鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮鏂規Tracing scheme錛?br/>
鍐滆嵂鏄笌鍐滄皯澶╁ぉ鎵撲氦閬撶殑浜у搧錛岃€屼粬浠張鏄ぞ浼氭渶鍩虹鐨勫姵鍔ㄤ漢姘戯紝鏂囧寲紼嬪害涓嶉珮錛屽鏄撲笂褰撳彈楠椼€傚亣鍐掑啘鑽€佷互嬈″厖濂姐€佸伔鎹㈠寘瑁呯瓑闂姣旀瘮鐨嗘槸銆傚浣曡鍐滄埛綆€鍗曞揩鎹風殑杈ㄨ瘑浜у搧鐪熶吉錛岃浼佷笟鏈夋晥鎺у埗娓犻亾紿滆揣鍛紵Pesticides are products that deal with farmers every day, and they are the most basic working people in society, with a low education level and easy to be cheated. There are many problems such as fake pesticides, shoddy use of pesticides, and packaging theft. How can farmers simply and quickly identify the authenticity of products and enable enterprises to effectively control channel jumping?
鍐滆嵂浜у搧琛屼笟鐗瑰緛Industry characteristics錛?/span>
The surface of the packaging bag is rough, the dust in the stacking environment is large, the surface cannot be labeled and marked, and it is easy to be worn and damaged.
After the pesticide is filled, it is very heavy, manual handling and difficult to scan and register.
浜у搧鍑哄簱鍦ㄦ埛澶栵紝椋庡惞鏃ユ檼錛岀幆澧冩伓鍔o紝瀵規壂鎻忕‖浠惰澶囪姹傞珮銆?/span>The products are delivered outdoors, exposed to the sun and the sun, and the environment is harsh, requiring high requirements for scanning hardware equipment.
Traceability system to pesticide enterprise income錛?/strong>
improve the timeliness of business decision - making
鍚戜紒涓氱殑綆$悊緋葷粺鎻愪緵瀹屾暣鍑嗙‘鐨勪駭鍝佹暟鎹紝騫朵繚璇佹暟鎹噰闆嗙殑鍙婃椂鎬с€傜粰浼佷笟鎻愪緵浜嗗強鏃跺噯紜殑鍐崇瓥渚濇嵁錛屼嬌浼佷笟鑳藉闈㈠鐬伅涓囧彉鐨勬縺鐑堢珵浜夊仛鍑哄強鏃舵紜殑緇忚惀綆$悊鍐崇瓥錛屽彇寰楃珵浜変紭鍔褲€侾rovide complete and accurate product data to the enterprise management system and ensure the timeliness of data collection. It provides enterprises with timely and accurate decision-making basis, enabling them to make timely and correct management decisions in the face of rapidly changing fierce competition and gain competitive advantages.
2銆佸晢鍝佺殑闃茬獪璐nti - channeling goods of commodities
Dealer's behavior of channeling goods will seriously affect your market sales order. After adopting the commodity digital management system, every commodity of the enterprise is registered with an identity code, that is, the digitalization of the commodity makes the commodity personalized. Managers at all levels of the enterprise can easily and accurately monitor the circulation and authenticity of products by using fixed phones, short messages and computer networks.
3銆佸姞寮哄甯傚満鐨勬帶鍒剁鐞唖trengthen the control and management of the market
Through the collection and feedback of product sales information, the division and classification management of vendors are realized, and the healthy and orderly development of the market is guaranteed. It can effectively control regional delivery and track and evaluate vendors, which is helpful for enterprises to correctly select sales partners and promote market sales.
4銆侀攢鍞漢鍛樼洃鐫g鐞唖ales personnel supervision and management
Sales personnel conduct sales activities on the basis of enterprise ideas and under the guidance of product label information to improve the management level of the sales team.
