姹借濺閰嶄歡琛屼笟鑳屾櫙Industry background錛?span style="font-size: 18px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(192, 0, 0);">
闅忕潃姹借濺淇濇湁閲忕殑澧炲姞錛屸€?S搴楀お璐碉紝緗戣喘澶亣錛屾苯閰嶅煄姘村お娣扁€濆凡鍦ㄧ粓绔敤鎴峰績涓墡鏍癸紝鏍規嵁璋冩煡錛岃秴榪?0%鐨勬秷璐硅€呴兘涔板埌榪囧亣鍐掗厤浠訛紝榪戝勾鏉ワ紝鏈?3%鐨勪氦閫氫簨鏁呬篃鏄敱浜庝拱鍒頒簡鍋囧啋浼姡閰嶄歡銆?/span>With the increase of car ownership, " 4 s stores are too expensive, online shopping is too fake, and auto parts city water is too deep" has taken root in the hearts of end users. according to the survey, more than 50 % of consumers have bought fake accessories, and in recent years, 13 % of traffic accidents are also due to the purchase of fake and shoddy accessories.
瑕佹兂璁╂櫘閬嶉潪涓撲笟鐨勭敤鎴瘋兘鍏峰鐪熷亣閰嶄歡鐨勮瘑鍒兘鍔涳紝灝遍渶瑕佹湁涓€縐嶆棦鑳芥柟渚胯瘑鍒張璁╁埗鍋囪€呬豢鍒跺洶闅劇殑闃蹭吉浣撶郴鏉ヤ繚椹炬姢鑸€傚悓鏃訛紝浼佷笟涔熼渶瑕佸湪榪欌€滃ぇ鏁版嵁鈥濇椂浠g殑鑳屾櫙涓嬶紝鍙婃椂鎺屾彙甯傚満鍔ㄦ€侊紝鑾峰彇緇堢淇℃伅錛屾姄浣忕敤鎴峰績鐞嗭紝澧炲己瀵圭敤鎴峰鍝佺墝鐨勪俊浠誨害涓庝俊璧栧害錛岃繘涓€姝ユ彁楂樿惀閿€鏁堢泭銆侷n order for the general non-professional users to have the ability to identify genuine and fake accessories, they need to have an anti-counterfeiting system that is both easy to identify and difficult for counterfeiters to copy. At the same time, enterprises also need to grasp market dynamics in time, acquire terminal information, grasp users' psychology, enhance users' trust and trust in brands and further improve marketing benefits under the background of this " big data" era.
姹借濺閰嶄歡婧簮瀹炵幇鐩爣Achieve the goal錛?/span>
solve the problem of enterprise parts counterfeiting, maintain the brand image;
2銆佸府鍔╀紒涓氬疄鐜扮獪璐х洃綆★紝瑙勮寖甯傚満縐╁簭錛沨elp enterprises to realize the supervision of goods fleeing and standardize the market order;
3銆侀€氳繃閰嶄歡璐ㄩ噺婧簮綆$悊錛屾彁鍗囦駭鍝佸彛鍟わ紱Improve the quality of beer through traceability management of accessories;
4銆佸埄鐢ㄤ簩緇寸爜澶ф暟鎹悗鍙幫紝鑾峰彇鐢ㄦ埛淇℃伅錛沀se the two-dimensional code big data background to obtain user information;
5銆侀噰鍙栨櫤鑳戒簰鍔ㄨ惀閿€鎵嬫錛屽鍔犵敤鎴風矘鎬э紱Take intelligent interactive marketing measures to increase users' stickiness;
6銆佹尳鍥炰吉鍔e晢瀹跺競鍦轟喚棰濓紝鍒涢€犳洿澶氬埄娑︺€俁estore the market share of fake and inferior merchants and create more profits.
浜旂浘縐戞妧浠ラ《綰х殑鎶€鏈€佺爺鍙戙€佺幇鍦轟綔涓氬強鏈嶅姟鍥㈤槦璁捐浜嗕互姹芥懇鍙婇浂閮ㄤ歡鐢熶紒涓氫負瀵煎悜鐨勪駭鍝佸叏鐢熷懡鍛ㄦ湡璐ㄩ噺榪芥函浣撶郴錛屼互浜掕仈緗戜紭鍔垮強鐗╄仈緗戝熀紜€寤虹珛浜嗘暣濂楃殑榪芥函綆$悊緋葷粺錛屾墦閫氫簡姹芥懇鏁磋濺涓庨浂閮ㄤ歡鐢熶駭浼佷笟銆佹祦閫氫紒涓氥€佽惀閿€緇堢鐨勬暟鎹棤緙濋摼鎺ワ紝鍙嚜鍔ㄥ畬鎴愭爣璁頒俊鎭暟鎹簱鐨勫緩绔嬶紝涓庝笂涓嬫父榪涜鏁版嵁淇℃伅浜掗€氬拰瀹氶€氾紝瀹炵幇浜嗕駭鍝佺殑鍏ㄨ繃紼嬭窡韙綋緋匯€?/span>5D Technologies designed a product life cycle quality traceability system based on top-level technology, research and development, field operation and service teams, and established a complete traceability management system based on Internet advantages and Internet of Things, which opened up seamless data links between the automobile and parts manufacturing enterprises, circulation enterprises and marketing terminals, and could automatically complete the establishment of a marking information database, exchange and communicate data information with upstream and downstream, thus realizing the whole process tracking system of products.
