浜旂浘鍔犲瘑褰╃爜鍙樿壊鏍囨槸浠ョ幇浠e瘑鐮佸鎶€鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈€佽闊蟲妧鏈€両NTERNET緗戠粶鎶€鏈瓑澶氱璁$畻鏈轟俊鎭妧鏈負鍩虹錛屼互緇堢娑堣垂鑰呮垨鐢ㄦ埛鏌ラ獙浜у搧鐪熶吉涓烘墜孌靛艦鎴愮殑涓€濂楅槻浼郴緇熸妧鏈€俆he 5-D encrypted color code color-changing label is a set of anti-counterfeiting system technology based on various computer information technologies such as modern cryptography, communication technology, voice technology, Internet network technology, and by means of checking the authenticity of products by end c
闃呰璇︾粏3D鏄劇ず嬋€鍏夌粍鍚堥槻浼爣3D display laser combined anti-counterfeiting label 1銆?鍔ㄦ€佹樉紺猴細璇嗗埆鏂規硶綆€鍗曘€備嬌鐢ㄨ秴3D鏄劇ず鎶€鏈敓浜х殑鏍囩瑙傚療瑙嗚澶с€佽灝勬晥鐜囬珮錛屽湪杞姩鏃跺彲娓呮櫚鐪嬪埌鐗╀綋鐨?涓晶闈紝鍔ㄦ€佺珛浣撱€佽瑙夐€肩湡銆佹牘鏍╁鐢熴€侱ynamic display: The identification method is simple. Labels produced by ultra - 3D display technology have a large viewing angle and high diffraction efficiency, and can clearly see the four sides of the object when rotating, with dynamic stereo, vivid visio
闃呰璇︾粏濉戣啘鍏ㄦ伅闅愬瘑闃蹭吉鏍囩浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction of plastic film holographic hidden anti-counterfeiting label錛?銆佸彲鍒彲鎻紝婊¤凍涓嶅悓娑堣垂鑰呴渶姹傦紱It can be scraped and uncovered to meet the needs of different consumers;2銆佹縺鍏変俊鎭殣钘忓叾涓紝鎻紑鍓嶄笉鏄劇幇錛屾彮寮€鍚庢墠鍙湪鍓ヨ惤灞傚強搴曡啘涓婃樉鐜幫紝璧峰埌闅愯棌闃蹭吉浣滅敤錛汿he laser information is hidden in it. It does not appear before it is uncovered, and can only appear on the peeling layer and the bottom film after it is uncovered, thus playing a
闃呰璇︾粏浜岀淮鐮侀槻浼爣璇嗙殑浠嬬粛Introduction of Two - dimensional Code Anti - counterfeiting 錛氫簩緇寸爜鎶€鏈殑闃蹭吉鍔熻兘錛岃嚜21涓栫邯浠ユ潵琚ぇ鑼冨洿鐨勫簲鐢ㄤ簬鍚勪釜鐢熶駭棰嗗煙錛屼粠椋熷搧鍔犲伐鍒版満姊板埗閫犻兘鍙互鐪嬪埌澶ч噺鐨勪簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鎶€鏈殑騫挎硾搴旂敤銆備簩緇寸爜闃蹭吉鏍囩姝f槸鍥犱負瀹冪嫭涓€鏃犱簩鐨勯槻浼浘妗堬紝緹庤澶ф柟鐨勫悓鏃舵洿鍖呭惈鐫€澶ч噺鐨勪俊鎭唴瀹癸紝瀹㈡埛鍙渶鎷胯搗鎵嬫満渚垮彲浠ュ強鏃朵究鎹風殑鏌ヨ浜у搧鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡銆佺敓浜у湴銆佷駭鍝佷俊鎭瓑鍐呭銆俆he anti-counterfeiting function of two-dimensional code technology has been widely used in various production fields since the 21st century, and a large number of two-dimensional c
闃呰璇︾粏鍙岃壊鍙屽畾浣嶅眬閮ㄥ叏鎭槻浼爣璇嗕粙緇嶏細Introduction of Two - color Double Positioning Local Holographic Anti - counterfeiting 錛氬弻鑹插畾浣嶅眬閮ㄥ叏鎭槻浼妧鏈槸灝嗕袱縐嶆縺鍏夊叏鎭俊鎭€氳繃涓撶敤璁懼鍜屽厛榪涚殑宸ヨ壓鎶€鏈簿紜湴鍒跺鍦ㄦ墍璁懼畾鐨勫熀鍑嗚寖鍥村唴錛屼互杈懼埌闅句互浠垮埗鏄撲簬璇嗗埆鐨勯槻浼洰鐨勩€傚叾闃蹭吉鎶€鏈惈閲忛珮錛屼笖鐢熶駭璁懼涓轟笓鐢紝鍙湁鏁堝湴闃叉閫犲亣鑰呯儷鍗拌漿縐匯€?nbsp;Two - color positioning local holographic anti-counterfeiting technology is to accurately prepare two kinds of laser holographic information within the set reference range through spec
闃呰璇︾粏縐嶅瓙琛屼笟婧簮鏂規浠嬬粛 Tracing scheme錛氱瀛愭槸涓庡啘姘戝ぉ澶╂墦浜ら亾鐨勪駭鍝侊紝鑰屼粬浠張鏄ぞ浼氭渶鍩虹鐨勫姵鍔ㄤ漢姘戯紝鏂囧寲紼嬪害涓嶉珮錛屽鏄撲笂褰撳彈楠椼€傚亣鍐掔瀛愩€佷互嬈″厖濂姐€佸伔鎹㈠寘瑁呯瓑闂姣旀瘮鐨嗘槸銆傚浣曡鍐滄埛綆€鍗曞揩鎹風殑杈ㄨ瘑浜у搧鐪熶吉錛岃浼佷笟鏈夋晥鎺у埗娓犻亾紿滆揣鍛紵Seeds are products that deal with farmers every day, and they are the most basic working people in society. They are not well educated and easily deceived. There are many problems such as fake seeds, shoddy products and packaging. How can farmers simply and quickly identi