鐢熺尓鑲夊搧璐ㄦ函婧愮郴緇烼racing system
鏈郴緇熸槸闆嗗睜瀹扮洃綆″瓙緋葷粺銆佽倝鍝佽川閲忓畨鍏ㄥ彲榪芥函瀛愮郴緇熴€佽倝鍝佸喎閾劇鐞嗗瓙緋葷粺鐨勫熀浜嶳FID鎶€鏈殑鐢熺尓鑲夊搧璐ㄦ函婧愮郴緇熴€傚皢鐢熺尓鍏繪畺銆佸睜瀹板拰鑲夊搧鍔犲伐銆佽繍杈撱€佹壒鍙戙€侀浂鍞瓑綰沖叆鐚倝渚涘簲閾懼叏紼嬪湪綰跨洃綆★紝浣挎斂搴滈儴闂ㄦ湁闄愮殑鐩戠浜哄憳鏃犺鍦ㄤ綍鏃躲€佷綍鍦幫紝鍧囧彲瀵逛換浣曢渶瑕佺洃綆$殑鐜妭榪涜榪滅▼綆$悊鍜岀洃鐫o紝瀵逛簬鐚倝鍒跺搧鏉ユ簮鐨勬瘡涓幆鑺傞兘鍙繘琛屽疄鏃剁殑榪芥函鏌ヨ瘉錛岀‘淇濆湪鍙戠敓椋熷搧瀹夊叏浜嬫晠鏃惰矗浠昏拷絀跺噯紜€佸強鏃訛紝棰勮銆佸彫鍥炴帾鏂芥湁鏁堛€佸埌浣嶃€傜粓绔祦閫氫篃鍙殢鏃舵煡鐪嬬浉鍏充俊鎭€俆his system is a raw pork quality traceability system based on RFID technology, which integrates slaughter supervision subsystem, meat quality and safety traceability subsystem and meat cold chain management subsystem. By bringing pig breeding, slaughtering and meat processing, transportation, wholesale and retail into the whole online supervision of the pork supply chain, the limited supervision personnel of government departments can remotely manage and supervise any link that needs supervision at any time and place, and can carry out real-time retrospective verification of each link of pork products to ensure accurate and timely accountability in the event of food safety accidents, and effective and in place early warning and recall measures. The terminal circulation can also view relevant information at any time.
鐢熺尓鑲夊搧璐ㄦ函婧愮郴緇熸灦鏋剆ystem structure錛?/strong>
鐢熺尓鑲夊搧璐ㄩ噺淇℃伅婧簮緋葷粺鏄潰瀵圭鐞嗚緰鍖哄唴鐨勭敓鐚吇孌栧満銆佸畾鐐瑰睜瀹板満銆佸喎閾捐繍杈撶幆鑺傘€佽倝鍝佹壒鍙戝競鍦恒€佸啘璐稿競鍦虹殑鑲夊搧鎽婁綅銆佸ぇ鍨嬭秴甯傚拰澶у崠鍦恒€侀楗紒涓氬拰瀹氱偣鍗曚綅鐨勭敓鐚強鑲夊埗鍝佺殑璐ㄩ噺瀹夊叏鍙拷婧郴緇熴€傚畠鍒╃敤緇戝畾鍦ㄧ敓鐚互鍙婄尓鑲変笂鐨凴FID鐢靛瓙鏍囩鍜屼緵搴旈摼涓婂悇涓氬姟鐢ㄦ埛涓嶅悓IC韜喚鍗′俊鎭浉鍏寵仈錛屽茍閫氳繃鏃犵嚎浼犺緭鎶€鏈疄鏃朵笂浼犱緵搴旈摼涓婄尓鑲夌殑嫻佸悜鍙樺寲鑷充腑蹇冩暟鎹簱錛屼笉浠呭悇涓氬姟鐢ㄦ埛鎸夋潈闄愮櫥褰曞鉤鍙扮郴緇熷彲浠ラ殢鏃惰幏鍙栬嚜韜湪鏀垮簻鏁版嵁涓績瀛樺偍鐨勬瘡鏃ヤ笟鍔℃暟鎹紝鑰屼笖鏀垮簻鍚勪笟鍔¢儴闂ㄤ篃鍙寜鑷繁綆¤緰鏉冮檺瀵逛緵搴旈摼涓婂悇鐜妭瀹炵幇鍦ㄧ嚎瀹炴柦鐩戠錛屼負淇濊瘉鐚倝椋熷搧瀹夊叏鎻愪緵浜嗚壇濂界殑鎶€鏈敮鎾戞墜孌點€俆he pig meat quality information traceability system is a traceability system for the quality and safety of pigs and meat products in pig farms, designated slaughterhouses, cold chain transportation links, meat wholesale markets, meat stalls in farmers markets, large supermarkets and supermarkets, catering enterprises and designated units within the jurisdiction. It uses RFID tags bound to pigs and pork to be associated with different IC identity card information of each business user in the supply chain, and uploads the pork flow in the supply chain