姹借濺閰嶄歡婧簮緋葷粺瀹炵幇鍔熻兘 Main function錛?/span>
浜旂浘縐戞妧姹芥懇鍙婇浂閮ㄤ歡璐ㄩ噺榪芥函緋葷粺閫氳繃涓€鐗╀竴鐮佺殑鐗規€э紝鏁村悎浜嗚川閲忚拷婧€侀棶棰樿拷婧€佽矗浠昏拷婧€佸畨鍏ㄨ拷婧瓑澶氬姛鑳戒簬涓€浣撶殑浜у搧鍏ㄨ繃紼嬫函婧愪綋緋匯€傝鑼冧簡浼佷笟鐨勪綔涓氭祦紼嬨€佸姞寮轟簡浜у搧璐ㄧ洃鎺柦銆佹槑紜簡鐢熶駭鍒惰矗浠婚棶棰樸€傚綋鍙戠敓浜у搧璐ㄩ噺闂鏃跺彲浠ョ‘瀹氱敓浜с€侀攢鍞拰浣跨敤鐨勫悇鐜妭鐨勮矗浠伙紝鏈夋晥鐨勬姂鍒朵簡鍋囧啋浜у搧瀵瑰競鍦哄啿鍑葷粰浼佷笟甯︽潵鐨勫獎鍝嶃€俆he quality traceability system for auto parts and components of Wudun Science and Technology integrates the functions of quality traceability, problem traceability, responsibility traceability and safety traceability into a whole product process traceability system through the feature of one thing and one code. Standardized the operation process of enterprises, strengthened the quality control measures of products, and clarified the responsibility of production system. When the product quality problem occurs, the responsibility of each link of production, sale and use can be determined, effectively suppressing the impact of fake products on the enterprise.
姹借濺閰嶄歡婧簮婧爜璧嬬爜鏂瑰紡Coding method錛?/span>
Comparison of various types of encode錛?/span>
嬋€ 鍏塂ynamite | 鏈?鍐睵unch | 鏍?絳綥abel | |
閮ㄤ歡瀵硅薄鏉愭枡鐨勯€傜敤鑼冨洿 | 閲戝睘銆佸鏂欍€佺幓鐠?/span> | 閲戝睘銆佸鏂?/span> | 娌℃湁闄愬埗 |
榪芥函鐮佸湪浜у搧涓婄殑闄勭潃搴?br/> | 姘鎬箙 | 姘鎬箙 | 鏄撴瘉 |
璧嬬爜閲囩敤鐨勬柟寮?/span> | 闈炴帴瑙﹀紡 | 鎺ヨЕ寮?/span> | 浜哄伐鎴栬嚜鍔ㄨ創鏍?/span> |
姹℃崯瀵規瘮搴?/span> | 闃叉按闃叉補闃叉哀鍖?/span> | 鏄撴哀鍖?/span> | 闃叉補闃叉按杈冮毦 |
璧嬬爜鍚庢湡鐨勭淮鎶?/span> | 鍏嶇淮鎶?/span> | 鏃跺父鏇存崲鍐查拡錛堝ご錛?/span> | 鍏嶇淮鎶?/span> |
璧嬬爜閫熸晥 | 閫熷害蹇紝涓€嬈℃垚鍨?/span> | 涓€嬈℃垚鍨?/span> | 浜哄伐鎱紝鏈鴻創蹇?/span> |
鎵弿璇嗚鎴愬姛鐜?/span> | 鏄撹瘑璇?/span> | 涓嶆槗璇嗚 | 鏄撹瘑璇?/span> |
浜旂浘縐戞妧鐨勮祴鐮佺郴緇熷埄鐢ㄤ簩緇寸爜鎴栨暟瀛楃爜涓哄熀紜€杞戒綋錛屼負姹借濺闆墮儴浠舵瘡涓€浠跺湪甯傚満涓祦閫氱殑浜у搧緇戝畾涓€涓畾鍒剁殑銆佹棤閲嶅鐨勭數瀛愯韓浠斤紝娑堣垂鑰呰喘涔板拰浣跨敤浜у搧鏃跺彧瑕侀€氳繃鎵爜錛屽氨鑳芥煡璇㈠埌鑷繁鎵€璐拱浜у搧鐨勭浉鍏充俊鎭€?D technology's coding system uses two-dimensional code or digital code as the basic carrier to bind a customized and non-repetitive electronic identity to every product circulating in the market for auto parts. when consumers purchase and use products, they can search for relevant information about the products they purchased by scanning the code.
