鎴愬皬鏍囩錛屽鏍囦環鏋笂浣跨敤鐨勪環鏍兼爣絳俱€傛爣絳劇殑鍧氭尯搴﹀樊浼氬鑷磋創鏍囨椂涓嶅嚭鏍囷紝鎴栨爣絳懼悓搴曠焊涓€鍚屽鍗鳳紝浣胯嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍囧け鏁堛€俆he strength of the label is the key to marking, so it requires a certain strength and hardness of the surface material. The strength of the label is related to the thickness of the material and the
闃呰璇︾粏浠嬬粛Introduction錛?銆佺壒縐嶆潗鏂欙紝鍦ㄩ€犵焊鏃跺皢鎸囧畾淇℃伅妞嶅叆綰稿紶鍐咃紝鍚庢湡鏃犳硶鏇存敼錛屼笖綰挎涓轟笉瑙勫垯鍒嗗竷錛?nbsp;Special materials, when making paper, insert the specified information into the paper, which cannot be changed later, and the line segments are irregularly distributed;2銆佹縺鍏変俊鎭殣钘忓叾涓紝鎻紑鍓嶄笉鏄劇幇錛屾彮寮€鍚庢墠鍙湪鍓ヨ惤灞傚強搴曡啘涓婃樉鐜幫紝璧峰埌闅愯棌闃蹭吉浣滅敤錛?nbsp;The laser information is hidden in it. It does not appear before it is uncovered, and can only appear on the peeling layer