閲嶅簡浜旂浘縐戞妧鏄竴瀹朵笓涓氫粠浜嬭姱鐗囬槻浼€佽拷婧殑楂樼鎶€闆嗘垚鍏徃錛屼簬2019騫?鏈?0鏃ヨ幏寰楃敱閲嶅簡鐢熶駭鍔涗績榪涗腑蹇冨埗鍙戠殑銆婇噸搴嗗競縐戞妧鍨嬩紒涓氱煡璇嗕環鍊間俊鐢ㄨ瘎浠蜂功銆嬨€侰hongqing wudun technology is a high-tech integration company specializing in chip anti-counterfeiting and tracing. on April 10, 2019, Chongqing productivity promotion center issued the "Chongqing science and technology enterprise knowledge value credit evaluation book".
璇勪環緇撴灉錛?019騫村害鐭ヨ瘑浠峰€間俊鐢ㄨ瘎鍒?10 鍒嗭紝絳夌駭涓?A 綰с€?/span>
Evaluation results: The 2019 annual knowledge value credit score is 10 points, with grade A.