鐢熶駭浼佷笟Production enterprises錛?/span>
錛堣祴鐮佹柟寮忓彲閲囧彇鏍囩銆佹縺鍏夊埢鐮併€佸柗鐮佺瓑澶氱鏂瑰紡code assignment can take many forms, such as labeling, laser engraving, code spraying, etc.錛?/span>
嫻侀€氫紒涓欳irculation enterprises錛氾紙鏉ユ簮鍙煡錛屽幓鍚戝彲榪絪ource can be checked, destination can be traced錛?br/>
緇堢緇翠慨Terminal maintenance錛氾紙鏉ユ簮鍙煡錛屽幓鍚戝彲榪絪ource available, destination available 錛?br/>
姹借濺閰嶄歡鐢熶駭浣滀笟榪芥函Tracing back to the production of auto parts:
浜旂浘縐戞妧姹芥懇鍙婇浂閮ㄤ歡璐ㄩ噺鐢熶駭浣滀笟榪芥函緋葷粺瑙e喅鏂規鏄拡瀵逛紒涓氫駭鍝佸埗閫犵幇鍦恒€侀潰鍚戣濺闂存墽琛岀鐞嗗眰闈紝浣嶄簬鎵ц灞傜殑璁″垝綆$悊緋葷粺涓庡簳灞傜殑宸ヤ笟鎺у埗涔嬮棿鐨勫叏鏂逛綅綆$悊緋葷粺銆?D technology auto parts and components quality production traceability system solution is an all-round management system between the plan management system at the execution level and the industrial control at the bottom, aiming at the enterprise product manufacturing site and facing the workshop execution management level.
浠撳偍鏅鴻兘綆$悊Warehouse management
浜旂浘縐戞妧浠撶綆$悊緋葷粺鏄熀浜嶳FID鐢靛瓙鏍囪瘑涓哄熀紜€錛屽浠撳偍鍚勭幆鑺傚疄鏂藉叏榪囩▼鎺у埗綆$悊銆傚璐х墿榪涜鏁伴噺銆佽鏍箋€佹棩鏈熴€佸簱鍙楓€佸尯鍩熷彿絳夊疄鐜版櫤鑳藉寲綆$悊錛屽鏀跺彂璐х殑鍚勪釜鐜妭榪涜鏅鴻兘瑙勮寖鎿嶄綔銆傚睆寮冧簡鍘熷鐨勬墜宸ョ櫥璁頒綔涓氭祦紼嬶紝鏈夋晥瑙e喅搴撴埧鎵嬪伐綆$悊浣滀笟鍑洪敊鐜囬珮銆佹晥鐜囦綆銆侀檲鏃т俊鎭粸鍚庣瓑涓嶈壇鐜拌薄銆備負姝わ紝浼佷笟鍙互鍚堢悊鍦板埄鐢ㄤ粨搴撶殑鏈夐檺絀洪棿錛屼互楂樻晥銆佸噯紜€佷綆鎴愭湰鐨勬柟寮忎負瀹㈡埛鎻愪緵鏈€浼樿川鐨勪駭鍝佷笌鏈嶅姟銆俆he 5D technology warehouse management system is based on RFID electronic identification and implements the whole process control management for each link of the warehouse. The quantity, specification, date, library number and area number of the goods shall be managed intelligently, and all links of receipt and delivery shall be operated intelligently and normally. Abandoned the original manual registration process and effectively solved the bad phenomena such as high error rate, low efficiency and outdated information in manual warehouse management. Therefore, the enterprise can reasonably use the limited space of the warehouse to provide the best quality products and services to customers in an efficient, accurate and low-cost manner.
