緋葷粺鍘熺悊System principle
緋葷粺瀹炵幇闃茬獪璐х殑涓昏鏂瑰紡鏄互闃蹭吉鐮侊紙涓€鐗╀竴鐮侊級涓哄熀紜€錛屽皢浜у搧鐨勯槻浼爣璇嗕笌鏉$爜鏍囪瘑鎴愬浣跨敤銆傚嵆鍒朵綔鏍囩鏃跺凡緇忓皢浜у搧灝忓寘瑁呯敤鐨勯槻浼爜鍜屽ぇ鍖呰鐢ㄧ殑鐗╂祦鏉$爜鐩稿搴斻€備紒涓氬湪鍙戣揣鏃跺彧闇€緇欏ぇ鍖呰鐢ㄧ殑鏉$爜璧嬩簣鐩稿叧鐨勭鐞嗕俊鎭紝甯傚満浜哄憳紼芥煡甯傚満鏃跺氨鍙埄鐢ㄤ駭鍝佺殑闃蹭吉鐮佸噯紜煡璇㈣浜у搧鐨勯攢鍞尯鍩燂紝浠ヤ究鍙婃椂鍙戠幇鍜岃В鍐崇獪璐ч棶棰樸€?/span>The main way for the system to realize anti-channeling goods is to use the anti-counterfeiting mark and bar code mark in a complete set based on the anti-counterfeiting code ( one object one code ). That is, when making labels, the anti-fake code for small packages of products has been matched with the logistics barcode for large packages. Enterprises only need to give relevant management information to the bar codes used in large packages when delivering goods, and market personnel can use the product's anti-fake code to accurately query the sales area of the product when checking the market, so as to find and solve the problem of goods jumping in time.
鍩烘湰姝ラBasic steps
絎竴姝tep 2: 鍒朵綔鎴愬鐨勫茍鍏鋒湁瀵瑰簲鍏崇郴鐨勭鏍囷紙鏈夋潯鐮侊級鍜岀洅鏍囷紙闃蹭吉鏍囪瘑錛夛紝濡備笅鍥俱€傚寘瑁呭伐浜轟弗鏍兼寜鐓ф垚濂楁爣璇嗙殑瀵瑰簲鍏崇郴灝嗙鏍囧拰鐩掓爣鍒嗗埆璐村湪綆卞寘瑁呬笌鐩掑寘瑁呬笂銆俆he first step is to make complete sets of box labels ( with bar codes ) and box labels ( anti - counterfeiting labels ) with corresponding relations, as shown in the following figure. Packing workers stick the box label and the box label on the box package and the box package respectively in strict accordance with the corresponding relation of the complete set of labels.
絎簩姝tep 2: 銆?/strong>浜у搧鍑哄簱鎵弿鐧昏銆傚彂璐у憳鍙戣揣鏃舵壂鎻忎駭鍝佹潯鐮佸茍鍒╃敤鎴戝叕鍙告彁渚涚殑闃茬獪璐х郴緇熻蔣浠惰繘琛屼駭鍝佸彂璐х櫥璁幫紝濡備駭鍝佸悕縐般€佸彂璐ф暟閲忋€佸彂璐ф椂闂淬€佺粡閿€鍗曚綅絳夌瓑銆傝緋葷粺榪樺彲浠ユ寜鐓у尯鍩熴€佹椂闂淬€佸搧縐嶇瓑鍒嗗埆緇熻鍙戣揣鏁伴噺銆侾roduct outbound scanning registration. When delivering goods, the consignor scans the barcode of the product and uses the anti-channeling system software provided by our company to register the delivery of the product, such as product name, quantity, time of delivery, distribution unit, etc. The system can also count the delivery quantity according to region, time, variety, etc.
絎笁姝tep 3錛?/strong>浼佷笟闃茬獪璐хń鏌ャ€傚競鍦虹ń鏌ヤ漢鍛樺埄鐢ㄤ互涓婄郴緇熻蔣浠舵彁紺鴻緭鍏ヤ駭鍝佺殑鏉$爜鎴栭槻浼爜渚垮彲浠ュ噯紜弽鏌ヨ浜у搧鐨勭浉鍏沖彂璐т俊鎭紝浠ヤ究鍙婃椂鍙戠幇鍜岃В鍐崇獪璐ч棶棰樸€侫nti - fleeing goods inspection for enterprises. Market inspectors can use the above system software to prompt the input of the barcode or anti-counterfeit code of the product to accurately check the relevant delivery information of the product, so as to find and solve the problem of fleeing goods in time.