浜旂浘鍐滀駭鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄥ彲榪芥函鎬т綋緋?/strong>Introduction to the Traceability System
浜旂浘鍐滀駭鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄧ殑鍙拷婧€т綋緋誨緩璁劇粨鍚堢墿鑱旂綉銆佷簯璁$畻銆佸ぇ鏁版嵁銆丷FID銆丯FC浠ュ強LBS鍦扮悊淇℃伅絳夋妧鏈紝閫氳繃鎰熺煡璁懼銆侀€氳緗戠粶RFID銆侀槻浼爣絳俱€佷簩緇寸爜銆佷竴緇寸爜絳夎澶囨妧鏈紝涓哄啘浜у搧寤虹珛鈥滆韓浠借瘉鈥濆埗搴︼紝瀹炵幇鍐滀駭鍝佺殑鍩哄湴鐢熶駭銆佸姞宸ユ祦閫氥€佸啘孌嬫嫻嬬殑淇℃伅鐨勫叏紼嬪彲榪芥函錛屾墦閫犲啘浜у搧鍝佺墝錛屽疄鐜扮煡鏍規函婧愩€傚茍閫氳繃閮ㄧ講鍦ㄥ啘浣滅墿浜у尯鐜板満鐨勫悇縐嶄紶鎰熷櫒銆佹帶鍒跺櫒銆佺洃嫻嬬珯鍜屾憚鍍忓ご錛屽叏闈㈠睍鐜板拰鐩戞祴鍩哄湴鐜板満鐨勫ぇ姘旂幆澧冦€佸湡澹ょ幆澧冦€佹按璐ㄧ幆澧冦€佷綔鐗╅暱鍔褲€佽澶囪繍琛岀姸鎬併€佺梾铏鎯呭喌絳夛紝鎺ㄥ姩鍐滀駭鍝佲€滃畨鍏紝楂樿川錛屾爣鍑嗗寲鈥濈敓浜э紝鎻愰珮鍐滀笟鐢熶駭鏅鴻兘鍖栥€佺粡钀ョ綉緇滃寲銆佺鐞嗘暟鎹寲銆佹湇鍔″湪綰垮寲姘村鉤.Five shield agricultural products traceability system combines internet of things, cloud computing, big data and LBS geographic information technology to establish an " identity card" system for agricultural products through sensing equipment, communication network RFID, anti-counterfeiting labels and two-dimensional codes, so as to realize the traceability of agricultural products' base production, processing and circulation, and agricultural residue detection throughout the process, create agricultural products brands and realize the traceability of knowledge. Through various sensors, controllers, monitoring stations and cameras deployed on the site of the crop production area, the air environment, soil environment, water quality environment, crop growth, equipment operation status, diseases and insect pests on the site of the base will be fully displayed and monitored to promote " safe, high - quality, standardized" production of agricultural products and improve the level of intelligence, network management, data management and online service of agricultural production.
浣撶郴緋葷粺鐗圭偣System characteristics錛?/strong>
鏍規嵁緋葷粺寤鴻鏍囧噯鍙婁笟鍔¢渶姹傦紝鎬諱綋妗嗘灦浠ラ珮鍐呰仛錛屼綆鑰﹀悎涓烘寚瀵兼€濇兂錛屼互鍓嶇灮鎬у師鍒欍€佸疄鐢ㄦ€у師鍒欍€佸畨鍏ㄦ€у師鍒欍€佹墿灞曟€у拰寮€鏀炬€т負璁捐鍘熷垯銆備繚璇佺郴緇熺殑鍏堣繘鎬э紝浼哥緝鎬с€侫ccording to the system construction standards and business requirements, the overall framework takes high cohesion and low coupling as its guiding ideology, and takes forward-looking principles, practical principles, security principles, expansibility and openness as its design principles. To ensure the advanced and flexible nature of the system.
