灝哛FID鍜屾俯搴﹁褰曠粨鍚堣€屾垚鐨勬柊鍨嬬洃嫻嬬數瀛愭爣絳撅紝鍦ㄥ畬鎴愮墿璧勮韓浠借瘑鍒殑鍚屾椂鍙堝鍏舵墍澶勭殑鐜娓╁害榪涜嫻嬮噺鍜岃褰曪紝騫剁敤璇誨崱鍣ㄤ究鎹鋒彁鍙栧偍榪愯繃紼嬩腑鐨勬俯搴﹀€鹼紝鍙洿瑙傚湴鍒ゆ柇鐗╄祫鍌ㄨ繍榪囩▼涓幆澧冩俯搴︽槸鍚﹁秴榪囧厑璁歌寖鍥達紝瀹炵幇鍝佽川鍏ㄨ繃紼嬭拷婧€俆he new monitoring electronic tag, which combines RFID and temperature recording, measures and records the environmental temperature of the materials while completing the identification of the materials. The temperature value in the storage and transportation process can be conveniently ext
闃呰璇︾粏鍩轟簬涓撶敤闃蹭吉鑺墖鐨勮尪鍙墮槻浼函婧愬鉤鍙癟ea security traceability Platform Based on Special Anti - counterfeit Chip涓撶敤鑺墖闃蹭吉騫沖彴瑕嗙洊鑼跺彾鈥滅敓浜?嫻侀€?閿€鍞?娑堣垂鈥濆叏嫻佺▼錛屾槸鈥滀笓鐢ㄩ槻浼姱鐗?澶ф暟鎹€濆湪鑼墮鍩熺殑鍏瘋薄搴旂敤銆俆he special chip anti-counterfeiting platform covers the whole process of " production - circulation - sale - consumption" of tea, and is the concrete application of " special anti-counterfeiting chip + big data" in the field of tea.鈭?鍏?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
澶╃嚎灝哄鍙牴鎹爣絳捐鏍艱璁ntenna size can be designed according to label specifications.浜旂浘縐戞妧鐨勯槻杞Щ鑺墖闃蹭吉鏍囬噰鐢ㄧ殑鑺墖INLAY涓庢槗紕嶪NLAY涓嶅悓錛屽叾鐗圭偣鏄綋鑺墖INLAY涓庡悎鎴愮焊錛岄摐鏉跨焊錛屾槗紕庣焊絳夋潗鏂欏皝瑁呭鍚堝悗璐翠簬鍟嗗搧涓婏紝褰撴爣絳捐鎻惎鍚庯紝鍏朵腑涓€閮ㄤ喚INAYL涓庡墺紱葷焊涓€璧瘋劚紱伙紝涓€閮ㄤ喚INLAY鐣欏湪浜嗚璐寸墿涓婏紝姝ゆ椂錛屾爣絳劇牬鍧忥紝鍚屾椂鐢變簬澶╃嚎鏂錛岃姱鐗囨暟鎹棤娉曡鍐嶆璇嗚銆備粠鑰岃揪鍒版爣絳捐鏁翠綋杞Щ鐨勭洰鐨勶紝榪涗竴姝ユ彁楂樹簡闃蹭吉鎬ц兘銆俆he anti-counterfeit label of anti-transfer chip of wudun Technology uses chip INLAY which is different from fragile INLAY. It is characterized in that wh