5銆佸晢鍝佷涪澶卞崗鏌ョ郴緇焎ommodity loss investigation system
褰撴煇鎵瑰晢鍝佸湪鐢熶駭鍜岃繍杈撻€斾腑涓㈠け鎴栬鐩楋紝鍒欏彲浠ュ湪鏈郴緇熶腑鎸傚け鍜屽妗堬紝褰撹鎵瑰晢鍝佽繘鍏ュ競鍦鴻繘琛屽晢鍝佽韓浠芥煡璇㈡椂錛岀郴緇熶細鑷姩璁板綍鐩稿叧淇℃伅錛屼紒涓氱鐞嗕漢鍛樻牴鎹郴緇熶俊鎭強鏃跺拰娑堣垂鑰呰仈緋伙紝榪涜榪借釜璋冩煡錛屼究浜庡鎵捐鎵瑰晢鍝併€俉hen a batch of goods is lost or stolen during production and transportation, the loss can be reported and filed in the system. When the batch of goods enters the market to inquire about the identity of the goods, the system will automatically record relevant information, and enterprise management personnel will contact consumers in time according to the system information to conduct follow-up investigation so as to facilitate the search for the batch of goods.
6銆佸嚭鍏ュ簱綆$悊鍏ㄧ▼鏁扮爜鐩戞帶Digital monitoring in the whole process of inbound and outbound management
浜у搧鍑哄叆搴撹繃紼嬶紝娑堥櫎鍘熸潵浠撳偍絳夐儴闂ㄤ漢鍛樻墜宸ョ殑鏁版嵁褰曞叆銆佹暟鎹粺璁″伐浣滐紝鏀逛負鏉$爜鍖栬澶囪嚜鍔ㄩ噰闆嗭紝鍑忓皯澶ч噺鎵嬪伐閲嶅宸ヤ綔錛屽綊閬夸漢涓哄け璇幇璞★紝闄嶄綆浜哄憳宸ヤ綔寮哄害銆侷n the process of entering and leaving the warehouse, the manual data entry and statistics work of personnel in the original warehouse and other departments is eliminated, and the automatic collection of bar code equipment is changed to reduce a large number of manual duplication of work, avoid human error and reduce the work intensity of personnel.
7銆佷駭閲忔帶鍒?nbsp;Output Control
緋葷粺鍙互鏈夋晥鍦版帶鍒朵笅灞炰紒涓氥€佸悇鍝佺墝鐨勪駭閲忋€傛瘡騫存牴鎹敓浜ц鍒掞紝涓嬪彂鐩稿簲鏁伴噺鐨勫晢鍝佽韓浠界爜鎴栨爣璇嗭紝鍚屾椂鎻愪緵鏌ヨ鏈嶅姟銆傜敓浜у氨鍙兘鎸夋墍鍙戠殑鏁伴噺鐢熶駭錛屾病鏈夊姙娉曡秴閲忕敓浜с€傝繖鏍峰彲浠ラ伩鍏嶄綋澶栧驚鐜紝闃茶繚瑙勭敓浜у拰琛屼笟綆$悊澶辨帶銆俆he system can effectively control the output of subordinate enterprises and brands. Each year, according to the production plan, a corresponding number of commodity identification codes or logos are issued and inquiry services are provided. Production can only be carried out according to the quantity issued, and there is no way to overproduce. This can avoid cardiopulmonary bypass, prevent illegal production and industry management from getting out of control.
Prevent counterfeit products from flowing into the sales market
鍙婃椂鍙戠幇涔辮創鐗岀幇璞★紝闃叉鍋囧啋浜у搧嫻佸叆浼佷笟閿€鍞競鍦猴紝澶уぇ閬垮厤浜嗗洜姝ょ粰浼佷笟甯︽潵鐨勭粡嫻庝互鍙婁俊瑾夋崯澶便€侳ound the phenomenon of random labeling in time to prevent fake products from flowing into the enterprise sales market, thus greatly avoiding the economic and reputation losses brought to the enterprise.