緇堢娑堣垂綆$悊Terminal consumption management
浜旂浘縐戞妧緇堢娑堣垂綆$悊緋葷粺鍚屾牱鏄熀浜庝駭鍝佷竴鐗╀竴鐮佺壒鎬у師鐞嗭紝閫氳繃鏅鴻兘钀ラ攢銆佷細鍛樼Н鍒嗐€佸井淇$孩鍖呫€佷紭鎯犵瓑綰夸笂綰夸笅浜掑姩絳夊艦寮忥紝榪涜浜у搧鏅鴻兘鍖栧姩閿€鏍擱攢綆$悊銆傚茍鍙互鏍規嵁娑堣垂鑰呮壂鎻忥紝浜嗚В娑堣垂鑰呭熀鏈俊鎭€佸競鍦烘椿鍔ㄨ寰嬨€佸姩閿€鍖哄煙鏁堟灉銆佷駭鍝佹祦鍚戠瓑涓€緋誨垪澶ф暟鎹繘琛屽垎鏋愶紝涓哄悗緇殑浜屾钀ラ攢鍜屼駭鍝佸畾鍒跺紑鍙戞彁渚涙湁鏁堢殑鍐崇瓥渚濇嵁銆俆he 5D technology terminal consumption management system is also based on the principle of " one thing, one thing, one code" of products, and carries out intelligent write-off management of products through online and offline interactions such as intelligent marketing, member points, WeChat red envelopes, and discounts. It can also analyze a series of big data such as consumers' basic information, market activity rules, regional effects of sales and product flow according to consumers' scanning, providing an effective decision basis for subsequent secondary marketing and product customization development.
姹借濺閰嶄歡婧簮緋葷粺浠峰€糞ystem value錛?nbsp;
1銆佹牴鎹駭鍝佺殑浜岀淮鐮佸彲榪芥函浜у搧鐨勭墿嫻佷俊鎭€佺敓浜х幆鑺傘€佷緵搴斿晢淇℃伅銆侀厤浠跺師鏂欎俊鎭€佸埗鍗曡鍗曟伅淇°€佸嚭鍏ュ簱淇℃伅銆佷駭鍝佽川閲忔楠屼俊鎭瓑銆侫ccording to the product's two-dimensional code, we can trace back the product's logistics information, production links, supplier information, spare parts raw material information, voucher preparation order information, receipt / issue information, product quality inspection information, etc.
Respond quickly to the problem quality products and find out the process link, delivery area and delivery quantity of the problem products in the first place.
3銆佹彁渚涗駭鍝佺敓浜т緵搴旈摼闂幆鏁版嵁淇℃伅錛岄槻姝㈠洜闂浜у搧閫犳垚鐨勬伓鎰忕儲璧斾簨浠躲€備負浜у搧鎻愪緵鏈夋晥鐨勮川閲忔楠岃瘉鎹€侾rovide closed-loop data information of product production supply chain to prevent malicious claim events caused by problem products. Provide effective quality inspection evidence for products.
to prevent the product in the market circulation of malicious channeling behavior.
5銆佷負緇翠慨緇堢鎻愪緵緇翠慨瑙e喅鏂規銆侀浂閰嶄歡鐨勫簱瀛樹綑閲忋€佸彂璐ч€斿緞絳夋暟鎹€侾rovide data such as maintenance solution, spare parts inventory allowance and delivery route for the maintenance terminal.
6銆侀€氳繃緋葷粺錛屼紒涓氬悇灞傛潈闄愬彲浜嗚В鐢熶駭鐜妭鍙婇攢鍞幆鑺傜殑璇︾粏鏁版嵁錛屼負鍐崇瓥鑰呮彁渚涙湁鍔涚殑鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽渚濇嵁銆俆hrough the system, all levels of authority of the enterprise can understand the detailed data of production and sales links and provide a powerful data analysis basis for decision makers.
Digitize the whole process of product production management, avoid mistakes in original manual operation and improve production efficiency.
8銆侀€氳繃鍚勭幆鑺傜殑鐩戞帶錛屽彲鐩戞帶鍚勭敓浜т綔涓氱幆鑺傚伐浜虹殑浣滀笟姘村鉤鍙婅兘鍔涖€備負鎻愰珮浜у搧璐ㄩ噺鍚堟牸鐜囪揪鍒頒績榪涚殑浣滅敤銆俆hrough the monitoring of each link, the working level and ability of workers in each production link can be monitored. In order to improve the qualified rate of product quality, it plays a role of promotion.
9銆佷緷鎹競鍦虹粓绔攢鍞暟鎹殑緇熻錛屽彲浜嗚В浜у搧鍦ㄥ競鍦轟腑鐨勬椿鍔ㄦ儏鍐碉紝浜嗚В娑堣垂鑰呬俊鎭紝涓轟簩嬈¤惀閿€涓庡悗鏈熷畾鍒舵彁渚涙渶鏈夋晥鏈€瀹為檯鐨勫垎鏋愬喅絳栦緷鎹€侫ccording to the statistics of market terminal sales data, we can understand the activities of products in the market and consumer information, providing the most effective and practical analysis and decision-making basis for secondary marketing and post - customization.
Reduce production costs: Through real-time monitoring and early warning of the production site, prevent the occurrence of problems and reduce the number of product maintenance and heavy industries.
All kinds of data form electronic statistical tables, except for the low resource cost of manpower statistics