to the central database in real time through wireless transmission technology. Not only can each business user log into the platform system according to their authority to obtain daily business data stored in the government data center at any time, but also each business department of the government can implement online supervision of each link in the supply chain according to its authority, providing a good technical support means for ensuring pork food safety.銆€銆€
閽堝鐢熺尓鑲夊搧瀹夊叏鐩戠鐗圭偣錛屾湰緋葷粺鍒嗕負鍓嶇鏁版嵁紜歡閲囬泦绔紝浠ュ強鍚庣鏁版嵁綆$悊杞歡绔袱涓儴鍒嗐€傚墠绔暟鎹噰闆嗘槸浠FID鏍稿績鎶€鏈負鍩虹瀵圭敓椴滅尓鑲夌殑鐩稿叧鐢熶駭鐜板満媧誨姩榪涜瀹炴椂鐩戞帶錛涘悗绔暟鎹鐞嗘槸鍒╃敤鏀垮簻鍚勪笟鍔$郴緇熺鐞嗗悇鐜妭涓婃姤鐨勭湡瀹炰俊鎭互鍙婂鍓嶇閲囬泦鐨勬暟鎹繘琛岀粺璁°€佸垎鏋愩€佸垎鍙戠瓑銆侫ccording to the characteristics of pig meat safety supervision, the system is divided into two parts: front-end data hardware acquisition end and back-end data management software end. Front - end data acquisition is based on RFID core technology to monitor the related production site activities of fresh pork in real time. The back-end data management is to manage the real information reported by each link of the government business system and make statistics, analysis and distribution of the data collected by the front end.
鐢熺尓鑲夊搧璐ㄦ函婧愮郴緇熸祦紼婽racing process錛?/strong>
鐢熺尓鑲夊埗鍝佷粠鍏繪畺鍒伴攢鍞富瑕佹湁浠ヤ笅鍑犱釜鐜妭錛氬吇孌栥€佸睜瀹般€佹壒鍙戞垨闆跺敭銆傛湰瑙e喅鏂規浠庣敓鐚吇孌栫幆鑺傜潃鎵嬶紝閫氳繃涓嶅悓褰㈠紡鐨凴FID鐚倝鏍囩鍜屼緵搴旈摼涓氬姟浜哄憳RFID韜喚鍗$殑瀹炴椂淇℃伅緇戝畾錛屽垎鍒悜涓嬫父鎵瑰彂鍜岄浂鍞幆鑺傞€氳繃縐誨姩鏃犵嚎閫氫俊鎶€鏈嚜鍔ㄥ寲鍦伴摼鎺ヨ川閲忎俊鎭拰鏁版嵁涓婁紶涓嬭澆錛屽疄鐜頒粠鐢熺尓鍏繪畺鍒拌倝鍝侀浂鍞粓绔浉鍏充俊鎭殑姝e悜璺熻釜錛屽悓鏃朵篃瀹炵幇浜嗚倝鍝侀浂鍞粓绔埌鐢熺尓鍏繪畺鐩稿叧淇℃伅鐨勯€嗗悜婧簮銆侳rom breeding to sales of live pig meat products, there are mainly the following links: breeding, slaughtering, wholesale or retail. The solution starts from the pig breeding link, automatically links quality information and data upload and download to the downstream wholesale and retail links through real-time information binding of different forms of RFID pork tags and RFID identity cards of supply chain operators through mobile wireless communication technology, so as to realize forward tracking of relevant information from pig breeding to meat retail terminal and reverse traceability of relevant information from meat retail terminal to pig breeding.