Realize traceability of product quality tracking system
浜у搧璐ㄩ噺鏄紒涓氱殑鐢熷懡銆傞€氳繃緋葷粺鍏ㄩ潰璺熻釜閲囬泦浜у搧淇℃伅錛屽彲浠ュ疄鐜頒粠鏈€緇堢敤鎴峰埌浜у搧鐢熶駭絳夌浉鍏充俊鎭殑榪芥函錛屼互渚挎寜鐓ф潯鐮佹壒嬈″拰鐩稿叧淇℃伅榪涜緇熶竴鍙洖澶勭悊錛屽疄鐜頒駭鍝佽拷婧姛鑳斤紝甯姪浼佷笟鍏ㄩ潰鎻愰珮浜у搧璐ㄩ噺銆?/span>Product quality is the life of an enterprise. By comprehensively tracking and collecting product information through the system, the traceability of relevant information from end users to product production can be realized, so as to carry out unified recall processing according to bar code batches and relevant information, realize the product traceability function, and help enterprises comprehensively improve product quality.
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮緋葷粺緇撴瀯system structure錛?/strong>
1\鏁版嵁閲囬泦灞侱ata Acquisition Layer
The bottom layer is the data acquisition layer, which transmits the packaging data, the association relationship, the basic information and the inbound and outbound data back to the server
2\淇℃伅澶勭悊灞侷nformation Processing Layer
The second layer is to receive, manage, analyze and mine all kinds of application data and report data successfully for the daily work of the enterprise
3\鍟嗕笟搴旂敤灞侭usiness Application Layer
絎笁灞傛彁渚涚涓夋柟鏁版嵁瀵規帴銆佸湪鏁版嵁涓績鑾峰彇鏁版嵁渚涗紒涓氬簲鐢ㄤ簬浜у搧榪芥函銆侀槻浼煡璇€侀槻紿滄煡璇€佽惀閿€鎺ㄥ箍絳夈€俆he third layer provides third-party data docking, data acquisition in the data center for enterprises to apply in product traceability, anti-counterfeiting inquiry, anti-channeling inquiry, marketing promotion, etc.
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮緋葷粺緗戠粶閮ㄧ講Network deployment錛?/strong>
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮緋葷粺鑷姩鐢熶駭Automatic production:
Binding production information ( operator, line number, team, etc. )
鍠風爜鏈鴻祴鐮?璧嬩笌浜у搧鍞竴鈥滆韓浠借瘉鈥濈爜銆佽褰曟暟鎹€佺粦瀹氫紒涓氫唬鐮併€佺敓浜ф棩鏈熴€佸寘瑁呬唬鐮併€佹瘨鎬т唬鐮併€佺幆淇濅唬鐮併€侀殢鏈虹爜錛堟搷浣滃憳銆佺嚎鍙楓€佺彮緇勶級絳?Code assignment of code spraying machine: assigning product unique " identity card" code, recording data, binding enterprise code, production date, packaging code, toxicity code, environmental protection code, random code ( operator, line number, team, etc. ).
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮鍖呰鏂瑰紡manner of packing錛?/strong>
1銆佷漢宸ヨ綆?nbsp;Manual packing:錛?/span>
澧炲姞闃繪尅瑁呯疆錛屽尯鍒嗙涓庣鍐呬駭鍝侊紝闃叉瑁呴敊綆憋紱鑷姩鐢熸垚騫舵墦鍗扮鏍囷紝褰㈡垚鍗曞搧涓庣鐨勫叧鑱旓紱浜哄伐璐存爣騫舵寜欏哄簭瑁呯錛汚dd blocking device to distinguish the box from the products in the box to prevent the wrong box from being loaded. Automatically generate and print box labels to form the association between single items and boxes; Manual labeling and packing in sequence;
2銆佽嚜鍔ㄨ綆盇utomatic packing錛?/span>
鍗蟲椂鎵撳嵃綆辨爣鏂瑰紡錛氱郴緇熻幏鍙栬綆辨満淇″彿錛堟垨鏍規嵁姣斾緥錛夋墦鍗扮鏍囷紝浜哄伐鎸夊嚭鏍囬『搴忚創鍦ㄧ瀛愪笂錛汻eal - time printing of box labels: the system obtains the signal of the box loader ( or prints the box labels according to the proportion ) and manually pastes them on the boxes according to the order of the labels.
