鍙岄RFID鏄寚鍒╃敤涓や釜棰戞鍚屾椂宸ヤ綔鐨凴FID鎶€鏈紝鍙吋瀹逛袱涓孌靛悇鑷殑浼樼偣銆侱ual-frequency RFID refers to the RFID technology that uses two frequency bands to work at the same time, which can be compatible with the respective advantages of the two frequency bands.搴旂敤鑼冨洿Scope of application錛氫綋鑲茶繍鍔⊿ports錛氱敯寰勪腑闀胯窇銆佺珵璧般€侀┈鎷夋澗銆侀搧浜轟笁欏廣€佹帴鍔涜禌銆佹父娉熾€佽嚜琛岃濺銆佹懇鎵樿濺銆佽秺閲庢粦闆€佽疆婊戙€佸崱涓佽濺銆佽€冩牳鍙婃瘮璧涚瓑銆?nbsp;track and field middle and long distance running, walking race, marathon, triat
闃呰璇︾粏鍚嶇ОName 鍙傛暟Parameter 鍨嬪彿 WD-SPXP111Inlay灝哄 鍙畾鍒跺ぉ綰挎柟寮?nbsp; 閾濊殌鍒? 灝勯棰戞 13.56MHZ錛?60锝?60Mhz閫氳鍗忚 ISO14443 ISO15693 ISO18000-C灝佽鑺墖 FM11RF08 Higgs-3 Alien 9662浣跨敤瀵垮懡 100000錛堟錛?nbsp;HF+UHF