鍏繪畺鐜妭Breeding link
鐢熺尓鍏繪畺鍒嗕負閰嶇銆佹€€瀛曘€佸緟浜с€佷粩鐚€佸晢鍝佺尓絳変笉鍚岄樁孌碉紝浠旂尓鍑烘爮鍚庡皢浣╂埓RFID鐢靛瓙鑰蟲爣錛屽茍閫氳繃璇ョ數瀛愯€蟲爣鍏寵仈灝忕尓鐨勪笂杈堜俊鎭紝鍦ㄥ吇孌栬繃紼嬩腑鐢遍ゲ鍏誨憳閫氳繃RFID鎵嬫寔鏈哄皢姣嶇尓銆佷粩鐚強鎴愬搧鐚殑楗叉枡淇℃伅銆侀槻鐤俊鎭€佺敤鑽俊鎭€佺幆澧冧俊鎭瓑鍐欏湪鐚€蟲湹鐨凴FID鐢靛瓙鑰蟲爣涓婏紝騫墮€氳繃鏃犵嚎閫氫俊GPRS/3G涓婁紶鍒伴鍝佸畨鍏ㄥ鉤鍙版暟鎹腑蹇冿紝騫跺湪鏀垮簻鏁版嵁涓績寤虹珛瀹屾暣鐨勭尓鍙釜浣撳吇孌栨。妗堛€侾ig breeding is divided into breeding, pregnancy, waiting for delivery, piglets, commercial pigs and other different stages. Piglets will wear RFID electronic ear tags after they come out of the market. The electronic ear tags will be used to associate the information of the previous generation of piglets. In the breeding process, breeders will write feed information, epidemic prevention information, medication information and environmental information of sows, piglets and finished pigs on the RFID electronic ear tags of pigs through RFID handsets, and upload them to the food safety platform data center through wireless communication GPRS / 3G, and establish a complete individual pig breeding file in the government data center.
灞犲鐜妭Slaughtering link
銆€銆€鐢熺尓榪愭姷鍘傚尯錛岄鍏堣鏌ユ澧冨湴鍔ㄧ墿媯€鐤瘉鎴栦駭鍦版鐤瘉銆佹秷姣掕瘉銆佸厤鐤崱浠ュ強寤虹珛鐢熺尓灞犲?。妗堝Q岀劧鍚庤繘琛岀敓鐚睜瀹頒互鍙婃垚鍝佹楠屻€傚悎鏍肩殑鐚倝鐧芥潯緇戝畾灝勯璇嗗埆婧簮鏍囩錛屽湪鍑哄巶鏃跺皠棰戣瘑鍒€氶亾鑾峰彇鐨勭尓鑲変唬鐮佷笌RFID婧簮涓€浣撴満鑾峰彇鐨勪笅娓擱攢鍞晢鐨凴FID韜喚鍗′俊鎭嚜鍔ㄥ叧鑱斻€傚悓鏃朵竴浣撴満涔熶笌鐢靛瓙縐拌繛鎺ヨ幏鍙栭噸閲忥紝涓€浣撴満鎵撳嵃鍏鋒函婧愮郴緇熻倝鍝佷氦鏄撳嚟璇併€傝鎵瑰嚭鍘傝倝鍝佺殑婧簮緙栫爜銆侀噸閲忋€佷笅娓鎬拱瀹剁瓑淇℃伅鍚屾椂涓婁紶鑷蟲斂搴滄函婧愮洃綆$郴緇熶腑錛屾瘡鐗囩尓鑲夊搴斿敮涓€鐨勫晢瀹舵垨緇忚惀鎴鳳紝瀹炵幇灞犲鐜妭涓婄敓鐚繘鍘備笌鐧芥潯鍑哄巶鐨勪俊鎭摼鎺ャ€俉hen pigs arrive at the factory, they must first check the animal quarantine certificate or the quarantine certificate of the place of origin, the disinfection certificate, the immunization card and the establishment of pig slaughtering files, and then carry out pig slaughtering and finished product inspection. Qualified pork white strips are bound with RFID traceability labels, and pork codes obtained from the RFID channels are automatically associated with RFID identity card information of downstream vendors obtained by the RFID traceability integrated machine when they leave the factory. At the same time, the all-in-one machine is also connected with the electronic scale to obtain weight, and the all-in-one machine prints meat transaction certificates with traceability system. The traceability code, weight, downstream buyers and other information of the batch of meat products are uploaded to the government traceability supervision system at the same time, and each piece of pork corresponds to the only merchant or operator, so as to realize the information link between the arrival of live pigs and the departure of white bars in the slaughtering process.
