浜旂浘鍔犲瘑褰╃爜鍙樿壊鏍囨槸浠ョ幇浠e瘑鐮佸鎶€鏈€侀€氳鎶€鏈€佽闊蟲妧鏈€両NTERNET緗戠粶鎶€鏈瓑澶氱璁$畻鏈轟俊鎭妧鏈負鍩虹錛屼互緇堢娑堣垂鑰呮垨鐢ㄦ埛鏌ラ獙浜у搧鐪熶吉涓烘墜孌靛艦鎴愮殑涓€濂楅槻浼郴緇熸妧鏈€俆he 5-D encrypted color code color-changing label is a set of anti-counterfeiting system technology based on various computer information technologies such as modern cryptography, communication technology, voice technology, Internet network technology, and by means of checking the authenticity of products by end c
闃呰璇︾粏闃蹭吉鍚堟牸璇佷粙緇岻ntroduction to anti-counterfeiting certificate錛?nbsp; 錛?錛夋潗璐∕aterial錛氱焊璐ㄣ€佹縺鍏夊叏鎭€佺壒縐嶈杽鑶滄潗鏂欍€?nbsp;Paper, Laser Holography, Special Film Materials. 錛?錛夌被鍨婽ype錛氫笉騫茶兌綰革紝閾滅増綰革紝鐗圭綰搞€佺氦緇寸焊錛屽畨鍏ㄧ嚎綰革紝姘村嵃綰革紝鏄撶綰革紝鍙屽眰涓嶅共鑳剁焊錛岃杽鑶滄潗鏂橮ET鏉愭枡銆?nbsp;self-adhesive paper, coated paper, specialty paper, fiber paper, safety thread paper, watermark paper, fragile paper, double-layer self-adhesive pape
闃呰璇︾粏姘存礂甯冨彉鐮侀槻浼爣浠嬬粛錛欼ntroduction to the Anti - counterfeiting Label of Washed Cloth Changing Code錛?銆佸叿鏈夐槻浼€佸彲鍙樹簩緇寸爜絳変俊鎭紝鍙煡璇㈤槻浼強浜у搧婧簮錛?nbsp;It has information such as anti-counterfeiting and variable two-dimensional codes, and can inquire about anti-counterfeiting and product traceability.2銆佹爣絳懼熀鏉愪負姘存礂甯冪被鏍囩錛屽彲鍗板埛綺劇編LOGO鍙婂浘妗堬紱 The label substrate is a washed cloth label that can print exquisite LOGO and patterns.3銆佹爣絳懼叿澶囪€愭按
闃呰璇︾粏濉戣啘鍏ㄦ伅瀹氫綅鎻紑闃蹭吉鏍囦粙緇嶏細Introduction of plastic film holographic positioning to uncover anti-counterfeiting mark 1銆佸叏鎭笌鏁扮爜緇煎悎闃蹭吉錛氭棦鏈夋暟鐮侀槻浼姛鑳斤紝涔熸湁嬋€鍏夊叏鎭槻浼紝緇煎悎闃蹭吉鎬ц兘楂橈紱 Holographic and digital integrated anti - counterfeiting: both digital anti-counterfeiting and laser holographic anti-counterfeiting have high integrated anti-counterfeiting performance;2銆侀槻杞Щ鏁堟灉鏋佸ソ錛屾彮鍚悗鏃犳硶澶嶅師錛屾湁鏁堥樆鍑諱豢鍐掑拰鎵撳亣錛汿he anti-transfer effect is
闃呰璇︾粏鏅鴻兘鐐瑰厜婧愬彲瑙嗗寲鍔ㄦ€侀槻浼爣浠嬬粛錛欼ntelligent point light source visualization dynamic Anti-Counterfeiting Mark錛?nbsp;1銆佸井鍔ㄦ€佹妧鏈紝鍦ㄥ厜婧愪笅浠庝笉鍚岃搴﹀彲瑙佺Щ鍔ㄧ壒瀹氬唴瀹癸紱Micro - dynamic technology, which can see and move specific content from different angles under the light source;2銆佽彶娑呭皵閫忛暅鎶€鏈紝鍦ㄥ厜婧愪笅鍙娣卞害瀹氬埗闃蹭吉淇℃伅錛?nbsp;Fresnel lens technology, customized anti-counterfeiting information in visible depth under the light source;3銆佹縺鍏夊叏鎭珛浣撴誕闆曟妧鏈珮绔€佸ぇ姘斻€佷笂?。娆″Q?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
褰㈢姸璁板繂闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑浠嬬粛Introduction to Shape Memory Anti - counterfeiting錛氭鏍囪瘑鏄敤鐗規畩鐨勯珮鍒嗗瓙褰㈢姸璁板繂鏉愭枡鍋氬熀鏉愶紝緇忚繃澶氱宸ヨ壓鍔犲伐鑰屾垚錛涘湪65鈩冪殑娓╁害涓嬶紝瀹冭兘鎭㈠浠栨渶鏃╃殑璁板繂鍔熻兘錛屽皢闅愯棌鍦ㄦ潗鏂欓噷鐨?D绔嬩綋鏂囧瓧錛堝浘妗堬級閲婃斁鍑烘潵銆俆his logo is made of special polymer shape memory materials and processed through various processes. At a temperature of 65 鈩? it can restore his earliest memory function and release 3D characters ( patterns ) hidden in the material.鍙揪鍒版晥鏋滐細鏂囧瓧鍙樻枃瀛楋紝鏂囧瓧鍙樺浘妗堬紝鍥炬鍙樻枃瀛桾he ef
闃呰璇︾粏姹借濺閰嶄歡琛屼笟鑳屾櫙Industry background錛氶殢鐫€姹借濺淇濇湁閲忕殑澧炲姞錛屸€?S搴楀お璐碉紝緗戣喘澶亣錛屾苯閰嶅煄姘村お娣扁€濆凡鍦ㄧ粓绔敤鎴峰績涓墡鏍癸紝鏍規嵁璋冩煡錛岃秴榪?0%鐨勬秷璐硅€呴兘涔板埌榪囧亣鍐掗厤浠訛紝榪戝勾鏉ワ紝鏈?3%鐨勪氦閫氫簨鏁呬篃鏄敱浜庝拱鍒頒簡鍋囧啋浼姡閰嶄歡銆俉ith the increase of car ownership, " 4 s stores are too expensive, online shopping is too fake, and auto parts city water is too deep" has taken root in the hearts of end users. according to the survey, more than 50 % of consumers have bought fake ac