鑷姩璐存爣鏂瑰紡Automatic labeling method錛?/span>
瑁呯瀹屾垚鍚庯紝鑷姩璐存爣鏈鴻嚜鍔ㄨ祴鐮侊紝鍥哄畾寮忔壂鎻忓櫒鎵弿綆辨爣騫跺艦鎴愨€滃崟鍝?綆扁€濆叧鑱旓紱After packing, the automatic labeling machine will automatically assign codes, and the fixed scanner will scan the box labels and form a " single item - box" association.
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮鐮佸灈鏂瑰紡Stacking method錛?/strong>
1銆佷漢宸ョ爜鍨涙柟寮廙anual stacking method錛?/strong>
浜哄伐灝嗙瀛愬爢鍙犲湪鎵樼洏涓婏紝鏍規嵁鈥滃崟鍝?綆扁€濇瘮渚嬭瀹氬€艱揪鍒版墭鐩樺爢鍙犳暟閲忔椂鑷姩鎵撳嵃鍨涙爣鎴栫敓鎴愯櫄鎷熷灈鐮丮anually stack boxes on pallets, and automatically print stack marks or generate virtual stack codes when the set value of " single item - box" ratio reaches the number of pallets stacked.
2銆佽嚜鍔ㄧ爜鍨涙柟寮廇utomatic stacking mode錛?/span>
鐮佸灈鍓嶅畨瑁呬竴涓浐瀹氭壂鎻忓櫒璇誨彇綆辨爣錛岀爜鍨涙満鑷姩鐮佸灈錛屽灈鐮佺殑鐢熸垚鍙牴鎹瘮渚嬫垨鑰呯爜鍨涙満瀹屾垚淇″彿錛汢efore stacking, a fixed scanner is installed to read the box label, and the stacker automatically stacks, and the stacking code can be generated according to the proportion or the stacker completion signal.
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮涓氬姟嫻佺▼Tracing process錛?/strong>
鍏ュ簱be put in storage
1銆佺敓浜у叆搴撴柟寮廝roduction and warehousing methods錛?/span>
Automatic warehousing after production without manual operation
2銆佹壂鎻忓叆搴撴柟寮廠canning and warehousing methods錛?/span>
A full stack of swept boxes can be put into storage in the whole stack, while less than one stack can be scanned and put into storage one by one,
3銆佺粦瀹氫駭鍝佷俊鎭痓inding product information
4銆佺粦瀹氱墿嫻佷俊鎭疊inding Logistics Information
5銆佺粦瀹氱粡閿€鍟咮inding Dealers
6銆佸彂璐ф暟閲忕粺璁?Statistics of Shipment Quantity
鍑哄簱delivery of cargo from storage
絎竴姝tep 1錛氫粨鍌ㄩ儴鍒朵綔鍑哄簱鍗曪紝緇戝畾緇忛攢鍟嗐€佺墿嫻佷俊鎭€佷駭鍝佷俊鎭€佸彂璐ф暟閲忥紙鏀寔涓€鍗曞浜у搧鏃跺彂璐э級Warehousing Department makes issue documents, binding dealers, logistics information, product information and shipment quantity ( supports shipment when there is more than one product )
絎簩姝tep 2錛氬彂璐у憳浣跨敤PDA鎵弿鏋笅杞藉嚭搴撳崟錛屽茍鎸夌/鍨涙壂鎻忥紝杈懼埌鍙戣揣鏁伴噺鏃惰嚜鍔ㄦ彁紺猴紱The consignor downloads the issue document with PDA scanning gun and scans it by box / stack to automatically prompt when the delivery quantity is reached.