Wholesale Link ( Slide Trading System )
銆€銆€甯︽湁婧簮淇℃伅鐨勭尓鑲夌粡榪愯緭鎶佃揪鎵瑰彂甯傚満錛屽姙鐞嗗叆鍦烘墜緇茍媯€楠屽悎鏍煎悗榪涘叆婊戣建浜ゆ槗緋葷粺榪涜鎵瑰彂銆傚湪婊戣建浜ゆ槗緋葷粺涓紝瓚呴珮棰戣鍐欏櫒璇誨彇鐚櫧鏉$殑婧簮鏍囩錛屽茍涓庨珮棰戣鍐欏櫒璇誨彇鐨勬粦杞ㄦ寕閽╀俊鎭嚜鍔ㄥ叧鑱旓紝縐伴噸鍚庡叧鑱斾笂涓嬫父緇忚惀鑰呬俊鎭紝騫舵墦鍗頒氦鏄撳嚟璇併€備笅娓擱攢鍞晢銆佸洟璐崟浣嶅拰涓漢鍦ㄧ敓鐚壒鍙戜氦鏄撳競鍦鴻幏寰楁壒鍙戝競鍦轟氦鏄撳嚟璇併€傚湪姝ゆ垚浜ょ殑渚涘簲鍟嗗拰閿€鍞晢鐨勪氦鏄撲俊鎭繘鍏ユ斂搴滄暟鎹洃綆′腑蹇冦€侾ork with traceability information arrives at the wholesale market through transportation, goes through admission procedures and passes inspection before entering the sliding rail trading system for wholesale. In the slide rail trading system, the UHF reader reads the traceability label of pig white stripes, automatically associates with the slide rail hook information read by the high-frequency reader, associates the upstream and downstream operator information after weighing, and prints the trading voucher. Downstream sellers, group buying units and individuals obtain wholesale market transaction certificates in the wholesale pig market. The transaction information of the suppliers and sellers that are transacted here enters the government data supervision center.
闆跺敭鐜妭Retail link
闆跺敭緇堢Retail Terminal鈥斺€斿啘璐稿競鍦?/strong>Farmers Market
銆€銆€鍦ㄥ啘璐稿競鍦恒€佷究姘戣倝搴楃瓑闆跺敭緇堢榪涜閿€鍞紝鍐滆錘甯傚満緇忚惀鎴鋒墍閰嶅鐨勪笓鐢ㄧ數瀛愮О鍏鋒湁RFID鏍囩鐨勯槄璇誨姛鑳藉拰鍙拷婧俊鎭鐞嗗姛鑳斤紝璇誨彇RFID鏍囩鏁版嵁浠ュ悗鍐嶇О閲忔瘡鍧楀垏鍓茬尓鑲夋椂錛屽叾鎵撳嵃鐨勯攢鍞皬紲ㄤ笂鍙爣娉ㄧ尓鑲夎瘑鍒爜錛屽悓鏃跺皢姣忔縐伴噸鏁版嵁涓婁紶鍒版瘡涓啘璐稿競鍦虹鐞嗘柟鐨勬湇鍔″櫒錛屽啀閫氳繃浜掕仈緗戝疄鏃朵笂浼犳斂搴滄暟鎹腑蹇冦€係elling at retail terminals such as farmers' markets and convenience meat shops, the special electronic scales equipped by farmers' market operators have RFID tag reading function and traceability information processing function. When each piece of cut pork is weighed after reading RFID tag data, the printed sales receipt can be marked with the pork identification code, and each weighing data is uploaded to the server of each farmers' market manager, and then uploaded to the government data center in real time via the Internet.
Circulation Terminal - Supermarket Supermarket and Direct Pork Shop
銆€銆€鍦ㄨ秴甯傚ぇ鍗栧満鍐呯粍鍚堝簲鐢ㄥ叿鏈変笓鍒╂妧鏈殑鍒嗗壊婧簮涓€浣撴満銆佸崠鍦烘函婧愪竴浣撴満鎴朚INI鍨嬪崠鍦烘函婧愪竴浣撴満鍙互鏂逛究鍦頒笌鏀垮簻鏁版嵁涓績淇℃伅瀵規帴澶囨錛屽悓鏃跺皢RFID鐚倝鏍囩杞寲涓轟綆鎴愭湰鐨勪簩緇寸爜涓嶅共鑳舵爣絳炬彁渚涚粰娑堣垂鑰呬綔涓洪浂鍞函婧愬嚟璇併€俆he combined application of the split traceability all-in-one machine with patent technology, the store traceability all-in-one machine or the mini store traceability all-in-one machine in supermarkets can conveniently interface with the government data center information for filing, and at the same time, the RFID pork label can be converted into a low-cost two-dimensional code sticker to be provided to consumers as retail traceability certificates.銆€銆€
鐚倝鐩磋惀搴楃幇鍦哄垎鍓茬櫧鏉¤倝鍝佸茍棰勬憜鏀懼湪璐ф灦涓婁緵娑堣垂鑰呰嚜鐢辨寫閫夈€傞€氳繃婧簮涓€浣撴満鍙疄鐜拌鍙栫尓鑲夋爣絳懼茍鎵撳嵃鍑轟笉騫茶兌婧簮鍑瘉鎻愪緵緇欐秷璐硅€呫€傚湪涓€浣撴満鍏峰涓婄綉鏉′歡涓嬶紝鏀垮簻鐩戠騫沖彴甯傚満綆$悊鏂瑰拰灞犲浼佷笟鐩戞帶涓績鍙疄鏃舵煡鐪嬫瘡涓簵閿€鍞儏鍐碉紝鏂逛究浼佷笟榪涜蹇€熻ˉ璐ф垨鑰呭悓綾誨簵鍚屽煄璐у搧璋冨墏銆侾ork direct stores split white meat on site and put it on the shelves for consumers to choose freely. Through the traceability all-in-one machine, pork labels can be read and self-adhesive traceability certificates can be printed and provided to consumers. Under the condition that all-in-one machines have access to the Internet, the market manager of the government supervision platform and the monitoring center of slaughter enterprises can check the sales situation of each store in real time so as to facilitate enterprises to make quick replenishment or adjust goods in the same city of similar stores.
