鍩轟簬涓撶敤闃蹭吉鑺墖鐨勮尪鍙墮槻浼函婧愬鉤鍙癟ea security traceability Platform Based on Special Anti - counterfeit Chip涓撶敤鑺墖闃蹭吉騫沖彴瑕嗙洊鑼跺彾鈥滅敓浜?嫻侀€?閿€鍞?娑堣垂鈥濆叏嫻佺▼錛屾槸鈥滀笓鐢ㄩ槻浼姱鐗?澶ф暟鎹€濆湪鑼墮鍩熺殑鍏瘋薄搴旂敤銆俆he special chip anti-counterfeiting platform covers the whole process of " production - circulation - sale - consumption" of tea, and is the concrete application of " special anti-counterfeiting chip + big data" in the field of tea.鈭?鍏?/p> 闃呰璇︾粏
NTAG 413 DNA 甯︽潵浜咥ES瀵嗙爜璁よ瘉錛屽交搴曟敼鍙樹簡NTAG鐨勪駭鍝佺粍鍚堬紝鍙渶鎰熷簲鏍囩灝卞彲浠ヨ嚜鍔ㄥ畨鍏ㄥ湴榪炴帴鍒扮綉緇滄湇鍔★紝鑰屾棤闇€鍦ㄧЩ鍔∟FC璁懼涓婂畨瑁呬笓鐢ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忋€侼TAG 413 DNA revolutionizes NTAG product portfolio by bringing AES cryptographicauthentication and allows to automatically and securely connect to a web service by just tapping the tag without the need of a dedicated app installed on the mobile NFC device.闄XP鍘熷垱絳懼悕鍜屼笁閬撳弻鍚戣璇佷箣澶栵紝瀹冭繕寮曞叆浜嗕竴縐嶆柊鐨勫畨鍏ㄧ壒鎬э紝縐頒負鈥滃畨鍏ㄥ敮涓€鐨凬FC娑堟伅(SUN)鈥濓紝瀹冨湪姣忔璇誨彇鏃惰嚜鍔ㄧ敓