絎笁姝tep 3錛氫笂浼犲彂璐ф暟鎹甎pload shipment data錛?/span>
( Outbound system supports wireless network operation, easy operation, fast delivery and less manual operation )
Product tracking: system background query,
Anti - channeling inquiry: system background inquiry, special ( inspection treasure ) inspection ( optional )
Anti - counterfeiting inquiry ( optional ): China Pesticide Safety Traceability Platform, WeChat, SMS, Voice, Mobile Phone,
Marketing application ( optional ): points, e-commerce and WeChat promotion
Anti - counterfeiting: Each two-dimensional code is unique and cannot be copied by others;
1銆佷細鍛樼Н鍒嗭細娑堣垂鑰呮壂鎻忎駭鍝佷簩緇寸爜錛屾墜鏈哄彿娉ㄥ唽緇戝畾錛屾瘡鎵竴涓爜寰楀埌鐩稿簲縐垎錛屼紒涓氬彲鑷繁瀹氫箟縐垎瑙勫垯銆侻embership Points: Consumers scan product two-dimensional codes, mobile phone numbers are registered and bound, each code is scanned to get corresponding points, and enterprises can define their own points rules.
2銆佺粡閿€鍟嗘墜鏈烘壂鎻忓嚭搴擄細緇忛攢鍟嗘敞鍐岀敵璇瘋處鍙鳳紝閫氳繃鎵弿浜у搧鎴栫涓婄殑浜岀淮鐮侊紝榪涜鍙戣揣錛涗紒涓氬唴閮ㄩ€氳繃鍚庡彴寰楀埌鐩稿簲鏁版嵁錛岀煡閬撶粡閿€鍟嗘槸鍚︾獪璐у強浜у搧閿€鍞儏鍐點€俆he dealer's mobile phone scans and issues the goods: the dealer applies for account registration and issues the goods by scanning the two-dimensional code on the product or box; The enterprise obtains the corresponding data through the background to know whether the dealer has jumped the goods and sold the products.
鍐滆嵂浜у搧婧簮鐮佺殑鏍煎紡璁捐Format design錛?/strong>
鐡剁爜鎴栧寘鐮丅ottle code or package code錛?/span>
unique identity code ( digital code, bar code, two-dimensional code, which can be determined by the enterprise );
渚嬪For example錛?/span>
X0001 4241 0 1 2 00000000001錛?/span>
浼佷笟浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡錛?浣嶏級+鍖呰浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+姣掓€т唬鐮侊紙1浣嶏級+鐜繚浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+闅忔満鐮侊紙12浣嶏級銆傦紙浠呬緵鍙傝€冿紝鍙仛璋冩暣錛夛紱enterprise code ( 5 bits ) + production date ( 4 bits ) + packaging code ( 1 bit ) + toxicity code ( 1 bit ) + environmental protection code ( 1 bit ) + random code ( 12 bits ). ( for reference only, can be adjusted );
綆辯爜Box code錛?/span>鍗蟲椂鎵撳嵃璐存爣鎴栬€呭柗鐮佹満鍠峰嵃綆辯爜immediate printing of labels or printing of box codes by a printer錛?/span>
渚嬪For example錛?/span>
X0001 4241 0 1 2 000000000001錛?/span>
浼佷笟浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡錛?浣嶏級+鍖呰浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+姣掓€т唬鐮侊紙1浣嶏級+鐜繚浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+闅忔満鐮侊紙12浣嶏級銆傦紙浠呬緵鍙傝€冿紝鍙仛璋冩暣錛夛紱enterprise code ( 5 bits ) + production date ( 4 bits ) + packaging code ( 1 bit ) + toxicity code ( 1 bit ) + environmental protection code ( 1 bit ) + random code ( 12 bits ). ( for reference only, can be adjusted );
璺虹爜Stamping code錛?/span>
printing stack code immediately; It can also be stamped virtually without printing labels, thus saving the cost for the enterprise.
渚嬪For example錛?/span>
X0001 4241 0 1 2 000000000001錛?/span>
浼佷笟浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+鐢熶駭鏃ユ湡錛?浣嶏級+鍖呰浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+姣掓€т唬鐮侊紙1浣嶏級+鐜繚浠g爜錛?浣嶏級+闅忔満鐮侊紙12浣嶏級錛堜粎渚涘弬鑰冿紝鍙仛璋冩暣錛塭nterprise code ( 5 digits ) + production date ( 4 digits ) + packaging code ( 1 digit ) + toxicity code ( 1 digit ) + environmental protection code ( 1 digit ) + random code ( 12 digits ) ( for reference only and can be adjusted )