Tracing to the Source Inquiry and Supervision:
銆€銆€鍦ㄧ敓鐚倝鍒跺搧浜ゆ槗榪囩▼涓紝緇忚惀鑰呮垨鏈€緇堟秷璐硅€呴兘灝嗚幏寰楃敓鐚倝鍒跺搧婧簮鏍囩錛屽叾涓寘鎷函婧愪唬鐮併€傜粡钀ヨ€呮垨鑰呮秷璐硅€呴€氳繃鑷姪鏌ヨ緇堢銆佷簰鑱旂綉銆佹煡璇㈢數璇濄€佺煭淇$瓑鏂瑰紡杈撳叆鐢熺尓鑲夊埗鍝佹函婧愪唬鐮侊紝榪涜璐ㄩ噺淇℃伅榪芥函鏌ヨ錛屽嵆鍙簡瑙f墍璐拱鐚倝鐨勫吇孌栧満鍦般€佸睜瀹板姞宸ュ満鍦般€佹楠屾鐤瓑淇℃伅銆侷n the process of trading live pig meat products, operators or final consumers will obtain the traceability label of live pig meat products, including the traceability code. Operators or consumers can enter the traceability code of pig meat products through self-help inquiry terminals, the Internet, inquiry telephones, short messages and other means, and trace the quality information so as to know the breeding grounds, slaughter and processing sites, inspection and quarantine information of the purchased pork.銆€銆€
鍦ㄥ叡鐢ㄤ竴涓暟鎹腑蹇冪殑鐪併€佸競銆佸尯鍘夸笁綰т笟鍔$鐞嗗鉤鍙頒笅錛屽晢鍔°€佸啘濮斻€佸伐鍟嗐€佽川媯€銆佸崼鐢熺瓑鏀垮簻閮ㄩ棬宸ヤ綔浜哄憳鍙互闅忔椂閫氳繃浜掕仈緗戞寜鍚勮嚜鏉冮檺榪涘叆緋葷粺鏌ョ湅鏁翠釜嫻佺▼鐨勮繍琛岀姸鍐靛強鍏崇郴鍒頒笌鏈儴闂ㄦ湁鍏崇殑鐢熺尓浜у搧鎯呭喌銆傚伐鍟嗛儴闂ㄧ杈栫殑鍚勫競鍦哄紑鍔炴柟閰嶅RFID宸℃煡鎵嬫寔鏈猴紝瀵硅繘鍏ュ競鍦哄敭鍗栫殑鐚倝榪涜宸℃錛岀幇鍦烘楠孯FID鏍囩璇誨彇鍚庡彴鏁版嵁錛屽啀姣斿鍟嗗鐨勮倝鍝佷氦鏄撳嚟璇佸拰鈥滀袱绔犱竴璇佲€濈瓑綰歌川鎵嬬畫錛岀湡姝f寜鍟嗗姟閮ㄨ姹傚仛鍒扳€滃崟鍗¤瘉鈥濅笁鑰呭悓琛岋紝鏉滅粷涓嶈揪鏍囩殑鐚倝榪涘叆嫻侀€氬競鍦恒€俇nder the provincial, municipal, district and county business management platform sharing a data center, government departments such as commerce, agriculture, industry and commerce, quality inspection, and health can enter the system at any time through the internet to check the operation of the whole process and the pig products related to the department. The market operators under the jurisdiction of the industrial and commercial departments are equipped with RFID patrol handsets to patrol pork entering the market, inspect the RFID tags on the spot to read the background data, and then compare the meat transaction certificates of the merchants with the " two chapters and one certificate" and other paper procedures, so as to truly follow the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce to achieve " single card certificate" and prevent substandard pork from entering the circulation market.