浣撶郴緋葷粺鍔熻兘Main function
浜旂浘鍐滀駭鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄧ殑鍙拷婧€т綋緋葷郴緇熷皢鈥滅墿鑱旂綉錛岀Щ鍔ㄤ簰鑱旂綉錛屼簯璁$畻鈥濇妧鏈笌浼犵粺鍐滀笟鐢熶駭鐩哥粨鍚堬紝鍏ㄩ潰璁板綍鍜屽睍鐜板啘浜у搧鐢熶駭榪囩▼涓悇綾誨叧閿妭鐐圭殑淇℃伅錛涙秷璐硅€呴€氳繃鎵弿鍐滀駭鍝佸寘瑁呬笂鐨勪簩緇寸爜/鏉″艦鐮佽繘琛屾函婧愭煡璇紝婧簮?。妗垶畣鍖呭惈锛氱敓漶斾紒涓氫俊鎭€佷駭鍝佷俊鎭€佸啘浜嬭繃紼嬩俊鎭€佸叧閿湡鐢熼暱鐓х墖銆佸啘鑽寲鑲ョ敤閲忋€佺幆澧冩暟鎹€佽繙紼嬭棰戠洃鎺у拰璐拱娓犻亾絳夈€?nbsp;The 5D agricultural product traceability system combines " internet of things, mobile internet, cloud computing" technology with traditional agricultural production to comprehensively record and display information of various key nodes in the agricultural product production process. Consumers can trace back to the source by scanning the two-dimensional code / bar code on the packaging of agricultural products. The trace files will include production enterprise information, product information, agricultural process information, critical growth photos, pesticide and fertilizer usage, environmental data, remote video monitoring and purchase channels, etc.
鐢熶駭绔疨roduction side
:promote " safe, high - quality, standardized" production of agricultural products;
娑堣垂绔疌onsumer side
Build a bridge between rural and urban areas so that consumers can more intuitively understand the scene and process of agricultural production.
浜т笟绔疘ndustry end
Improve the level of intelligence of agricultural production, network management, data management and online service.
浣撶郴緋葷粺縐誨姩绔疢obile end of system
鏀寔璺熺墿鑱旂綉鐩戞祴鐨勮仈鍔紝鎺ユ敹鍒扮幇鍦洪璀︿俊鍙峰悗浼氭寜鐓ч鍏堣瀹氱殑瑙勫垯榪涜鑷姩鎺у埗鎿嶄綔錛涙敮鎸侀璁炬椂闂村拰榪愯鍛ㄦ湡錛屽埌杈鵑璁炬潯浠跺悗緋葷粺灝嗚嚜鍔ㄦ搷浣滅幇鍦鴻澶囧畬鎴愭帶鍒跺姩浣滐紙鐏屾簤銆佸姞娓╃瓑錛夈€傜敤鎴瘋兘澶熷厖鍒嗗彂鎸ヨ嚜宸辯殑綆$悊鎬濇兂銆佺鐞嗙悊蹇點€佺鐞嗘柟娉曞拰絳栫暐錛屽疄鐜頒俊鎭櫤鑳藉寲鐩戞祴鍜岃嚜鍔ㄥ寲鎿嶄綔錛屾湁鏁堟暣鍚堝唴澶栭儴璧勬簮錛屾彁楂樺埄鐢ㄦ晥鐜囥€係upport linkage with Internet of Things monitoring, and automatically control operation according to preset rules after receiving on-site early warning signals; Support the preset time and operation cycle. After reaching the preset conditions, the system will automatically operate the field equipment to complete the control actions ( irrigation, heating, etc. ). Users can give full play to their management ideas, management concepts, management methods and strategies, realize intelligent monitoring and automatic operation of information, effectively integrate internal and external resources and improve utilization efficiency.
