濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忔函婧愭柟妗堣儗鏅疨rogramme background錛?/strong>
鐢變簬榪戝嚑騫撮棶棰樺ザ銆佸亣鍐掑ザ綺夌殑鍑虹幇錛岃寰堝娑堣垂鑰呭鍥藉唴濂跺埗鍝佺殑鐑埍蹇犺瘹搴﹁秺鏉ヨ秺浣庯紝鎯寵閲嶆嬀娑堣垂鑰呯殑淇′換錛屽敮涓€鐨勫姙娉曡濂跺埗鍝佷粠婧愬ご鍙拷錛岃娑堣垂鑰呭枬寰楁斁蹇冿紝鍥犳錛屼簲鐩劇鎶€鐗逛負濂跺埗鍝佷紒涓氬紑鍙戜簡閽堝鎬х殑濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忔函婧愮郴緇熴€傝浼佷笟瀹炵幇鐢熶駭錛屾祦閫氾紝閿€鍞叏紼嬪彲榪芥函錛屼嬌浼佷笟鑳界湡姝f剰涔変笂瀹炵幇浜嗛鍝佸畨鍏ㄩ摼鏉″彉寰楀彲瑙嗗寲銆佸彲鏁版嵁鍖栥€傚ザ鍝佽拷婧郴緇熺殑鍑虹幇璁╂瘡涓€浠跺ザ鍒跺搧鐨勬潵婧愬彲榪姐€佸幓鍚戝彲鏌ワ紝瀹炵幇榪芥函淇℃伅鐨勫叡浜紝鑳藉鏈夋晥鐨勫姞寮洪鍝佸畨鍏ㄧ殑鐩戠錛屾洿濂戒繚闅滄秷璐硅€呮潈鐩娿€侱ue to the emergence of problem milk and fake milk powder in recent years, many consumers have less and less loyalty to domestic dairy products, and the only way to regain consumers' trust is to make dairy products available from the source and let consumers drink safely. Therefore, Wudun Technology has developed a targeted dairy product quality traceability system for dairy enterprises. Let the enterprise realize production, circulation and sales all the way back, so that the enterprise can truly realize the visualization and digitalization of the food safety chain. The appearance of the milk traceability system makes the source and destination of each milk product traceable, realizes the sharing of traceability information, can effectively strengthen the supervision of food safety and better protect the rights and interests of consumers.
濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忔函婧愮郴緇熷師鐞哠ystem principle錛?/strong>
緋葷粺榪囦負姣忓ご濂剁墰寤虹珛涓€涓韓浠芥。妗堬紝閫氳繃鍒╃敤淇℃伅鍖栨妧鏈紝鏉ヨ褰曞ザ鐗涗粠鍑虹敓浠ュ強濂剁墰鍏繪畺璇︾粏淇℃伅錛岀敋鑷寵褰曟瘡嬈℃尋濂剁殑鍏ㄨ繃紼嬨€傚ザ鍒跺搧婧簮緋葷粺錛屼富瑕佹槸閫氳繃灝嗚繘鍘傜殑鍘熷ザ闅忔満鐢熸垚浜岀淮鐮侊紝灝嗗ザ鍝佺殑鍏ㄩ儴淇℃伅璁板綍涓嬫潵錛屽寘鎷ザ婧愭槸鍙栬嚜閭d竴澶村ザ鐗涳紝濂剁墰鐨勭敓闀胯褰曪紝鍏繪畺鎯呭喌錛屽ザ鍝佺殑鐢熶駭錛屾祦閫氾紝閿€鍞瓑鐜妭鐨勮褰曟暟鎹€俆he system has established an identity file for each cow and recorded the detailed information of the cow from birth and cow breeding, even the whole process of each milking by using information technology. The milk product traceability system mainly records all the information of milk products by randomly generating two-dimensional codes from raw milk entering the factory, including the milk source from the cow, the growth records of the cow, the breeding situation, the production, circulation and sales of milk products, etc.
浠庡ザ婧愮鐞?鍖呮嫭浜уザ姣嶄綋鍜岄ゲ鍏繪儏鍐?銆侀矞濂惰繍杈撱€佸師杈呮枡鏉ユ簮綆$悊銆佺敓浜у姞宸ャ€佽川閲忕洃鎺с€侀鍝佹楠屻€佷粨鍌ㄧ鐞嗐€佸垎閿€娓犻亾銆佹秷璐硅€呯鐞嗙瓑涓€浣撳寲榪芥湰婧簮錛屽疄鏃剁洃嫻嬬殑浣撶郴銆侳rom the milk source management ( including the milk production mother and feeding situation ), fresh milk transportation, raw and auxiliary material source management, production and processing, quality control, food inspection, storage management, distribution channels, consumer management and other integrated traceability, real-time monitoring system.
濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忚拷婧祴鐮佺鐞嗘祦紼婥ode assignment management process錛?/strong>
浜旂浘縐戞妧濂跺埗鍝佸叏榪囩▼婧簮緋葷粺鏄互涓€鐗╀竴鐮佷負鍩虹錛岄噰鐢ㄨ嚜鍔ㄥ寲鎶€鏈€佽嚜鍔ㄨ瘑鍒妧鏈€佷俊鎭姞瀵嗘妧鏈互鍙婇槻浼嵃鍒舵妧鏈瓑澶氬厓鍖栨墜孌典負椋熷搧琛屼笟姣忎歡浜у搧寤虹珛鍞竴鐨勨€滅數瀛愪俊鎭韓浠借瘑鍒爜鈥濓紝閫氳繃瀵圭敓浜ц繃紼嬩腑浜у搧璧嬬爜鍙婃祦閫氫俊鎭殑鐩戠錛屽疄鐜板姣忎歡浜у搧鐨勭墿嫻併€佷俊鎭祦榪涜鐩戠潱銆佺鐞嗗拰鎺у埗銆俆he whole process traceability system of wudun science and technology dairy products is based on one thing and one code, and adopts diversified means such as automation technology, automatic identification technology, information encryption technology and anti-counterfeiting printing technology to establish a unique " electronic information identification code" for each product in the food industry. through the supervision of product coding and circulation information in the production process, the logistics and information flow of each product are supervised, managed and controlled.
濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忚拷婧粨鍌ㄧ鐞哤arehouse management錛?/strong>
浜旂浘縐戞妧鍒╃敤榪芥函鐮佺殑鐗規€э紝瀵逛粨鍌ㄥ悇鐜妭瀹炴柦鍏ㄨ繃紼嬫帶鍒舵暟瀛楀寲綆$悊錛屽茍鍙璐х墿榪涜鏁伴噺銆佽鏍箋€佹棩鏈熴€佸簱鎴垮彿銆佸簱鎴垮尯鍩熷彿絳夊疄鐜版櫤鑳藉寲鎿嶄綔錛屽鏁翠釜鏀惰揣銆佸彂璐с€佺瓑鍚勪釜鐜妭榪涜瑙勮寖鍖栦綔涓氥€備富鍔ㄥ睆寮冧簡浼犵粺鐨勬墜宸ヨ褰曟柟寮忥紝闃叉浜轟負鍘熷洜閫犳垚鐨勫け璇€佹暟鎹仐婕忋€佹晥鐜囦綆涓嬬瓑闂錛岃揪鍒頒簡搴撴埧鏅鴻兘鍖栫鐞嗙殑鐩殑5DTechnology uses the characteristics of traceability codes to implement the digital management of the whole process control for each link of storage. It can also realize intelligent operation for the quantity, specification, date, warehouse number, warehouse area number, etc. of goods, and carry out standardized operation for the whole receiving, delivery and other links. Active rejection of the traditional manual recording method, to prevent human-induced errors, data omissions, low efficiency and other issues, to achieve the purpose of intelligent warehouse management
濂跺埗鍝佽川閲忚拷婧郴緇熸晥搴攕ystemic effect錛?/strong>
1銆佹牴鎹駭鍝佺殑浜岀淮鐮佸彲榪芥函浜у搧鐨勭墿嫻佷俊鎭€佺敓浜х幆鑺傘€佷緵搴斿晢淇℃伅銆侀厤浠跺師鏂欎俊鎭€佸埗鍗曡鍗曟伅淇°€佸嚭鍏ュ簱淇℃伅銆佷駭鍝佽川閲忔楠屼俊鎭瓑銆?nbsp;According to the product's two-dimensional code, we can trace back the product's logistics information, production links, supplier information, spare parts raw material information, voucher preparation order information, receipt / issue information, product quality inspection information, etc.
2銆侀棶棰樿川閲忎駭鍝佸揩寮熷搷搴旓紝絎竴鏃墮棿鏌ユ壘闂浜у搧鐨勮繃紼嬬幆鑺傘€佸彂璐у尯鍩熴€佸彂璐ф暟閲忕瓑銆俁espond quickly to the problem quality products and find out the process link, delivery area and delivery quantity of the problem products in the first place.
3銆佹彁渚涗駭鍝佺敓浜т緵搴旈摼闂幆鏁版嵁淇℃伅錛岄槻姝㈠洜闂浜у搧閫犳垚鐨勬伓鎰忕儲璧斾簨浠躲€備負浜у搧鎻愪緵鏈夋晥鐨勮川閲忔楠岃瘉鎹€侾rovide closed-loop data information of product production supply chain to prevent malicious claim events caused by problem products. Provide effective quality inspection evidence for products.
To prevent the product in the market circulation of malicious channeling behavior.
All kinds of data form electronic statistical tables, except for the low resource cost of manpower statistics.
6銆侀€氳繃緋葷粺錛屼紒涓氬悇灞傛潈闄愬彲浜嗚В鐢熶駭鐜妭鍙婇攢鍞幆鑺傜殑璇︾粏鏁版嵁錛屼負鍐崇瓥鑰呮彁渚涙湁鍔涚殑鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽渚濇嵁銆俆hrough the system, all levels of authority of the enterprise can understand the detailed data of production and sales links and provide a powerful data analysis basis for decision makers.
Digitize the whole process of product production management, avoid mistakes in original manual operation and improve production efficiency.
8銆侀€氳繃鍚勭幆鑺傜殑鐩戞帶錛屽彲鐩戞帶鍚勭敓浜т綔涓氱幆鑺傚伐浜虹殑浣滀笟姘村鉤鍙婅兘鍔涖€備負鎻愰珮浜у搧璐ㄩ噺鍚堟牸鐜囪揪鍒頒績榪涚殑浣滅敤銆俆hrough the monitoring of each link, the working level and ability of workers in each production link can be monitored. In order to improve the qualified rate of product quality, it plays a role of promotion.
9銆佷緷鎹競鍦虹粓绔攢鍞暟鎹殑緇熻錛屽彲浜嗚В浜у搧鍦ㄥ競鍦轟腑鐨勬椿鍔ㄦ儏鍐碉紝浜嗚В娑堣垂鑰呬俊鎭紝涓轟簩嬈¤惀閿€涓庡悗鏈熷畾鍒舵彁渚涙渶鏈夋晥鏈€瀹為檯鐨勫垎鏋愬喅絳栦緷鎹€侫ccording to the statistics of market terminal sales data, we can understand the activities of products in the market and consumer information, providing the most effective and practical analysis and decision-making basis for secondary marketing and post - customization.