浣撶郴緋葷粺緋葷粺鏁堝簲systemic effect
1銆佹牴鎹駭鍝佺殑浜岀淮鐮佸彲榪芥函鍒板啘浜у搧鐨勭妞嶇幆鑺傘€佸煿鑲茬幆鑺傘€佷駭鍝佽璇佷俊鎭€佹湁鏈鴻瘉璇佷俊鎭€佸寲鑲ヤ嬌鐢ㄦ儏鍐點€佸啘鑽嬌鐢ㄦ儏鍐點€佺敓闀垮懆鏈熷疄鏃剁洃鎺х瓑銆侫ccording to the product's two-dimensional code, it can be traced back to the planting link, cultivation link, product certification information, organic certification information, fertilizer use, pesticide use and real-time monitoring of growth cycle of agricultural products.
2銆侀棶棰樿川閲忎駭鍝佸揩寮熷搷搴旓紝絎竴鏃墮棿鏌ユ壘闂浜у搧鐨勮繃紼嬬幆鑺傘€佸彂璐у尯鍩熴€佸彂璐ф暟閲忕瓑銆俁espond quickly to the problem quality products and find out the process link, delivery area and delivery quantity of the problem products in the first place.
3銆佹彁渚涗駭鍝佺敓浜т緵搴旈摼闂幆鏁版嵁淇℃伅錛岄槻姝㈠洜闂浜у搧閫犳垚鐨勬伓鎰忕儲璧斾簨浠躲€備負浜у搧鎻愪緵鏈夋晥鐨勮川閲忔楠岃瘉鎹€侾rovide closed-loop data information of product production supply chain to prevent malicious claim events caused by problem products. Provide effective quality inspection evidence for products.
4銆侀槻姝駭鍝佸湪甯傚満嫻侀€氫腑鐨勬伓鎰忕獪璐ц涓恒€俆o prevent the product in the market circulation of malicious channeling behavior.
5銆佸悇綾繪暟鎹艦鎴愮數瀛愮粺璁¤〃錛岄櫎浣庝漢鍔涚粺璁℃墍鑰楄垂鐨勮祫婧愭垚鏈€侫ll kinds of data form electronic statistical tables, except for the low resource cost of manpower statistics.
6銆侀€氳繃緋葷粺錛屼紒涓氬悇灞傛潈闄愬彲浜嗚В鐢熶駭鐜妭鍙婇攢鍞幆鑺傜殑璇︾粏鏁版嵁錛屼負鍐崇瓥鑰呮彁渚涙湁鍔涚殑鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽渚濇嵁銆俆hrough the system, all levels of authority of the enterprise can understand the detailed data of production and sales links and provide a powerful data analysis basis for decision makers.
7銆佸疄鐜頒駭鍝佺殑鍏ㄨ繃紼嬬敓浜х鐞嗘暟瀛楀寲錛岄伩鍏嶅師濮嬫墜宸ヤ綔涓氱殑澶辮錛屾彁楂樼敓浜ф晥鐜囥€侱igitize the whole process of product production management, avoid mistakes in original manual operation and improve production efficiency.
8銆侀€氳繃鍚勭幆鑺傜殑鐩戞帶錛屽彲鐩戞帶鍚勭敓浜т綔涓氱幆鑺傚伐浜虹殑浣滀笟姘村鉤鍙婅兘鍔涖€備負鎻愰珮浜у搧璐ㄩ噺鍚堟牸鐜囪揪鍒頒績榪涚殑浣滅敤銆俆hrough the monitoring of each link, the working level and ability of workers in each production link can be monitored. In order to improve the qualified rate of product quality, it plays a role of promotion.
9銆佷緷鎹競鍦虹粓绔攢鍞暟鎹殑緇熻錛屽彲浜嗚В浜у搧鍦ㄥ競鍦轟腑鐨勬椿鍔ㄦ儏鍐碉紝浜嗚В娑堣垂鑰呬俊鎭紝涓轟簩嬈¤惀閿€涓庡悗鏈熷畾鍒舵彁渚涙渶鏈夋晥鏈€瀹為檯鐨勫垎鏋愬喅絳栦緷鎹€?nbsp;According to the statistics of market terminal sales data, we can understand the activities of products in the market and consumer information, providing the most effective and practical analysis and decision-making basis for secondary marketing and post - customization.